Firmware Changes


22 Kommentare

  • Ken

    Version 1.2 released this  morning.  There's a list of things that have been changed, including "bug fixes".    I wonder which bugs. 

  • dgreen

    Although this is a change it's also a *new* bug... when the voice command says "Previous" she now says "Previoushhhh".  The word gets cut off with digital static noise.

  • Charles Penry
    Charles Penry

    I upgraded our two 20s units to 1.2 and now they are really buggy. Can't set volume for different levels for each source, intercom does not mute so we constantly hear road noise picked up by the microphones, the batteries went dead after 6 hours, plus more. I am going to roll back the firmware. Does anyone at Sena actually put these on a helmet and ride a cycle to see if they work?

  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    See if this works. Do a fault reset followed by a factory reset then re-pair.  I've had my unit go buggy once and this fixed it.

  • Ken

    Dear Sena:

    Can you please elaborate on your "bug fixes" noted in the new 1.2 firmware, please.  

    Many of us have reported specific issues and would like to see if any of these have been addressed.  Those of us that purchased the first run of the 20S headsets are your best customers and can offer the best field experiences regarding our issues and your fixes.  



  • DJ Hank
    DJ Hank

    Commuting solo on a bike with bugs this week.

    Firmware 1.2 is a step back people.

    As we all know the FM reception is stil very bad though i noticed if one touches the unit with bare hands during the ride it improves by 50%. But i am not going to ride around with my hand holding my helmet.

    -Overall Sena voice command does often not respond, no matter what English/Amercan accent is used.

    -Unit does not respond on the preset FM button anymore when there's only fm-noise and no reception. Switching FM off and on again is the only solution here and only then FM preset browsing works again. 

    -Sena system messages now decreases volume when functions are stated but the timing is not good. Volume explodes an than automatically lowers the volume like a badly installed audio compression unit. 

    -Playing "Stereo Music" now requires full attention to my Samsung Galaxy S4 wether i have the music app standing by or not. This used to be a smooth proces with 1.1.1 firmware but now i have to repeat "Stereo Music"-command serveral times. I have switched with standard android music apps e.g. MediaMonkey, VLC, n7, Winamp. So far the best results in BT response is Pioneers MIXTRAX App for playing music on the S4. (Even though i get annoyed by the random music tracks being played.)

    So, here's another customer waiting for improvements in the firmware section. Sound quality is still mighty good . Even though we have buggy software, i am still driving around with smile on my face when listening to music.

  • Charles Garalis
    Charles Garalis

    What was updated with 1.3?  My cell phone didn't show the update was out there.  But when I called in with issues with the intercom feature the CSR said that 1.3 was now available.  I downloaded and installed but I didn't notice any changes with the update (yet),

  • Ken

    Minor bug fixes?  I'm really having what I'd consider major usage problems.  (Unit turns itself OFF randomly, GPS driving directions blank out Intercom usage, Intercom drops connections often and at random, etc.)  They are short on information:

    Change made from version 1.2 to 1.3

    • Improved the intercom connection reliability
    • Improved compatibility with the PRISM
    • Minor bug fixes
  • Ken

    Firmware update was easy.   Now running 1.3.  Wish I knew what to look for in improvements, bug fixes, and upgrades.  

    iPhone app indicates App Version v1.3.1.  I guess that's the latest?

    iPhone app says:  Current Firmware Version 1.3   Latest Firmware Version 1.2     Huh?

    My FM radio stations set using the computer Sena Update program occupy slots 1,2,3,4,5.  But looking at the Sena app on my iPhone, they occupy 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 with 2, 4, 6 7, and 10 being 0.0 MHz.  Huh?  Which is right?

    iPhone app does show the phone numbers correctly as they are set by the Update program on my computer. 



  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    I have noticed my FM radio works much better.  I can receive more stations than before.  And the ones I could previously hear are much stronger

  • Wilhelm

    I cannot confirm the radio working any better.

