SC2 Charging issues


16 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Alex - Sena Support
    Alex - Sena Support

    Hi Vince LaRocca

    Does the battery reach full charge when the light turns off?

    In essence, the device incorporates a smart charging feature that is found in certain devices such as newer iPhones and laptops. This feature prevents overcharging by automatically ceasing the charging process when the battery reaches 100%. By avoiding overcharging, the device aims to prolong the battery's lifespan.

    Overcharging, which occurs when a device remains connected to the charger even when the battery is at 100%, is a primary cause of reduced battery life in many mobile devices.

  • Martin Strauss
    Martin Strauss

    It is a really good question. I´d love this function. 

  • Vince LaRocca
    Vince LaRocca

    Hey Alex, not sure if you understand what I’m asking. As the battery runs low I can’t hook up an external battery (like a power bank) to the unit. When I do that the unit shuts off. I can’t charge and use it at the same time like my 50C or 50S

  • Alex - Sena Support
    Alex - Sena Support

    Vince LaRocca

    Ah, I see now. I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous response. To clarify, I misunderstood your concern initially. You are referring to the battery discharging once disconnected, rather than not charging up to 100%.

    I've created a ticket for you.

    We will continue our communication through the ticketing system to discuss the next steps and work towards a resolution.

  • Vince LaRocca
    Vince LaRocca

    No still wrong…LOL. If I’m on the bike using the headset for 6+ hours in mesh the battery gets low.~20%. I can’t charge the battery and continue using it at the same time. The minute I hook up the cable to charge it as I’m riding the unit shuts off. I get the “goodbye” voice and its off. Is there any way to charge the unit and continue to use it at the same time

  • Alex - Sena Support
    Alex - Sena Support

    oh LOL

    yeah uhhh, let's try using the power bank while the device is already at 100% charge and see if you can replicate the same issue.

    I'll test on my end with our own power bank we make. 

    i emailed you a ticket, so if anything just update me there vs here if you can. 

  • julian bilics
    julian bilics

    Sid this get resolved? Id like to know the answer

  • Vince LaRocca
    Vince LaRocca

    Oh course it didn’t get resolved. It’s a design flaw

  • julian bilics
    julian bilics

    Are they fixing it?

  • Vince LaRocca
    Vince LaRocca

    Nope…thats the way it’s designed for “safety”

  • julian bilics
    julian bilics

    Well that a load of bollox!! There still making the other with battery pass through!!!

  • Vince LaRocca
    Vince LaRocca

    I know. It’s a garbage response.

  • julian bilics
    julian bilics

    I’ve resubmitted the question about battery pass through lets see what answers i get!

  • Kerri vans
    Kerri vans

    @basket random It's possible that the SC2 has a power management feature that automatically turns the device off when being charged to prevent overheating or other problems.

  • Robert

    This is absolutely ridiculous! I've been able to charge all of my previous Sena units while riding but after a year of complaining and talking to everyone I can get to listen I have finally broke down and purchased a second unit so I can continue my day connected. PITA to have to stop and change out the unit but better than nothing!

  • julian bilics
    julian bilics

    I won’t be buying anymore sena products, my battery discharges even when not in use, my 20 i can leave for months and its still charged! And thats 5 plus years old, if i could get my money back I would, and every time i see some wanting one these I advise don’t because of the battery issues


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