RideConnected App Crashes Repeatedly
I downloaded the latest version of Sena RideConnected App on my iPhone 13 Pro with iOS 16.3.1 and when you attempt to do any of the following...
Add a "Profile Picture"
"Create Team"
"Join Team"
The app crashes...I have seen multiple reviews and forum threads that talk about the "UNRELIABILITY" of Sena's software.
I have NOT purchased any of their hardware products yet, I am assuming I should be able to setup this app without their PI or R2 Evo.
The Sena Cycling app wants to pair to a device first...
Can someone from Sena chime in and help me understand what I need to do to have a stable software app before purchasing the products.
I am also not sure what the difference between both apps.
Is the Sena Cycling app for bluetooth only and RideConnected for mesh?
The Sena apps only work when your phone is paired with a Sena device. You can set up any of the the sena products without using the apps. Ride Connected uses the phone connected to a sena device to connect to users beyond the range of bluetooth. such as talking to a group of riders in another state for instance. Both groups need a good cellphone connection to work. Personally, I've tried it just for grins but really didn't see a need for it for me. Here is their press release on the Ride Connected App:
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Thank you for the clarification. I plan on riding with my girlfriend and the bluetooth range sounds like a better choice.
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I use the Pi and it works great between my girlfriend and I. Sure saved a lot of yelling and associated arguing between us!
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Thanks...I will consider that one as well...
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