sph10h Helmet Compatibility List?


2 Kommentare

  • Jim Coons
    Jim Coons

    I totally agree! I will not return the units we have just purchased but the design for almost all current versions of half helmets is poor. If you have the HH type helmet with straps only (usually only the cheapest ones come that way) it probably fits fine. All the better HH seem to have a thicker V design and the Sena does not fit very well - as I'm sure all of you out there that have the SMH10H already know. Communication wise - the units we have are GREAT, I would never go back to the tethered J&M style solutions - "We Are Now Free." Sena just needs to do a little better design for us in the HH camp to not feel like we have to "Rig or Kludge" it together. Thanks, Jim & Lynn / 2012 Goldwing!

  • Lori Nicholson
    Lori Nicholson
    Well I feel your pain! Just purchase my first Sena SPH10-FM but won't work with the straps on my half helmet!! Any suggestions?

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