20s Static FIX!!! Antennae UP!


9 Kommentare

  • Kurtfossen

    Turns out this helps, but not totally. I should have done more testing before posting.  

  • Max Zuckerman
    Max Zuckerman

    Slightly better. Not fixed for me either. I use Shure SE215 in-ear monitors.

  • Pete Hartman
    Pete Hartman

    I know that I did have static with the antenna up; I never tried with it in the down position, so can only imagine that it's much worse.

    (Static only appears when using earbuds, not the Sena speakers.)

  • Kurtfossen

    Yeah, I've been trying everything. Should've just stuck with my SMH10.

  • Michael Nahas
    Michael Nahas

    Thanks the Antenna up fix helped my BT connection to my Bike's audio and the music sharing to the second headset.

  • Ken

    I think that the "static" issue is actually that the earbud cable is pickup up stray RF energy from the Bluetooth intercom.  It's not really static that some in our group experienced, but instead an electronic-sounding interference whine or RF interference noise.  Maybe, with the increased power output of the Sena 20S for increased range, the RF energy is being picked up by the earbud cable.    

    My personal setup isn't bad at all.  The only time I can hear any of the noise is when in Intercom; and then it's way down low in volume.  So low, that I can't hear it over riding noises with earbuds in my ears.  So I can't test this possible solution. 

    But here's a possible solution for the issue that others might try.  Try placing a ferrite RF choke on the earbud cable way up next to the plug that goes into the Sena.   If that doesn't work, try placing the RF choke where the cable branches to right and left earbuds.  One or the other location may just work.   

    You can get these clamp-on chokes on the Internet or from Radio Shack (so long as they're still in business). 



    I'd like to know if it helps.  


  • Kurtfossen
    Weird thing, I put my phone right next to the 20s, and the static goes away. Then stays away until I initiated another intercom connection. Happens with NFC off or on. (At home, not in bike)
  • Neil Khatib
    Neil Khatib

    I am having the problem with static but only when an SMH10 is involved. 20S to 20S it is super clear, and then my friend connects with his 10 and it just has random popping with static and he is always way quieter too, even when he tries shouting, it just won't transmit louder (has mic boost on). We all are using boom mics. Plus, not sure if other people who are having the issue when a 10 is conferenced in, but audio multitasking doesn't work either with a 10. Even if its just my 20 to his 10, not having that 3rd person tied in, it still doesn't work. The music is just super choppy and never goes fluid, whether people are talking or not. 


    I've done fault resets and factory resets on all 3, updated to the latest firmware and nothing. It really is annoying as the person with the 10 is my main riding buddy and when its just the 2 of us the popping and static is annoying. At least in the case of just the two of us, I can just turn him up to hear him, where other times when another person is connected its impossible because then they're blowing my ear drums.


    Called Sena tech support, and the guy pretty much said "I have no clue what it could be either." and just told us to all send in our devices. He just kept saying to factory reset and fault reset. But from what it seems like, a lot of people are having the issue when intercoming with a 10. We haven't tried messing with his settings, like the packet loss or whatever it is and that other setting that Sena says to turn off only if you have an issue, but not sure what issues would constitute those being switched off.


    Please Sena, fix this, please!!!

  • Chris Souris
    Chris Souris

    Is it possible that the 'static' (I feel it sounds more like the channel being switched back and forth on the 20S) is due to having HD voice enabled, there-by using more channels and generating lower RF output vs. just using the 'normal voice' setting and having higher RF output?


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