Audio Multitasking not working


6 Kommentare

  • Jack Mai
    Jack Mai
    Having same issue plus cant share music with smh 10s
  • John Gonzales
    John Gonzales
    Actually a simple fix for the audio multitasking. Customer support said that the antenna has to be up to multitask. I raised the antenna and everything worked perfectly. I thought antenna was just got longer distance intercom and didn't think to do this. It works great now.

    I too have not figured out audio sharing with smh10. I need to look at the larger manual to see if I can figure it out. So far not as straight forward as music sharing when we all had smh-10.
  • Sena

    The Music Sharing feature is activated differently on the 20S than it is with the SMH10. Here is a video that we made with instructions on how to use the Music Sharing feature:

  • Jack Mai
    Jack Mai
    Hi sena,
    I have had the SMH 10 and now the S20.
    I have done everything the video and manual said to do....
    While the S20 will share with another S20. It will not share with a SMH 10.... I do get the 3 beeps but nothing happens..... no voice saying music sharing...

  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    Jack - I've got the same problem.  Sena's reference to the video is between two 20s's.  Sena, if your listening here, the question John and Jack is asking is music sharing between 20s and SMH10 possible or not?

  • Sena

    When using the Audio Multitasking feature on the 20S, make sure to have the antenna up as it will help with the Bluetooth connection between the 20S and paired devices such as a phone. Secondly, with the latest firmware update, the 20S is able to share music with other Sena headsets.


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