Siri on iOS9 doesn't work any more with 20s


16 Kommentare

  • Michael  DeJarnette
    Michael DeJarnette

    I now have the answer to the problem. Just got off Chat with Apple Support.

    The key is General>Reset>Reset All Settings

    This is different than Rebooting. Reset solves the problem. Reboot doesn't.

    Then un-pair and re-pair your phone. After hitting the 20s phone button, you should see a different screen that says, "Voice Control" instead if the black Siri screen that doesn't work.

  • Wilhelm
    Hi Michael, thanks for taking the time to answer. Unfortunately this doesn't work. Reset is the typical answer of Support-Staff to every problem. I just used a brand new iPhone 6 with iOS9. ( out of the box) That doesn't work either. There simply is no Screen that say "voice control" Did you really try it ? Thanks Wilhelm
  • Wilhelm
    Oh, I just figured out what the answer means. After a reset, Siri is deaktivated. So the phone uses the old Voice commands, that are onboard the phone, without using the Siri servers. That really isn't any help to solve the problem. Good that I reverted to IOS8 in time. Thanks Wilhelm
  • Michael  DeJarnette
    Michael DeJarnette

    Well actually, Reset was never suggested by anyone beforehand. It was always Reboot, which did not work. There is a difference.

    And no, Siri was NOT deactivated by the Reset. It was however a different screen labeled "Voice Control," which did indeed work. Before using Reset, it gave me a black screen where Siri understood what I said but did nothing. With the new screen labeled Voice Control, I said, "Call ____" and Siri responded with, "Calling ____."

    So if you are not seeing a screen labeled Voice Control, I don't know what to tell you. Did you unpair Sena from the phone, then pair it after the Reset?

  • Michael  DeJarnette
    Michael DeJarnette

    If nothing else, go to Apple Support yourself. You have a choice of Chat or phone call. I used Chat and he stayed with me until the problem was solved, which was by going to General>Reset>Reset All Settings.

  • Wilhelm
    Hi Michael, thanks again. As I see it, the problem is not solverd. If you see a screen titled Voice-Command you are not using Siri. Its the old Voice Dial interface that was in iOS before Siri. Cheers Wilhelm
  • Michael  DeJarnette
    Michael DeJarnette

    Well, all I know is when I tell it to call someone on my iphone's contact list, Siri's voice responds and calls them. So what's the difference? Have you tried Apple Support for yourself? It is free if that is what you are worried about. They are quite friendly and helpful.

    There's another 20s thread where someone thanked me for getting their's working too, after months of frustration.

  • Wilhelm
    What you are seeing there, is the builtin voice dial. This is not Siri. You have to use a restricted syntax and it is quite weak in "understandig" what you say. The only upside is, that its onborad an doesn't need an internet connection. For me it never dials the correct number/kontact. What siri does ist quite different, you can speak normal sentences, respond to messages, navigate and even dictate emails. I suspect the use of siri has been blocked by apple for equipment that hasn't Apple's blessing or manufacturers who don't pay for this. This was definately different before iOS9. Cheers Wilhelm
  • Wilhelm

    Firmware 1.6 is out. It claims to have fixed problems with Siri

    Unfortunately I don't have my iOS9 iPhone here at the moment but I will test a.s.a.p.


  • Mitch C.
    Mitch C.

    I have updated my 20s to firmware 1.6 and now Siri appears to work as you would expect.


  • Wilhelm
    You are right, Siri works again. So it wasn't only Apple's fault. Thank you Sena! I have encountered one other issue though. When I am connected with a fellow rider via Intercom, pressing the phone button does nothing but beep. On earlier firmwares I could envoke Siri during a conversation ( like during music play) Now I have to terminate the intercom before I can dial. Is there some setting that influences this behaviour or does it simply not work any more? TIA Wilhelm
  • Mitch C.
    Mitch C.

    Same here, with 1.6 I have to manually terminate intercom before I can make a phone call, play stereo music or FM radio.  Not sure if that's a feature or bug.

  • Wilhelm
    I can start music from my phone while comunicating. What I can confirm, that during an intercom communication neither incoming nor outgoing call with the phone are possible. This certainly isn't a "feature" of a device which claims to have blutooth multitasking. Sadly Sena seems to not to have done the kob properly.
  • Bill Knighton
    Bill Knighton
    1.6 on iOS 9.21 still does not work well with Siri. It keeps listening after I've issued a command for about 10 seconds before it stops listening and sometimes fulfills the command. It also does not use audio feedback. For example, if I said "hey Siri what is 1 times 2" it would wait 10 seconds and then print "2".
    Normally Siri would instantly answer on the phone speaker with "2".
  • Bill Knighton
    Bill Knighton
    I am having some more function with Siri now. When Siri is activated there is a Bluetooth button on the lower right of the iphone screen that will switch audio to the 20s.
    There is still a small problem and it was confused because experimenting was done with the phone near the helmet. The phone mic was picking up voice instead of of the 20s mic but I didn't know it. The problem is that I can't initiate Siri with "hey Siri" over the 20s mic. Once Siri is started the 20s mic works well with Siri. Pressing the phone button on the back of the 20s is necessary to start Siri for me unless the phone mic happens to pic up "hey Siri" but that can't be counted on and is why I was having unpredictable results.
  • Micheal Marina
    Micheal Marina

    You can check whether you siri is activated or not. If it is activated and not working please update your iOS version. You can also try the latest version of Siri for free on tutuapp. You just need to download tutuapp iOS app to get all latest apps like siri for free on your iOS devices.


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