Please explain Audio Multitasking
Can't get audio multitasking to work properly or at all really.
Here is my setup:
20s connected as phone 1 to garmin zumo 590LM. My android phone is paired to the zumo 590LM.
I have audio multitasking enabled. When I am in an intercom conversation and the GPS makes a sound, it forces the intercom connection to disconnect. It doesn't actually mix the audio with the conversation. The antenna is up on the 20s also.
Should the sena be able to play both at the same time? If not, what can be multitasked? Will there be an update in the future to allow audio to multitask with my setup?
I am running firmware version 1.2 on my 20s.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. NOTE: I tried the same setup with a zumo 665 and had the same problems.
The 20s evo manual should refer to GPS pairing if they are consistent with the fixes they made for the 20s.
The GPS pairing is still HFP (mono) for instruction and ad2p for music. It's behaving properly and multitasks with intercom as expected now. I'm satisfied of that fix. It's really important to NOT do mobile pairing with gps, only GPS pairing (flashing green).
I'm still not satisfied of the glitchy music sharing with shm10, the popcorm during intercom and the music sharing dropping due to bluetooth or wifi (2.4GHz) interference. But that's a whole other story.
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HFP = Hands Free Profile - telephone use. That should be mono audio.
A2DP = Advanced Audio Distribution Profile - stereo audio and device control
Both my SMH-10 and now 20S have never gotten along well a Zumo 660. Part of that is Garmin's choice of no volume control in BT mode, and Sena's ignoring suggestions that would help with this and similar situations. At present I disable the 660's audio and let my Samsung S7 source both voice (Waze or Google Maps) and music. The 660 is now only a backup. The point here is A2DP hasn't been a problem.
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@RBEmerson, I had SMH10 then now a 20s and both paired with a zumo 660. Although there were glitches in early versions, I had more time with a good versions than with problems, at least as far as gps is concerned.
No pre-amp in the zumo so there is only one volume necessary (delegated to jog dial). I'd love a full mixer board in the zumo but only because I would like a compressor for weak/low-volume mp3. Notice that you do have the volume control for the gps instruction mixer: that's for the HFP volume.
The main problem is to not powerup the sena before the gps, and to forget to power down/up after pairing. If the gps is up first, 1/3rd of times it would not hook up a2dp (the sena messages vary among "device connected" and "media connected", 1 or 2 beeps, etc). It's super easy to detct of course as the music sounds so bad and loud over HFP mono.I could only speculate as to why this happens. Sena should have faster firmware, but maybe it's too fast on boot.
It is normal that gps instruction are mono and phone too. This is the only way to have bidirectional audio with gps (or via gps when gps is your phone hub).
Another thing some people forget is to reset to factory setting of the sena after a firmware update (and clear pairings in he gps too).This is a small annoyance, but it did help me once, so I've never stopped doing it afterwards. There must be some cached bluetooth info that isn't compatible across updates. It's not that long to reconfigure anyway.
Read the sena doc carefully to do a "GPS pairing", not a moble phone pairing, not a 2nd mobie phone pairing either, and you will be very happy with the result. I've NEVER needed to pair a phone directly to sena. The zumo 660 does the music+library and phone+directory job perfectly. I only wish I could send sms from the GPS!
The latest 20s firmware I know of is 1.7.6.
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I resolved the bulk of the problems with using the phone and 660, but it's mostly because I know how to root a phone. The only fix for a the equivalent of a mixer panel was to drop the gain on the 660 and boost the phone output. The Samsung S7 (other phones may work differently) BT audio level, even past the "this may make your ears bleed" warning point, are still too low. I rooted the phone and installed V4A audio processor (rooting required), which can seriously boost output (no idea how, but it works). Other "booster" apps are pathetic and mis-named.
Bottom line, I was able to make the combination work. Joe Six-pack might not be so lucky. A simple mixer function would make life easier for Joe.
BTW, A2DP to a phone and HFP to the 660 concurrently is "legal" and described in the 20S OM.
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