Bluetooth Cutting Out when Playing Music
I received a new S20 unit and tried it out for the first time yesterday, 20 October 2014. Shortly into the ride the music from my iPhone, via bluetooth connection, would cut out. Clearly the music was still playing on the iPhone the song had clearly progressed during the break in audio. I did not have this problem with my previous S20.
Please Advise.
Make sure that the antenna on the 20S is up.
You can also try rebooting your phone - hold down both the home and sleep button until the Apple logo is displayed.
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I would like to add I'm seeing this too. I'm not sure why the antenna being up would help as the music started and continues playback for a song or two, then the music from my android phone cuts in and out (sort of like a pause between here and there), then eventually stops.
I'm using an Android phone, HTC One (M7) which was previously using KitKat and just updated to Lollipop / Android 5.0. I'm curious if this is an issue on the Android side or Sena but wanted to follow up with Sena and users if they're seeing the same issue.
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I too have been having this issue. Bluetooth cuts out when I listen to music. It also happens when I listen to podcasts.The audio goes on for about 3 seconds and then cuts out. I then have to restart my 20s in order to connect to the phone again. Super annoying.
I am using a Google Nexus 5 running Android 5.1.
Anybody have any fixes? I reached out to Sena Support... waiting to hear from them.
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I believe the problem is on Android/Google, specific to 5.0 (Lollipop) which I found a link regarding lots of users seeing the issue and not with specific devices, headsets, etc.
I should not have updated to the latest OS since there was no benefit, but now I'm waiting on Google or HTC & AT&T to push out 5.1 of whatever update to fix these issues.
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I purchased a dual set and both units are driving me mad with the constant cutting out. I have been getting hoarse by constantly yelling "cancel" every nano-second. 0 -
I've been having the same issues. The audio, regardless of what it is ie music, intercom voice or Senas voice, are all choppy seem to be bluetooth connectivity issues. I tries a reset and firmware upgrades but nothing seems to matter. I also thought it might be connection issues with where the unit contacts the helmet base but nothing I try seems to make it better. Also, oddly for me I noticed that the choppiness gets better or worse with how my helmet is turned into the wind when riding. I'm officially stumped on this one. Everything I've tried doesn't help so I have requested an RMA to get a different unit.
Hopefully a new unit will solve the problem.
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@Summitdogracing: If the voice command system on the 20S is being activated and causing the audio to be cutoff then you can change the Motion Sensor sensitivity level to Low or you can set it to Disable through the Configuration Menu or on the Sena Smartphone App.
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I have the same issue. If you are streaming music id say stop now because it want stop its from phone cutting in and out with signal strength. Also, the range stinks if you don't have your phone mid gas tank or higher it cuts in and out. Also has to do with whats in your pocket with the phone etc. I recently got a tank bag which i put my phone in there now and haven't had any issue anymore.
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We use a Galaxy S6 to feed music to the S20 headsets and have had the same problem from the get go. We have kept up with all the available updates. Very aggravating especially since this unit was supposed to be the high end option. 0 -
I have tried rebooting the last update, rebooting my phone and still the same problems. Antennas are up and it doesn't matter how close the phone is. I have tried too many times to follow Sena's instructions. One headset if fine, works off voice commands but once I pair another headset, music can be choppy and the second headset hears little of my voice when in intercom mode. The only thing that seems to work "fairly well" is just music sharing. Maybe I should get rid of the mics Sena. Product not worth $400.
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I too have the same issue as Dirk! The system works great (except at high speeds she keeps saying "say a command") until I connect to the intercom with my second Sena. When the intercom is connected between the two, the music cuts in and out constantly. It's so annoying! If I tap the jog dial and disconnect the intercom, the music works just fine. Sometimes, if you speak (so the music quiets), when the intercom mutes again, the music will play better. But, as soon as you speak again, it will start skipping.
I use a Samsung S7 and have the latest firmware on my Sena 20s.
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same issue with music cutting out, clearly a Sena issue...firmware updated on both devices....been worse in last few weeks, any possible fixes please share
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Has anyone found a fix to this? I have the same issue with my 20S EVO and it is disappointing to say the least.
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I've had my 20S now since 2016 and never had an issue until most recently. I can confirm the problem exists with the iPhone 8 Plus and the Samsung Galaxy Note 8.
Something is clearly wrong with the bluetooth channel preventing a solid connection considering the noticeable audio pop when communication is restored.
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Hey Sena can we get a suggestion how to fix this issue? I have the 20s EVO and often my music cuts in and out while in sharing mode with my passenger.
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How many more does it take to get an official response from Sena?
I've been having this issue sine July 2017
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Ok so I started this thread 3 years ago and Sena hasn't come up with a fix. If you ask me in this day and age that's pretty effin ridiculous.
I continue to have this problem where the bluetooth cuts out on an intercom conversation as soon as I try and play music. Doesn't matter the firmware updates or the age of the unit because I just had a buddy who bought a brand new unit have the same problems when we were trying to talk AND listen to music just 2 days ago. We ended up having to turn off the music on both of our phones for our intercom conversations to be clear and not cut off.
Sena. You're gonna need to fix this or your going to start losing customers.
This isn't a cheap unit and theres other options out there....just saying.
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In a different thread someone informed me that the systems cannot share music AND have intercom communication at the same time because the unit only has one intercom channel between devices. It can be used for music OR for intercom communication, but not both. This would seem to explain the problem even if it is completely contrary to what the salesperson told me when I purchased the system. (That would hardly be the first time a salesperson promised something they couldn't deliver!)
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That makes sense to me but we weren't sharing music between the 2 units. Each of us were individually listening to music on our own phones.
