+Mesh Firmware History


2 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Alex - Sena Support
    Alex - Sena Support


    please see here for the firmware update for the +mesh

    +Mesh v2.4
    • Added Repeater Mode 
    • Added Sena +Mesh App connectivity while in Repeater Mode
    • Added the button operation to mute / unmute the microphone during Mesh Intercom
    • Added the button operation to check the current Mesh Intercom channel

    it takes a few business days for the website to update, but in this case the +mesh had received some much needed love and got some back to back updates. 

  • Wolfgang Exler
    Wolfgang Exler

    it takes a few business days for the website to update

    It's now more than two month ago since the firmware updates was published. But there is still no information on the firmware history about the changes



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