When can we expect new firmware for the 20S


22 Kommentare

  • Pablo Motta
    Pablo Motta

    Hello Marc,

    We are ordering a zumo 590 to test with 20S. Once we have determined the issue we will provide you with a solution. With regards to the no voice command, a firmware update is schedule to release in a day or two that will address this issue.

  • Marc Telkamp
    Marc Telkamp

    Hi Sena, well I got the firmwareupgrade today, together with the update for the Sen Devicemanager.

    Installing it without problems, upgrading the dual 20S' firmware went fine, and... everything works now !!!!  You made me a happy man ! Thanks ! Going on holiday a lot more confident now !

    Great work guys !


  • Pablo Motta
    Pablo Motta


    Can you please confirm that the 590 media/music connection is also working?

  • Marc Telkamp
    Marc Telkamp
    Yeah, the voice-commands as wel as the Zumo 590 media-connection work fine !  I paired the Zumo as a phone.
    I still have to test the endurance. You know, will it loose the connection after a while, will I get disturbances in the connection... stuff like that. But for now I’m as happy as can be.
  • martin smith
    martin smith

    Can you run through how you did that? I also have a Zumo 590 and also an  iPhone 5s. I want to use the iPhone as a music player and a phone, and get voice prompts from the Zumo.

    Scenario 1:

    Pair Zumo with iPhone. The Zumo connects to the iPhone and on the Zumo the iPhone is selected as the music source. Then pair the Zumo with the Sena as a mobile phone. Result - GPS prompts but no music


    Scenario 2:

    Pair the iPhone with the Sena as mobile phone. Pair the Zumo with the Sena as 2nd mobile phone. This streams music from the iPHone and gives GPS prompts but GPS prompts always overide music, even if the Zumo is muted


    Any advice please?


  • martin smith
    martin smith

    Actually, problem solved, sort of - I have 2 20s and I was using the one I hadn't updated. With the v1.1 firmware I can now use the Zumo to stream music from the iPhone as per Scenario 1. Voice prompts frm the GPS are muted.

    In Scenario 2 voice prompts (even when set to mute) overide music

  • Marc Telkamp
    Marc Telkamp

    Yeah, I wasn't going to recommend scenario 2. Scenario 1 should work though, but you got that allready.

    With de 590 I found that the internal mp3-player is much nicer than the iPhone. It responds much faster to commands. Oh yeah, and my iPhone has only 8GB, so no room for music anyway...lol.

    But I don't understand: in scenario 1, voice prompts (nav directions ?) from the Zumo are muted by the music comming from your iPhone ?  Shouldn't that be the other way around ?

  • martin smith
    martin smith

    I mean, voice prompts from the sat nav are able to be muted - previously you got gps prompts whether you wanted them or not. Oddly, as we sit here, it's just failed. iPhone connected to the Zumo as a phone, show up in the media player, but no controls (play, pause, skip). Music plays but only controllable from the phone. I suppose I'll have to reset everything and start again :-(


  • Sena

    @Martin: Please try this setup for your 20S.


    Pair your iPhone to the 20S as a mobile phone so you can use it as a phone and music player.

    Pair your Zumo to the 20S using GPS Pairing. To get GPS Pairing on the 20S, hold down the Jog Dial for 6 seconds, when you hear "intercom pairing" press the phone button once then when you hear "second moble phone pairing" press the phone button one more time to hear "GPS pairing". On the Zumo, search for the 20S while it is in GPS Pairing mode and pair it under the Audio section of the Zumo's Bluetooth settings.


    The GPS Pairing mode will allow you to listen to GPS directions and have an intercom conversation at the same time and while you are talking the GPS directions will be heard in the background.

  • WMR

    yeah but when you want to listen to the music on your zumo and you have it paired like a gps .. then you wont get the good quality audio and you cannot stop or pause or select next or previous track through the 20S

  • Sena

    The 20S, similarly to all of our headsets only allows 1 stereo audio source (specifically one A2DP Bluetooth profile) to be paired to the headset. So if you want to switch between using your phone for listening to music and using your GPS for listening to music then it requires switching the pairing configuration. Or you can use the SM10, which combines 2 audio sources into 1.

  • Marc

    Hi guys,

    Im also from NL, have been trying the 20 s for some days and have the following issues:

    1. Hello Sena does not work at all

    2. Tapping needs to be punching.

    3. Wrong voice commands don't give an error and most of them don't really work.

    4. Music sharing doesn't work, got it to work once but with a lot of artifacts. After that, it stopped. Keeps dropping and i don't get the share confirmation anymore.

    5. The headset is having issues switching between my iPhone music and the other headset. So I can not really have an intercom conversation. Most of the times the music keeps playing. Might be an iPhone / Spotify issue but its very annoying.

    6. The volume of the music (iphone) and intercom is way to soft but the max volume beeps are very loud. Also radio seems to go much louder. Basically we can not talk on the highway going 100 km/u. With earbuds its even worse. They really need to update this...