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Then I'm talking about a totally different problem than you are. Sorry.
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We each seem to have a slightly different (but simlar) problem. My issue is that if I'm listening to music (sharing or not) the music skips. The intercom sounds fine, but the music is so bad I have to turn it off.
I called Sena and discussed the issue and they offered to replace both units for me. I had the 20S and they replaced them with the 20S Evo last week. I haven't had a chance to test them out yet, but was happy to get them replaced (and slightly upgraded). This may be a possibility for some of you if your unit in still under warranty.
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Earl is probably right here. I think the issue issue revolves around Bluetooth firmware/software updates on phones that either isn't compatible or needs updated. Either that or eventual radio failure.
In my situation, I can get streaming Bluetooth audio working but only if the headset is within 8 inches.
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Wow, I have had the issue of the unit disconnecting from my phone after about 2-3 mins, since the purchase of a 20S unit 2 yrs+. I have been on the phone with Sena support jumping through hoops to correct this issue. I have had two Android phones (Galaxy6,8) in the process. All the while Sena support have constantly only want to address "firmware update?, settings (phone & headset). As well asked me to do the infamous factory reset repeatedly. Latest issue is intermittent sound on the right clamshell/speaker connection. I contacted Sena support, I was informed there is not a repair facility in the states. However that didn't matter because I was beyond the 2 yr warranty coverage. I was further instructed to just purchase another set of speakers or another clamshell bracket. The biggest disappointing issue with my experience with my decision to purchase a Sena 20S instead of the Cardo system I use at my employment. I made an uninformed decision mostly because I thought the 20S has better sound clarity than the Cardo system. However, regrettable having better sound quality is irrelevant if you cannot maintain constant connection to your transmitting source. This latest serviceability is amazing to me because the Cardo units at work are shared. The clamshell/speakers are constantly being removed and replaced in different users' helmets. Those Cardo units have lasted 3 years and are still going. My 20S has been in/out of my helmet approximately 4 times in the past 2 years and have failed. Unfortunately in-spite of the price of replacing this top dollar unit, my piece of mind and blood pressure health are worth more to me than dealing with the lack luster performance of the Sena 20S and the ineptness of those of Sena Technologies. Cardo Communication Systems, be gentle with me.
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@Rich - Can you recommend the Cardo model you're using? Time for me to replace.
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@Sukh, We use the PackTalk model. To be fair, my experience with these systems are line of sight communication. Unless you are using the multi-rider linked method your distance from a riding partner's effective communication is affected by multiple factors. However, I have found that to be the case with both Sena and Cardo systems.
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Thanks, looking at Packtalk Bold. Like for like features. But seems to be more stable.
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To be fair, this is my last conversation, today with Sena chat reps.
(08:06:15 PM) Rich S:
Visitor 54820306, Jul 11, 1:04 PM PDT:
Chat started: 2018-07-11 07:52 PM UTC(07:52:58 PM) *** Jake joined the chat ***
(07:53:02 PM) Jake: Hello, I am Jake, how can I be of assistance for you today?
(07:53:14 PM) Visitor 54820306 is now known as Rich S.
(07:54:24 PM) Rich S: Hello Jake, is there a way to repair the speaker or clamshell for my 20S?
(07:54:55 PM) Jake: I apologize but we don't have repair center here in US, may I know what happened to the clamp?
(07:55:48 PM) Rich S: It seems there is a loose connection from the speaker connection wire to the calm shell.
(07:56:43 PM) Rich S: It seems a bit odd not to have a repair resource here in the states.
(07:56:45 PM) Jake: How long have you been using the unit?
(07:57:05 PM) Rich S: Beyond the 2 yr warranty period.
(07:57:29 PM) Rich S: approximately 2 1/2 yrs
(07:57:32 PM) Jake: our manufacturer would like us to send all the defective unit back to the warehouse and just provide a full replacement
(07:58:15 PM) Jake: kindly try to contact our phone support to check if you are still withn the warranty and get you a replacement
(07:58:24 PM) Jake: US / Canada (Toll Free*)
(800) 607-6156
M-F 8:00AM – 5:00PM (PST: Pacific Standard Time)
(07:59:01 PM) Rich S: Jake, I'm not within the warranty period.
(08:01:04 PM) Jake: then, if you are out of warranty I suggest to get a brand new clamp kit
(08:04:41 PM) *** Jake left the chat ***This email is a service from Sena Technologies Help Desk.
(09:03:30 PM) Kevin: I`m sorry for the inconvenience. I understand and respect your decision Rich.
(09:07:49 PM) *** Kevin left the chat ***0 -
@Sukh I agree, the bold seems to be the latest version of that system.
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I came to the conclusion that bluetooth interferences from nearby devices are causing the unit to misbevave. Since 2015 my 20s would come out of music sharing when we are around cars/trucks/wifi, but not when we are isolated from other people.
With the recent update to support remotes and other devices, I suspect this opened up plenty of "codes" otherwise perceived as noise, but now perceived as a false positive command causing music to stop.
It may be something entirely different, but it still is a problem today, and I think I will rollback to 1.7.6 or even before...
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I've noticed many BT issues increasing in frequency with the adoption of smartphone who can do bluetooth 5. I believe the current hypothesis that the senas are only BT 4.1 and they crash upon the service discovery packet (which is 255 bytes instead of 37 bytes). Make observation with regards to the moment this cuts out; try to see if this occurs when crossing paths with other people only (taking the precaution to turn off your own BT5 devices if any and possible).
Now, this cannot be the root cause of an issue in 2014, but I though I'd mention it because other users may mix up this issue with the other.
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