Is the 20s waterproof?


86 Kommentare

  • RBEmerson

    Check out - this is an Edelweiss tour.

  • RBEmerson

    Forget grease behind the jog knob. There's seal in the way.

  • Johan Geldenhuys
    Johan Geldenhuys
    Rode in heavy rain last week and the radio stopped working. Blips of sound came through now and again.
    My phone is not connecting anymore and I can't pair it with anything. Pretty useless right now. The radio started working again, but no pairing at all. The phone doesn't even discover it.
  • RBEmerson

    Out of desperation, try a factory reset as described in the owner's manual.

  • Johan Geldenhuys
    Johan Geldenhuys
    RBEmerson, you sound like the Sena tech support guy. Trust me, if something is not working, I'll try any possible procedure before raising a case.
  • RBEmerson

    Not me! No, no, no! I'm just trying to fill in the otherwise near silence from Sena. I know they're quick to say "factory reset", but, honest, if nothing else sorts out the problem, what can it hurt to do a reset?

  • Dean Watson
    Dean Watson

    Not even spit proof.

  • Koen Lauwaet
    Koen Lauwaet

    Amazing !!!

    I have read this same issue on several other forums regarding Sena headsets.

    Being  an engineer myself I am amazed that Sena's commercial department does not expect its engineers to build waterproof equipment for use on a motorcycle helmet. 

    As the competition offers also excellent but waterproof alternatives, I will be buying one of these.

  • Dean Watson
    Dean Watson

    Problem is, Sena is the only one that plays nicely with the OEM BMW Nav systems. So you are screwed. Liberal application of silicon sealer fixes their poor engineering and lack of testing :)

  • Peter Beckett
    Peter Beckett

    Hi Dean,

    we have had multiple failures and are on 4th set of the 20s, all failed due to rain getting in.

    What silicone sealant have you used and exactly where did you apply it, does it affect the use of the jog dial?

    We are off to Austria etc soon and are thinking of taking back up radio;s as we almost expect the 20s to fail again when we hit rain! We have tried stretching balloons over the units to keep rain out etc etc.. desperate!

    Are there any other systems that allow speech overlay??

  • Dean Watson
    Dean Watson

    Just the regular stuff in a tube, and just smeared it basically all over avoiding the dial and charging point. But particularly around the join with the helmet. I don't remove it from the helmet.

    I had, and still have, a very good run with my Scaler Rider G9. Quite a few years old now and never stopped. better radio, better speakers, works in all weather, but doesn't play with the BMW Nav V. Just won't connect, hence the Sena and a new helmet for it. I have several bikes and run a Variety of Garmin and Tom Toms on them. One helmet with the Sena just for the BMW, and the other helmet with the Scaler rider for all the other bikes.

  • RBEmerson

    DISCLAIMER (again): I've got no skin with Sena except to own a SMH-10, 20S, Prism, and misc. mounts. All comments and opinions are my own.


    I don't get it. I've used my 20S in some truly brutal rain on the Interstates (why was I dumb enough to be riding in it - I dunno...) with no problem.

    I've opened up a SMH-10 (battery replacement - discussed elsewhere here) and was pleasantly surprised at the complexity of the sealing. Maybe Sena stopped that with the 20S, but if they stayed with the seals in the SMH-10, I don't see a huge problem.

    About silicone sealant... don't do it! It's nasty stuff to remove and usually doesn't seal as well as expected (problems with getting it to wet the surface it's supposed to bond to). A periodic wipe of dielectric grease will get into all of the openings (no hope of using silicone on the jog dial, phone button on the 20S and the button on the 20S mount) and protect the contacts, too.

    I've found that Sena's customer support people answer questions well, know what they're talking about, listen to customer, and even do warranty exchanges. My Prism camera is literally cracking up from pressure exerted by the tripod screw insert. I wrote them about the problem and I expect an RMA shortly. A friend in NZ left his 20S' on a shelf for two years (no riding), tried to charge them, and... nothing. He got his RMA and expects the replacements to show up shortly. Point being: email Sena about the problem and ask for a warranty replacement.

    The big gripe with Sena is getting through to the decision makers. Talk about skating uphill in sand...  >:(

    - - - -

    Side comment about the Alps trip - look for my ride report on,, or Ride Report areas (user name RBEmerson on all sites). Not happy with Edelweiss, have reserved a rental bike, with Bike&Travel Service - Munich, for a DIY trip this summer. [/big grin]

  • Richardjenniskens

    After several waterproof issues I send my dual pack back to the store is bought it from. They said everything would be fixed under guarantee (after all most 3years!!).
    And they where right! I did get 2 new units with 2 clamps with speakers and microphone! BIG THANKS TO THE DUTCH IMPORTER OF SENA!! I'm very glad!!

