
10 Kommentare

  • Buddy Bear
    Buddy Bear

    I don’t have a problem with the new firmware release that is available it’s just I wanted to know what it addressed and what improvements
    We’re made

  • Tom (masterX244)
    Tom (masterX244)

    According to my monitoring (yes, i got a tool that automatically checks whats available) it was released on 2nd november 2022

  • Buddy Bear
    Buddy Bear

    Does it tell you the history of what the firmware addressed my sena 50s is original not harmon karmon its version 1.2.1

  • Tom (masterX244)
    Tom (masterX244)

    Nope. My tool only does what the updater does on checking for available Firmware and then logs it with the date it was downloaded.

  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    Here is a list of the firmware updates for the 50S according to the Sena website.  Note the part number of your unit.


  • Buddy Bear
    Buddy Bear

    The firmware update for the 50s not Harmon Karmon
    Is now 1.2.1 there is no history as to what it addressed
    Your history you posted does not show the newest one
    Fir what was addressed for the 1.2.1

  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

     Sorry but can't help beyond that. If you have the current version saved you can always go back to it if it doesn't work out for you.

  • Tom (masterX244)
    Tom (masterX244)
    Or look here. This page got all old files that existed on the servers at some point. (2.XX firmware of the 50S is for a different hardware revision)

  • Buddy Bear
    Buddy Bear

    Tom as I stated in my original post I plugged in my 50 S not a Harman carman unit. It told me there was a new device manager available. I download it installed it and then it said there’s a new firmware for my unit which was 1.2.1 . If you go to the SENA website.
    There is no firmware 1.2.1 when I plugged in it found it I just wanted to know what did addressed that simple

  • Ken Thompson
    Ken Thompson

    From an email discussion I had a few months ago with Sena support, the team that is physically working on the firmware updates is *not* the team that provides the change list that's posted on the web page.  

    Right now, I'm going with a small change was the reason for the 50S V2.1.1 firmware update, since the V2.1 had a (relatively speaking) fairly significant list of updates and improvements.


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