SMH5 1.1 to 1.2 firmware upgrade fail


37 Kommentare

  • Noel Gibson
    Noel Gibson

    Jeremy, I am having the same problem. I now have a dead SMH5. I would like to know how to resuscitate it. 

  • Damonbilson
    This as also happened to me , hope it gets sorted soon
  • Leonardgray

    I only wish I could get that far.  On my Mac, go through the install and get directions to hold and press phone button "until this message disappears".  Only problem is the message never disappears and pretty much locks the computer up.

    Come on Sena!

  • Leonardgray

    Follow-up.  Apparently the firmware updater doesn't like me using wi-fi connection to internet.  Works well once I turn it off.  AND, it even finishes...

  • mbz

    Jeremy & Noel, try the reset button at the back of the smh5. It's the tiny hole where you can use a paper clip to press it in. hopefully this wake up the device.

  • Damonbilson
    Reset mine ok with the small hole at the back , don't think I'll bother just yet to update it
  • Noel Gibson
    Noel Gibson

    Guys I just tried the reset button but it is still not working. The tech guys have suggested that too, but for some reason it isn't happening.

  • dshannon

    I'm having the same problem. Emailed tech support. Any one heard anything useful from them yet? I haven't...

  • Noel Gibson
    Noel Gibson

    dshannon, I have some very good fast response from the Tech Support people, and I have been told to un-install the Sena Device manager from my computer and re-install it. Did that, it still does not want to know anything past 90% and freezes my computer! Also it has wiped the memory of the SMH5 unit, which still will not turn on. So, it may be an exchange unit as it is only 3 months old!


  • dshannon
    Thanks Noel. You obviously got the gold service ;-) I am now pleased I haven't heard from them - my unit still works! I think I'll wait for a revised firmware release. Good luck with yours.
  • Noel Gibson
    Noel Gibson

    dshannon, I'll keep you informed......

  • Sena

    We are sorry for inconvenient while using Sena products,

    Mostly this symptom means firmware has been upgraded but internal working does not proceeded properly.

    We recommend you to connect SMH5 to your computer with USB wire and run Device Manager.

    Try Recognition device at "Device Recognition" tap. if it is working you can power on SMH5.

    Please contact Sena Support team if you still have a problem.

  • Jeremy Holdridge
    Jeremy Holdridge

    My SMH5 is dead, won't power on, reset or be connect via USB and device manager.  RMA requested.

  • dshannon

    Dear Sena

    The firmware hasn't updated. When connect to the device manager it is showing v.1.2sr not v.1.2. Thankfully, i am more fortunate than others posting here, as my headsets still work but they won't take the new firmware. I did put in a request in to the sena support team on December 1st - not heard anything yet.

    i'll give it while and then try again.


  • Paul Barker
    Paul Barker

    Received the same email and started the procedure. Have two helmets w/ matching units.  Both were v1.0.  On the first helmet (after reinstalling the Device Manager four individual times, I discovered that I couldn't go from 1.0 to 1.2.  It failed numerous times.  So, I started all over again with a fresh reinstall of the Device Manager which allowed me to go from 1.0 to 1.1, then from 1.1 to 1.2rc to 1.2 (why it had to go through three installs is a complete mystery).  Success! Or, so I thought.

    Hooked up the second helmet.  Had to reinstall the Device Manager yet again (uninstalling the installed version each time, beforehand) and an additional two times before it recognized the device.  This time, the install got as far as the "Push the Phone Button until this Message Disappears."  I push....and hold.... and give up at five minutes - repeatedly....  No ability to move on past this message.

    Upgrade Environment:  No bluetooth devices attached to the computer or the Sena unit during any part of the upgrade attempts.  Not connected to wi-fi, as suggested above.  No additional applications running other than the Device Manager...

    Sena Technologies - I now have one helmet that appears to be on v1.2, the other helmet appears to be a brick - only powers up and down, nothing else seems to work.  I gotta tell you that while your product works very well, the Device Manager and upgrade process, in a word, sucks.  How are we going to work this out?  [The units were purchased in May 2012, so they're clearly still under the warranty period.]  Do what's right here, for your customers, Sena....

