Several problems
Sena 20S problems
- Radio scanning not working plugged in. It just repeats “95.2 FM” forever
- Stereo music disconnects when Garmin Zumo disconnects. You can’t restart the music, you need to reboot the unit or disconnect-reconnect the phone
- Audio overlay problems: no dampening of FM radio or music. When intercom communication starts everything else should be dampened, maybe except GPS navigation instructions
- Right now everything is the same volume, much like two people screaming at you.
- Audio too low when having earplugs
- Stop scanning when i press anything. I might like that station. Continue scanning if i do nothing within 10 seconds
- I’m really not interested in the FM frequencies. Just a quick scan to the next station
- Quick preset of radio station to desired place: “Preset ONE”, not necessarily the next preset that the Sena decides. Right now you say “preset, one” when it’s at three, next time you do a preset, it starts at 4.
- with firmware 1.6.2 the phone connection goes into a connect/disconnect loop. It’s unusable
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