20S music and prism audio recording
I just wanted to ask if we can listen to music from the 20S and record just the audio from the camera as it records video.
Not interested in audio comments, just listening to music while recording. I assume the prism will record the external audio separately ?
I hope it makes sense what I am asking. Basically working as two different entities while I can control play and stop from my 20S...
Currently, music from a Sena headset cannot be heard while the Prism is connected and/or recording as the Prism has a higher priority than music when paired to a Sena headset.
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too bad :) it is really strange why Prism can not record all that goes through BT stack of 20s. in case of comunication with other riders, Prism will record the conversation. So, if second rider will publish his music to others, Prism (potentially) should record it ... or?
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Let me ask the question a different way. If I did NOT pair the 20S and the Prism, could the Prism record video and ambient sounds only using just the manual controls on the camera? Thus I could continue listening to music and having the intercom work on the 20s while the camera is recording.
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from my experience: camera will record all sounds through build-in mic. you can continue listening music, intercom etc as it could be through standard 20s
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If you don't pair the Prism, the Prism would just record as it normally would as a stand alone system. You won't be able to control the Prism through the 20s because it isn't paired. You could possibly purchase the Bluetooth handlebar remote control and control either I suppose. So in theory, just pair it to the Prism and not the 20s.
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I want to be able to pair the prism to the headset and have it recording...then switch away from the cam and resume my music while the camera continues recording.Why is this not a simple tap to switch back and forth?
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I DO want to record music over my video. I thought this was possible and I even recall reading some misleading reviews that implied it was. The 20S will actually stop the prism recording if you issue a voice command for "Stereo Music". At this point I cant comment on a phone call but I'd almost bet it will stop the recording if you get a phone call. At least let me configure how it behaves. I might want to do something different during different scenarios. Sena please address this pr post why this is a limitation.
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Will 20s FW 1.6 solve this problem ?
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I do not see the advantage of the prism when it disables all other features of the 20s!? Has anyone figured out by now if... A. Phone calls interrupt videos B. An update solved the discussed issue yet No answer will be taken as NO and leads to not purchasing the prism (as I said, no advantage then...) Thx 0 -
This is way to under-advertised and not nearly mentioned enough in reviews. This is a major problem and I now feel cheated out of my money. It forces the user to make a choice between the major benefit of having a sena product like the 20S and having the major benefit of the Prism. For now, I'm going to do some helmet tests to see if I can use it and get decent output from just the Prism's internal mic. If there's not some firmware patch to add the ability to have both, I'm tempted to replace the Prism with something better.
and @Tyler Durden - no update is present yet to solve the problem.
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