Volume Level adjustments between "hello Sena" and stereo A2DP music from phone


31 Kommentare

  • Michael Nahas
    Michael Nahas

    I agree we need a better way to balance audio from different sources like an audio mixer in the setup software.  My Sena voice is very low compared to the other inputs.

  • Ken

    Wouldn't it be great if all the programming could be done through the app or on one's computer.  I'd love it if every programmable feature and option could be manipulated via the iPHone app. 

  • Amcmurrin

    Same boat, I think they need to have some software / firmware updates that allows the end use to control the volume level of the different inputs. I think there might be an issue because they are trying to control the volume so its not too loud when you go from lets say high speed with wind to low speed with now outside noise. Might blow your ear drums off if you forgot to lower the volume at low speed.

  • Olavi T
    Olavi T

    Does or doesn't s20 have Automatic Gain Control? I used to have Midland BT Next and it did have it  - quite convenient feature. Sena SMH10 has AGC but there is no mention about it in any s20 overviews. Is anyone able to clarify?

  • Jon Lunsford
    Jon Lunsford

    I have the same problem!

  • Harnold

    Yes..same here.  When volume is up for example when using BT audio, the beeps and such are PAINFULLY LOUD!!!!

  • Pbokor
    Has SENA answered anyone?
  • beans

    To David,

    The music volume has a separate volume setting.

    When you first power on the headset wait a few seconds (wait 2-3 seconds and DO NOT play any music) and lower the volume by turning the jog wheel counter clock wise (2x turns). Now power cycle the headset and check the start up "Hello" voice prompt volume when the headsets powers on. If the voice prompt volume is at a good level, next is to play music from your phone. While the music is playing adjust the volume on the headset (or the phone) to the desirable level.The next time you power on the headset the voice prompts will lower and the music is where it should be.

  • Paul Whitney
    Paul Whitney

    djj:  I don't think this is correct for all voice prompts and beeps.  In order to hear the FM I have to have the volume fairly high, but when Sena anounces the radio station its quite painful.  Same can be said for the beeps.  I've talked to Sena about this multiple times, they have said the Sena voice is linked to the individual mode's volume setting.  If I am listening to BT music and tap to prompt Sena...her voice is so quiet...obviously the break in my music is the signal to say my command.


    Guys, its silly to want Sena's voice to change with the type of audio...a loud radio does not mean we also need to hear her voice at an increased volume as well....our external noise hasn't changed, just the audio input has.

  • Wilhelm

    Hi guys,

    this is also bugging me tremendously. Apart from the poor reception this is what really make the FM useless.

    I also tried describe that problem to support, but they simply don't understand.

    As the volume of the voice prompt is not tied to the A2DP volume it just seems to be a software bug that it's not independent from the volume of the fm radio.

    But maybe its a design flaw in the hardware?



  • David Bennett
    David Bennett

    Has anyone checked to see if this is fixed in the new firmware that was released this month? (v1.2) ?    I just updated my firmware and I am going to go test and see if it fixed this issue or not.

  • Wilhelm

    Yes, my report was using 1.2

  • Amcmurrin

    @David Bennett - I updated and used it for the first time yesterday. It seemed to work like a charm. I was able to hear using the wireless intercom, listen to music, and use 'Hello Sena' without much issue. 


    Sena still has not released an equalizer tool for their App. So you are not able to effectively control the overlapping audio feeds so they sound more natural. Although with this update you can at least hear people on the Intercom and your music at the same time. You can also hear your music when going over 40 MPH. (I was up over 70 MPH last night and could hear my music just fine)  

    When your using the Intercom and you try to use bluetooth functionality (Siri on an iPhone for example) the device doesn't understand they your going to be talking to your phone instead of another person you Intercom. And in my testing I had to turn off the intercom in order to use Siri. The 'Hello Sena' function worked well enough and I believe it worked while using the Intercom. However it is not a perfect replacement for the robust functionality of Siri.


    Hope that answers some questions for you. Enjoy.

  • RBEmerson

    +1 on this problem. Some of it is the phone's fault. Even going past the "earphone safety lockout" feature on the phone, the music level is still low enough that, cranked up on the 20S, the other material can be too loud.

  • RBEmerson

    ADDED: I'm up to firmware 1.5, FWIW.

  • RBEmerson

    After a 2K mile round trip, the volume management issue has become a serious problem. While I have control over the phone's volume, the music levels are what they are. If I raise the volume to hear the music, anything from either my Zumo 660 or from the phone itself is much, much too loud. And this is for someone with 60% loss in one ear. There is no volume management for the Zumo 660 (Garmin made an odd choice here). Of course I can turn the volume down until the various beeps from the 20S are acceptable, but the music is lost. Crank up the music and... "wash, rinse, repeat".