    When enabling alternative frequencies, the radio button still stops working, as soon as the first automatic switch occurs.

  • Wilhelm

    Changing the audio overlay sensitivity via configuration menue works now.

  • Bryan Lee
    Bryan Lee
    This version 1.3 installed and most functions improved BUT my ambient button cannot work! Cannot hear my friend talking to me even at a meter apart! Tried resetting through the software and pushing that little reset button behind the unit. It just will not work. You can only hear your fingers touching the main unit body other then this sound you cannot listen to the surrounding noise at all. Not to mentioned some thing the sena lady voice voice go up and down. Sometimes my stereo volume suddenly dropped and got to exit the stereo function to enter FM radio then back to Stereo then the music volume will be back to normal. What a piece of S$650 equipment . I will never buy Sena products again if I can get my issues settle by SENA. The SENA 20S is performing inconsistent and the ambient button doesn't work.
  • Bryan Lee
    Bryan Lee
    I just received my exchange 20S sets from the dealer here in Singapore (Regina Specailties) BUT I was warned NOT TO install the latest update to the version 1.3 or he will no longer honor the warranty anymore. Now the ambient function and share music functions are there but the radio reception can't pick up a few local radio stations any more. The previous sets radio were so much better. Not sure if it was the upgrading of the software helps in the reception. But these exchange sets are still in software version 1.2 and so far my only complaint will be the radio reception.
    May I have your view on this? What should I do? To install the latest software to version 1.3 or what? This set proof that my former sets ambient feature and music sharing feature were not working correctly and now I will need to deal with another problem with the exchanged 20S.
  • Daniel

    Any comments on the new firmware 1.5? I just installed it and noticed that you can turn on/off if you want to hear the radio frequency. Smart Volume needs to wait till the first drive.

  • Ken

    I'm somewhat excited about smart volume control.  I've always wanted it; just like my Harley has it for it's factory radio.  (although I think the HD radio uses speed to adjust volume).  It's a pain to have to reach up to turn the Sena volume up/down for different speed and resulting ambient noise.  Really anxious to try this one on the road.  

    I'm glad that they've given the ability to turn the FM Radio frequency announcement on/off.  It was annoying every time I had to wait for the Sena lady to announce before listening to the FM.  

    No word on if they addressed any of the 100% repeatable issues I gave them in July.  Namely:

    1. When the Group Intercom originator goes out of range of the group (or the connected friend in the group), the double beep-beep happens to let us know. The problem is: The originator cannot turn Group Intercom off in this condition. The options are: Ride with the double beep-beep every 20 or 30 seconds (estimated) until the group comes back into range . . . . or . . . . power the Sena down and then power back up again. Cycling the power starts the unit with no group intercom. We need to be able to end a group intercom while out of range with the group. Totally repeatable.

    2. Cannot turn on FM radio while in Group Intercom. Our work-around was to turn the unit power OFF and back ON. Then turn on FM Radio first, and finally turn Group Intercom back ON. This happened every day, several times a day, by all of us. Totally repeatable.

    3. Cannot make a phone call while the FM radio is on. If in Group Intercom, you cannot turn the FM radio OFF. So to make a phone call, one must power the unit OFF and back ON; then make the phone call (by pushing the phone button). After the phone conversation has ended, the sequence is to turn FM radio back ON first; followed by Group Intercom. Totally repeatable.

    7. Popcorn noise: When in Group Intercom, popping noises would occasionally start. It sounded exactly like popping popcorn. Other times, it was a loud “Tick-Tick-Tick” with a rate of about 3 ticks a second. Other times, the popping and ticking would seem to be drumming out a rhythm. And at its worst, it was loud random popping, ticking, clicking, and static noise that we either endured until it went away or turned our units OFF to have some quiet. The noises described only happened when one of our Group Intercom would say something that keyed the intercom communication. Then, it would run for at least five seconds. Many times, it was as if the popping, clicking, and static noise was keeping the intercom channel open. Then, powering off was the only way to make it quiet.  It is not an out-of-range condition.  It did it while we were all in a room with helmets on; to program and get accustomed to Group Intercom.  No wind and we were only 5 or 6 feet from each other.  