  • Noel Gibson
    Noel Gibson

    Guys in the defence of Sena, the tech support has been right on it for me, they now agree that the unit is as dead as the proverbial Dodo and have offered to replace the unit for me. They have given me a case number and requested that I bundle it and a copy of my receipt and mail it off to them in CA, they will then send me a replacement and pay for the freight from their end. All good stuff, however I live in Australia and for me to send a parcel to CA - even if I got it away today - I would not see my replacement unit until very likely the end of January beginning of February! So I'm screwed no matter which way I go!

  • Matt

    Hi All,

    I had the same problem.  Out of the box it was equipped with version 1.1.  Installed the Sena Manager and it asked me to upgrade to version 1.2, so I did.  As detailed in this thread the update stopped at 90%.  After having to end the the process of the sena manager I disconnected the usb cable and found it would not power up.  I was going to return it today but I decided to try it again.  I uninstalled the sena manager and reinstalled it.  I also moved the usb cable from a USB3 port over to a USB2 port.  To my surprise I was successful.  It got to 70% and asked me to hold the phone and toggle dial until the message on the sena manager disappears.  This was a new step, before it would just go to 90% and hang.  After the message disappears the update completed fast and the blue light came back on, flashing next to the jog dial.  The update was successful and reports as such in the sena manager now as version 1.2.

    Solution> Either uninstall and reinstall the sena manager or move the unit to a USB2 port rather than USB3.  I did both at the same time so i'm not sure which one was the solution.


    Sena> I work for a consumer electronics company.  People generally understand bugs happen, that's where your support steps in.  My question is if people have reported their units being bricked by the update why haven't you pulled the updated from our site for further testing?  Rookie mistake.




  • Brs222

    I thought it funny that the device manager I had on my old PC worked fine and now does not on my PC with Vista. After contacting the help desk and reading the comments on this forum I have decided to keep my SMH5's with the version they have (they are working fine). I agree with you Matt. After being asked to try this and that to get the update to work I sent the following reply to their email. "After reading posts on your site by other smh5 users who have had their devices rendered useless by this update I think I will keep my device as it is. Customers should not have to jump through hoops to update with YOUR software. Fix the update and manager issues then let me know with some assurance that the update is simple and will work correctly. Your customers should not have to  try different things to make your update work. As for my devices they are working fine without it." 

  • Tgreenw900

    Add me to another totally dead SENA SMH5-I was given an RMA but it seems the new ones have the same static issues.


    I will report this to the editors of webbikeworld to warn others not to upgrade their firmware or to even buy SENA anymore. Too many issues

  • Tgreenw900

    I was persistent and kept trying the reset button on the back. I tried a 1 second, 3 second, 5 second push. One of them must have worked. I am now able to restore to the downgraded software I have on there. I went from 1.3 to 1.2 to try to get rid of a persistent constant static that makes the SMH5's unusable as intercoms. I suggest if your reading this to look for another brand until they get this resolved. Amazing they leave these comments up here but it's the facts about the static and very difficult updates. I got not ax to grind just want to have these work like they ought to

  • 3735

    Just in case users are still having issues with the SMH5 either not powering up or failed firmware updates this is what I did to get mine to work after all the other posts in this forum:

    State of device: removed from helmet connection

    State of MAC: bluetooth and wifi enabled to start

    1) Unplugged device from MAC

    2) Reset the device using a paperclip by pressing the pin hole in the back of the device for 10 secs.

    3) Launched Sena software management application

    When the application asked me if I only had bluetooth connected mouse and keyboard I said "NO". You will need a cabled mouse to complete my steps.

    4) Waited for software to indicate it failed to find device

    5) Connected my device to USB cable

    6) Pressed next to rediscover device

    I had to restart device management software and unplug the device from MAC 3x before it was discovered. I reset the device each time

    7) Once the device was recognized I turned off bluetooth on my system and WiFi and used a connected mouse to navigate

    8) The software will tell you there is no internet connection. I then turned on WiFi to download the file and replaced my earlier download.

    9) Once the file was downloaded the application began the update process.

    10) I immediately turned off WiFi and let the application complete the update

    Wham! all is good and the device is updated and working properly.

    Let me know if anyone else finds this to remedy their issues.

  • 3735

    Just in case users are still having issues with the SMH5 either not powering up or failed firmware updates this is what I did to get mine to work after all the other posts in this forum:

    State of device: removed from helmet connection

    State of MAC: bluetooth and wifi enabled to start

    1) Unplugged device from MAC

    2) Reset the device using a paperclip by pressing the pin hole in the back of the device for 10 secs.