    I thought the 20S was going to be released with some sort of mixing or individual source volume management. I guess that hasn't happened.

  • Lu Vencl
    Lu Vencl
    I will test this and report my findings to support.
  • Michael Bennett
    Michael Bennett

    1. The left speaker is louder than the left (and no, it's not my ears)
    2. The volume setting won't hold for each device.
    2a. If I set sena voice to reasonable level, then it BLASTS the GPS audio. Turn down GPS volume, then I can't hear SENA. Yet, regardless of either of those two. the FM radio or music levels are just fine.

    I asked SENA (waiting) ...Do you have known issues where the left speaker (shorter wire) is louder than right speaker?
    I asked SENA (waiting) ...I thought volume savings was fixed in firmware 1.4 or 1.5? I have 1.6 You should have a mixer setting for all sources (and ability to lock all those settings, then a master control that equally raises the volume across all devices (once locked in). GPS is blowing out my ears. and It's all on the internet from others too. Google it.

  • RBEmerson
    1. A comment and a question: speaker placement matters a lot. It may be one speaker isn't in the "sweet spot". Have you tried using ear buds?

    2. I haven't experienced changing settings on the 20S. OTOH my phone's volume is changed occasionally, meaning I have to change it to work with the 20S. My Zuma 660 sits on the bike almost all the time; the volume rarely changes. Maybe the GPS volume needs attention?

    When I bought the 20S, I expected to be able to adjust input levels for the various devices. I hope Sena will address. Like you: waiting
  • Mbc2237

    on firmware 1.6 and this is still an issue.  Cross posted on this here: http://support.sena.com/entries/54448250-Dangerously-painful-beep-issue?page=1#post_33660696

    I have been able to turn down the "Hello" Sena voice and opening prompts but no adjustments made have any effect on the other beeps which are painful.

  • Juan Gonzalez
    Juan Gonzalez

    Hello, someone knows how to adjust the wind noise reduction? I mean I'm riding with my wife and all the time I can hear her, breathing, clearing voice, everything, I believe there's a setting to adjust the MIC sensitivity. Have a 20s DUAL

  • RBEmerson

    Try disabling Advanced Noise Control either with the 20S app or with the Bluetooth Manager program. Mic placement matters, too. Move the mic to one side if possible and try to keep it out of the direct air stream. What type of helmet is she wearing? 


  • Tim Michael
    Tim Michael
    I also opened a Ticket today about the volume Controller on My 20s (1.6 Firmware)
    My ears are bleeding wenn a gps Message is sproken. I adjusted the volume numerous Times. Music Streaming from My Nexus 6P at a good volume, then TomTom blows My ears Out....
    Please help Sena!
  • beans

    Tim Michael69, 

    You want to adjust the volume on the Sena while* the TomTom is giving directions.

    The volume settings are independent for each connected devices.

  • Michael Bennett
    Michael Bennett
    Hi Tim Michael 69. Good luck getting sena hello on that. This has been an issue for a very long time. No fix
  • Tim Michael
    Tim Michael
    Hello Bean..
    Been there, done that!
    The setting are not seperatly handeled on the Firmware. Adjust the Music Stream, the Navi speeks at the Same Level.
    Every setting in ever Menü on Low.
    Stream from Spotify at a good Level, and bam - My ears are blown outby the Navi!

  • Michael Bennett
    Michael Bennett
    Bean. That does not work! We've all tried that. If it works, it only stays until unit is powered off.
  • Stephen Ford
    Stephen Ford

    Same problem as y'all.

  • Dart451

    Ha, same problem here and I'm using 7.1.1 firmware now.  It seems it won't be addressed anytime soon.  I also have a problem with voice commands.  When music is playing, Sena is DEAF!  You cannot get Sena to hear anything...only when you press the Ambient button do I get the prompt to say a command.  Sent my unit back, they gave me a new one...same problem...

  • RBEmerson

    While it's a clunky solution, I came up with a way to get phone and GPS volume (no volume control on GPS while in BT mode) to balance out. I installed an (Android) app called Speaker Boost. I can crank the volume well over the stock limit, turn the 20S volume down and the phone and GPS are in balance. I don't have much chatter with the 20S, no loss there. About the only issue is when using the Prism camera. As long as it's powered up, I can't hear the GPS or phone anyway. The camera has the 20S say things like the mode (video, one-shot, etc.), recording on or off, battery low, and a couple of other things.

    While I'm very disappointed Sena hasn't this right, there's less pressure, for me, at the moment.

    I very strongly recommend using the support email address to tell Sena about this issue. Also, mention that all Scala BT intercoms already do this. And add "why does Sena let the competition get in front of them?" If enough people send email via the support address, and (very important) mention Scala, they may finally pull their corporate finger out. Or not.



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