    Maybe they addressed the above issues in their "Other minor problems" area.  Sure wish they'd let us know.  

  • Wilhelm

    Well, I have other issues, but they don't get solved either.

    1. MacOSX config Software cannot connect to the 20s. I have to use Windows7

    2. RDS AF still doesn't work and makes FM useless, if switched on. (More than one year after the initial release of the product). Once the 20s changes the frequency,  it only has static. Changing the station after that is impossible, it simply beeps.

    3. Changing the sensitivity of the smart volume cannot be saved, using the built in configuration menue. There simply isn't a button that does it. You have top wait until the configuration menue is terminated by timeout.

    All in all I really ask myself, if those things get tested before release.


  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    Wilhelm - I've never had a problem updating through a Mac although I've heard others have from time to time but it has not been a big topic issue.  Current computer, current OS, wired keyboard and wireless mouse.  Haven't found I needed to disable bluetooth to the mouse to update.  One thing is different though is that the 20s needs to remain off when you plug it in, unlike my SMH10.  After update you need to do a factory reset, delete the pairing in the phone or gps and re-pair everything.

    Read up on RDS. It's limited function with the 20s and only works with stations that have multiple frequencies - usually in rural areas where there are multiple low power stations to cover a wide area(for cars and home systems that have it, it has lots of features). Leaving it off resolves the frequency switch.  Quite frankly I don't know why this is a feature but if you live in the country areas it may be useful.  I leave it off.  

    Smart volume sensitivity adjustment works for me.  Go to config menu, select smart volume using the phone button, rotate the jog dial to low, med or high and select using the phone button.  You can also select through the app for your phone.  Hope this helps

  • Wilhelm

    Hi Ken,

    thank you very much for our comment. I am using a Mac Mini with OSX 10.9.5 (Mavericks). The Mac itsself has no problem connecting the Sena 20s, only the Sena Configuration Utility isn't able to find it. When I switch the same USB to to the Windows VM (Parallels) on the same machine, it works so I know it's not the hardware. BTW I really don't understand what the bluetooth setting should change when connecting the 20s via USB, especially when the 20s should be switchd off. Maybe Sena doesn't either. ;-)

    I just wanted to report this because it has never worked liliably on the OSX side, I believ only once during 5 software versions.


    The RDS Alternat Frequencies is a completely different feature and it is standard in any European FM Radio. It is used because every Station has many diffenet transmitters on various frequencies so if you go here from one city to another it might be you have to switch frequencies several times if you want to stay on the same program. This is an elemntary feature of the RDS standard. I really don't unterstand why every manufacturer but Sena has it working for 20 years...

    I used the smart volume setting by using the IOS app but it really has no effect. Even when I put it to "high" I cannot hear any changes in volume when the ambient noise gets louder.


  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    I'm in the US and rds for frequency switching is not prevalent over here although it is used a lot for station ID and song ID for cars.  I thought you had problems setting the smart volume setting, not that it was not noticably working.  I'm trying out that feature this weekend and I'll report back on what I noticed. As far as the Mac issue I don't know the answer beyond what I stated.  I'm assuming you have both the Windows and Mac versions on your computer since you are using Parallels.  Perhaps there is some conflict going on in the background with the Mac version?  Just guessing here.

  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    Got out on the road this weekend and Smart volume works pretty well.  I have a quiet bike so the high setting was too much volume increase at speed so I took it down to low and it's better.  Depending on your bike, helmet, and where you like your volume level you should be able to find a setting to your liking

  • Wilhelm

    Hi Ken,


    good for you - mine doesn't change the volume at all.

    I think there must be settings that block the smart volume, e.g. naviagtion app support, sidetone etc.

    Sadly changing those settings with my phone is not supported (iOS6) and the menue is not very usable on the road. So it will take some time to figure that out...



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