20s - suppress radio frequency announcement


27 Kommentare

  • Luca Sauda
    Luca Sauda

    Same request for me!

  • Danie Schutte
    Danie Schutte

    Maybe have an option on the software app to activate / de-activate the frequency announcements altogether. Or choose to rather have the RDS (Station name) read if available.

  • Mike Sherwood
    Mike Sherwood

    I would rather turn the frequency announcement off altogether. When I'm flipping thru stations, I really don't care what the frequency is, and that voice takes soooo long to spit it out. 

    Also worth noting that other models are also asking for the ability to turn this off. If I'm using a 2-way radio, it really does make the FM radio terribly frustrating to use.

  • Mike Sherwood
    Mike Sherwood

    same thing on the smh5-fm

  • Wahyit

    Or Maybe an option to simple announce once per start up. So when you power the 20S it will only announce it once and every time after that its silent. so maybe Enable/Disable/One-Time-Only, maybe have your cake and eat a few slices. 

  • Yes, truly, this irritating on my 20s. I hope there would be a fix SOON.

  • Peter

    I agree. Very annoying on the 20s and really unnecessary to keep repeating the frequency all the time. First time it's tuned would be good but after that no more.

  • JD
    Simple. The frequency announcement and preset number only needs to be heard when the preset / station is changed. Hearing this or nothing at all can be an option in the app.
  • Ruud Dekkers
    Ruud Dekkers

    i vote for this option "The frequency announcement and preset number only needs to be heard when the preset / station is changed. Hearing this or nothing at all can be an option in the app." 

  • Sena

    Please do this, the radio is almost useless when riding in the city.

  • Patrick kerver
    Patrick kerver
    Same request for me, is very annoying. Please change.
  • Nick Sardelianos
    Nick Sardelianos

    I agree. It needs a setting to disable this.

    It delays the time before we can actually listen to the radio.

    Sometimes it is useless.

    OK we know you have a text-2-speech engine, but don't overdo it.


  • Mike Sherwood
    Mike Sherwood

    I even turned off "Voice Prompts" -- which basically made my 20S say virtually nothing EXCEPT for the FM Radio Frequencies. So frustrating!

  • wolvverine

    Please, add option to disable this frequency announcement, this is useless. Announcement of the number of station is ok, but frequency is terrible useless and, because  this announcement is  very louder then a radio voice , destroy my ears.

  • Laurentiu

    Please do the same for 10C also!

  • Stephan Seitz
    Stephan Seitz

    Looks like we get this feature with 20S Firmware 1.5 :)

  • Patrick kerver
    Patrick kerver
    It needs to be changed. Radio is useless now.
  • Sena

    Where has this been confirmed for v1.5?

  • JD
    Press Release today: http://www.sena.com/sena-releases-20s-firmware-version-1-5/ BACK TO PRESS RELEASES August, 26, 2015 SENA RELEASES 20S FIRMWARE VERSION 1.5 Sena Technologies, Inc. released the firmware version v1.5 for the 20S which mainly includes: Smart Volume Control FM Station Guide on / off capability Minor bug fixes in Music Sharing You can upgrade your firmware using the Device Manager v2.6 for Windows and v2.6 for Mac users. Please be sure to register your product online in order to download the Manager software, since free upgrade service is provided only to the registered users. For more details, please visit Sena website at www.sena.com.
  • JD

    FYI, this toggle is not in Device Manager, but is in the Sena app and voice menu. There is no explanation in the FM Radio section (page 26) but there is on Pg48...


    When FM Station Guide is enabled, FM station frequencies are given by voice prompts as you select preset stations. When FM Station Guide is disabled, the voice prompts on FM station frequencies will not be given as you select preset stations. 


    I am yet to play with this a bit more. ..

  • Nick Sardelianos
    Nick Sardelianos

    First of all let's hope the spam above get deleted soon.


    Now, I haven't tested the new feature yet (since it is NOT in device manager (why?), but I think it need to be further improved.

    You see it is good to disable the prompt when there is an interruption (a beep from the phone maybe), but maybe someone wants to keep it when you change preset stations.

    Maybe make it "off / limited / on"?



  • Luca Sauda
    Luca Sauda

    I agree with Nick Sardelianos, that's what all of us are asking for.

    Maybe this was the fastest software modification in order to make the radio usable with a gps. Then Sena will do a more sophisticated update (I hope).

  • Sena

    With the v1.5 firmware for the 20S you can now choose to disable or enable the announcement of the FM station guide. In addition, we will look into the possibility of including additional options in the future.

  • Dec Decampong SENA Super User
    Dec Decampong SENA Super User

    This is just a quick fix. Too hurried fix to a public clamor. What is needed is a BETTER fix down the road like when you first change stations, it announces the station BUT when you just come from a multi-task (ex. phone call) the announcement WILL BE muted. Just a firmware algorithm fix that is not too hard to code, considering how big a company SENA  is. Cheers!

  • DjPaul

    Fellow riders, We need your help!

    Please go to this thread  




    And show your support in this issue, by posting your comment / experience, Bad and good stories are welcome.

    Then go to the SENA help desk


    and formally request a ticket be issued about this.

    If we rally together, we may be able to do something about this BEEPS issue before it kills some one you love.



  • M. Davis
    M. Davis

    DjPaul, you should NOT spam threads with your advertisements for another thread/issue that has nothing to do with the one in which you are posting.

  • DjPaul

    Dear Ms M. Davis

    After reading your comment regarding what NOT, to do on other threads 

    I've arrived at the conclusion that you are likley one, of two types of person.

    Regardless...  My "advertisment" as you call it/them, is for the safety of all users of SENA products. 

    Even some one like you.





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