    7. Intercoms don't pair that well, had to keep them very close to each other, but this isn't something you do every day ofc.

    8. The iPhone app has a terrible interface but apart from that the basic settings can not be saved. nothing happens. 

    9. To give your headset a name you'll need to give the group a name. That is weird.

    10. The Mac device manager is having some issues but you can work around this by ignoring the bluetooth messages and settings, just use the cable.

    Ive head about the Zumo issue, luckily im using the iPhone for everything, the downside is the very, very low volume. I don't hear shit so I can not really use it. I actually bought this one to talk with my passenger and share music, but that doesn't work too. 

    Apart from that, I still like the headset. Sound quality (when using it inside, yeah... ive been walking around with the helmet on my head for some hours, neighbors look at me weird) is very good. So when they fix the issue I think its gonna be ok. 

    There is another thread about using this thing in the rain. What do you guys think about that? Seems like the rubber flap for the USB cable is indeed closing the wrong way and to be honest it doesn't really close. Must be water going in right? 


  • Marc

    Ok, the voice command does work. Its HELLO ZENA but it does not work when listening to music so I don't really see the added value, no one is keeping it in standby while driving one would think.

  • Stijn Verrept
    Stijn Verrept

    Very good point Marc!  My thoughts exactly.  Now I need to tap (really hard) to activate the voice command in order to say NEXT, MUSIC, etc...  This takes more time than it should so I'm just using the slider.  Optimally in music mode I should be able to say: NEXT, NEXT, NEXT, PREVIOUS, etc...  without have to use my hands...

    Even HELLO SENA to activate it and then have the possibility to say another command without using my hands would be an improvement.

  • Jeroen

    Most of the things Marc wrote, we also have problems with.

    And another issue is connecting to a Zumo 590LM and a SMH5(FM) at the same time. When the Zumo is playing some music, we can talk together, but once the Zumo gives a GPS-instruction, intercom-connection is broken, and doens't come back automaticilly. Even worse is that the connection between the Zumo and the 20S is rubbish (after GPS instruction/broken intercom connection), music is hicking, speeding up or down, and even stops at a moment.

    Really looking forward to an update...

  • Pdudeck

    6. The volume of the music (iphone) and intercom is way to soft but the max volume beeps are very loud. Also radio seems to go much louder. Basically we can not talk on the highway going 100 km/u. With earbuds its even worse. They really need to update this...

     I only noticed this problem after the v1.1 firmware update.  volume was fine for 1 week (never even knew there was a warning tone at the tope end), updated firmware and get that deafening warning constantly!

  • WMR

    well i dont have any of the problems of too soft audio.. had it only 1 time, but @ home i noticed that the volume of the iphone was only 1 square... when i got the volume on the iphone up.. it was loud enough on the sena.. 

  • Olavi T
    Olavi T
    1. VOX does work as advertised but can not get three commands working: "redial", "music" and "configuration. 2. Have to tap really hard 3. Can not pair Tribe bluetooth PMR wih sena 4. The volume of the VOX and intercom is too soft to be heard with earbuds at normal speeds. Max volume beeps are very loud. Basically we can not talk on the highway going 100 km/u. 5. The android app has a bad UI and it does not send any information to headset. Making changes in app does not reflect them in headset. Same time changes made in headset are visible in app. 6. Volume of GPS commands are too soft to be heard at speed over 70kmph. Using earbuds its even lower (50 kmph)
  • Robert Munslow
    Robert Munslow
    Tapping. Really hard it's really flaky have sensitivity at maximum any thoughts it's nearly useless some times
  • Bill Henning
    Bill Henning

    If you are having a problem with tap-tap not working to get into standby mode the Sena guy suggested that perhaps going back to firmware 1.0 might help, since they reduced the motion sensor sensitivity in firmware 1.1.  I'm not sure but maybe its worth a try.

  • Paul Hagnauer
    Paul Hagnauer
    A small message for my Dutch and other foreign-language-fellow-users of the 20s who've installed the latest firmware (1.4.1) including the Dutch language: I've asked Sena what the responds should be when asked in Dutch. Dutch, English and what to answer. I've received this answer an hour ago: "Hi Paul, Sena currently has no plan to support any other language than English for voice command. Regards, Wahyit Cheung" I'm totally not satisfied with the above answer. As a company, you release software with the possibility to change the language but you don't support it? How did these foreign languages ever got into the firmware update?. If you don't support it, don't include it in the update. It's about the same when buying a new car without an engine. "No sorry sir, you must push it. We don't support the engine"
  • Marc Telkamp
    Marc Telkamp

    Yeah, I installed firmware 1.5-dutch yesterday. LOL !  Most depressing woman I have ever heard in my life !!!  As professional as the American girl sounds, so anoyingly uninterested sounds the Dutch woman, who aparently has smoked her whole life. Somebody really underestimated this. No matter, I'm not seriously using voicecommands anyway. I think it's meant as a joke or so. It allmost never works.


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