Update Device Manager driver for Windows 11 compatibility
The driver for the Device Manager program (Cambridge Silicon Radio ltd. csrbc.sys) is not compatible with Windows 11 Core Isolation Memory Integrity. I am not comfortable with disabling my computer's security to load a driver that won't function.
Please consider updating the CSR driver to one compatible with Windows 11.
yes please!!
I cannot disable Core Isolation it is not available in my W11 version 23H2...
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The driver still wont load even with Memory Integrity disabled.
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The driver still wont load even with Memory Integrity disabled also in my laptop.
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I have had the same issue. I am really not comfortable with disabling core security functions to make this work.
I tried it on an standalone laptop on Windows 11 and it didn't work anyway ...
So, I have a Sena headset that I can't update because they can't maintain their software properly.
Is it possible to manually find the right driver?
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This is incredibly frustrating. I actually eventually (with a lot of time wasting) managed to update one of my SMH10 by disabling memory integrity. But I couldn't do my husband's one—even going through the same process as I did with mine. I can't believe that this has been an issue for so long, yet Sena doesn't care enough about its customers to fix this driver issue. I'm running Windows 11. It does make me not want to purchase anything else from Sena that needs support in the future.
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Sympa!! impossible de reconnaitre mon casque sena pour les mise à jours ?
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