  • Scott McGilton
    Scott McGilton

    A few months back I received the 20S as a gift. I was in the market for a camera and a second headset, and since I couldn't get Sena to respond to my email, I checked out this blog. Lo and behold - I discovered that the annoying intecom trying to connect all the times was due to the rain that I always ride in (I live in Seattle). It is not right that an expensive product designed to be worn on the helmet does not work in the rain.The part that I am dumbfounded by is how long this has been a known issue with Sena. This blog dates back years.

  • RBEmerson

    Guys, RTFM. Nowhere does it say "waterproof" (even the word "water" doesn't appear (PDF search function), nor does "resist"(ant). "Proof" is only found as "proof of purchase" and "rain" appears in "terrain".

    In short, Sena never said the 20S is waterproof or water resistant. Bad idea not to be at least water-resistant? Hell, yeah. Bad news for PNW riders? Hell, yeah. Bad news for all-weather riders? Hell, yeah. But Sena never promised to handle so much as a heavy dew.

    I described one way to improve the odds of avoiding water damage (using dielectric grease).

    Call Sena and tell them you're not pleased the unit is impractical for riding in other than sunny weather. AFAIK, nobody from Sena reads these forums. The best that can happen is to pass around "what works for me" posts. To get to Sena, call them or write them.

  • WMR

    Well.. i've been riding with the 20s for over 3 years now in all weather circumstances ( sun, heavy rain, snow, fog, -10 an + 30 degrees) and over 120K km.
    It still works just fine!

  • RBEmerson

    -10C? Brrrrr! Snow??? Anyway, nice to hear there's someone else, besides me, with a 20S that doesn't drown in a fog. ;)

  • WMR

    I just bought the schuberth c4 with sc1 a few days ago.. and alteady missing some nice features of the 20s :(

  • RBEmerson

    See? You were out in that -10C snow too long - froze your brain it did. Made you do something silly.  ;D

  • Derek Clark
    Derek Clark

    I bought a 20s as I was interested in the FM radio.

    I previously had a SMH10R which has worked perfectly in all weathers.

    The 20S is perfectly waterproof until it gets wet !!


    Perhaps the 10U is the way forward when they do one for my helmet.

  • Allan Goldman
    Allan Goldman

    Okay, just felt I needed to pipe in.  I just finished a tree day trip and experienced weather all three days.  There were two of us with sena 20s and one with an EVO.  They performed flawlessly.   I'm pretty quick to complain when things do not work.  Also, I was aware that Sena doesn't claim the product to be water proof but we wanted to test them.  We were in pretty substantial rain and snow and had great comm between the three of us the whole trip.

  • RBEmerson

    There's a YouTube video about replacing the battery for a 20S. Looking at the case opened up, there's a definite seal around the body, and another for the jog dial shaft. Probably the most vulnerable point is the cover for the charging socket. Pushing into place should seal that, too. 

  • Allan Goldman
    Allan Goldman

    I would agree RB.  I made sure all the rubber covers were secure before we took off every morning and we had no issues.  If I had to complain about anything it would be the rain hitting my buddy's helmet would at times interfear with my music...  here would have been an easy fix but the fact was, I needed to shut the music off and focus on the riding in the rain..  Have to say, I am really loving the 20s.  Seems to be a really solid product once you figure it out.


  • Bart Vanderkelen
    Bart Vanderkelen

    I have a 20 S EVO and I was thinking about the reset hole on the back of the device? Would this be water tight ? Is someone sure this is sealed?

  • Tkgardiner

    Their level of water resistance is crap. I have had a 20 20s and now a 30k . they can't not work after anything heavier than a drizzle . all units started having issues . turn them of and dry them off . they usually work normally after they have dried out. Except one of my mates 20 failed and died. the same day mine fail in the same rain . 

    this is not great if your on a road trip for days and it rains .

    I have recently brought this issue up with Sena help . and got a lousy response They basically disregarded my issues with the unit . Didn't accept that it stop working in the rain and suggested only way it would act if it had been immersed in a bucket of water.    

    After reading all these comments regarding water issues with the units (all of them) I decided that the product is not suitable for outside use . I will not recommend sena to any one in my circle of motorcycle riders in Australia.  I started this weekend telling fellow riders of the poor response from Sena. That i will replace my 30k ASAP and suggest they do the same . I was also disappointed the person who replied did not read explanation of the problem. As his response did not fit the issue at all .    Really disappointed in sena . After buying 3 units over the last few years, and all them had issues with rain . 

  • Bart Vanderkelen
    Bart Vanderkelen

    Changed my 20S Evo to SLR sena for my shoei neotec2. This will be water tight. But in the future I think will go for the Cardo because of the IP67 specs.


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