    3) Launched Sena software management application

    When the application asked me if I only had bluetooth connected mouse and keyboard I said "NO". You will need a cabled mouse to complete my steps.

    4) Waited for software to indicate it failed to find device

    5) Connected my device to USB cable

    6) Pressed next to rediscover device

    I had to restart device management software and unplug the device from MAC 3x before it was discovered. I reset the device each time

    7) Once the device was recognized I turned off bluetooth on my system and WiFi and used a connected mouse to navigate

    8) The software will tell you there is no internet connection. I then turned on WiFi to download the file and replaced my earlier download.

    9) Once the file was downloaded the application began the update process.

    10) I immediately turned off WiFi and let the application complete the update

    Wham! all is good and the device is updated and working properly.

    Let me know if anyone else finds this to remedy their issues.

  • Javier

    Bought it, used it right away for music, came back from a 6 day trip and tried to update firmware.  Couldn't seem to get past the seventh second "push your phone button until this message disappears".  DEAD! 

    Luckily I was able to reset it with a paper clip thanks to 3735's post.  I pressed the phone button a second time for over 5 minutes 'till my thumb got tired of pressing.  Jammed  up again.  Won't go any further on the firmware update. 

    I "re-reset" it, and decided to try the Spanish update since I speak Spanish.  It worked.  I then tried the "regular", and got through.  Once I hook it up to the speakers, I'll see if I have Spanish, English, or Spanglish....

    Still working for sena to get back to me............   Thanks to 3735 they won't be getting it back as a return.

  • PaulThetford

    I can't get the manager to recognise my SMH5. I have tried all the above hints (the ones I can understand!) Why is it so difficult and varied to connect. There must be some straight answer to this that would suit these devices, the SMH5s are all the same, aren't they?

  • PaulThetford

    Two days on and still no Device Manager will install onto my lap top. It keeps binding at 90%. So frustrating. If I performed like this on my building work, I would be all over the newspapers and television!

  • dshannon

    In the end i managed to get it to work on my work machine that runs an older OS (10.6.8) and doesn't have built-in bluetooth. This may not help those of you with only one machine, but it may help Sena narrow down the issue. It also lends weight to 3735's suggestion of disabling bluetooth? I assume the software hasn't been debugged for all the various Mac models and versions of OSX. I haven't tried it on my laptop now running Mavericks yet but, as there seems to be a new firmware update, I will try it over the next few days and report back. Fingers crossed.

    It is a pity, because the hardware is excellent. Daily use for 2 years and I haven't had a single issue with it. 

  • PaulThetford

    Hey dshannon, thanks for response. I am using a laptop with vista software. I still can't install a full Device Manager so can't proceed. I asked Sena for help 2 days ago, but they still haven't assigned the ticket. Very poor customer support. I expect answers within 12 hours.

  • Leonardo Colina
    Leonardo Colina

    After firmware fail, unit was dead. Reset pin did not work. I solved the problem thanks to a previous comment. Uninstalled Sena manager in my MAC, installed again and instead of recognizing the unit, it displayed "Firmware Recovery". The firmware installed again and it is working again. Thanks guys.

  • Bill

    Here are two important discoveries for me.  FIRST, whenever you get a box that says "Press and hold ______ until this message disappears", in my case the message did not disappear.  And if I got tired of holding the Phone or Volume/Intercom buttons, the install just got stuck.  I ended up using task manager to terminate the process.  NEXT TIME, I held the button in just long enough to hear the USB disconnect/connect tones (about 5 seconds) and then released the button.  The install proceeded.  OH AND ONE MORE THING, it seems that the Sena directory in Program Files (x86) was left in a read only state, so I right clicked the parent directory, unclicked the read only button, then clicked apply, and then clicked OK when asked whether this change should apply to all subdirectories etc.  While I don't know whether this made a difference, I did it BEFORE trying the procedure of only clicking the buttons for 5 seconds.  It is therefore possible that this was unnecessary, but one of the Sena entries suggests that this might be important.  See this link:  (look toward the bottom).  Hope this helps someone. 

  • Dennis Coval
    Dennis Coval

    Just had this issue last night my wife's worked find, but when I did my sph-10h it would not get off 90%,  I did all the above to no avail, but at the end I used the supplied USB instead of any micro USB i had attached to my PC and it worked perfectly..  I tried 5 different times, using every suggestion, but as soon as I found a tread saying use the supplied USB, that was the winner.


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