New Bilt DWO-5 Helmet



  • Terry L. Hitt
    Terry L. Hitt 

    cycle gear bluetooth manager for bilt helmets dwo-5

  • Phil Paxton
    Phil Paxton

    I installed the Cycle Gear  version of the BT manager and i am getting the following Error

    What can i do to fix this issue? Or to otherwise get this working. I want the app support as well. I appreciate the value that The Bilt Techno 2.0 Evolutoion headset provides. But one of the reasons i chose it over other bluetooth integrated helmet is that it is Sean doing the bluetooth and I want the features and upgrade-ability and features that Sena offers with their standalone headsets. 

    the Sena BT Connection app does not recognize the app at all.

  • Victor Gaston
    Victor Gaston

    I am having the same issue that Phil Paxton has identified, how can we get this to work. Plus I recently went on a trip with a group of friends who all had Sena devices but I could not connect with them.  We were able to get paired up, however, only they could reach out to me, but I could not reach them.  Every time I tried to contact one of them, I kept getting "intercom failed". I also down loaded the utility app but my device was not on it, so I couldn't receive the support that everyone did nor connect to anyone.  I thought the whole objective of buying this Sena product was that it connect to everything and especially another Sena unit.  If I can't connect to them, then this helmet is useless to me, other than being able to listen to music while riding.

  • Mark L Hall
    Mark L Hall

    why does the app not work? this is ridiculous for a $250 helmet.

  • Thomas Oatman
    Thomas Oatman

    I also had the issue of missing FTD2XX.dll when using the Cycle Gear Device Manager ( for the DWO-5 unit.

    I fixed this by also installing the Sena Device Manager and then copying the dll from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Sena Technologies\SenaBluetoothDeviceManager"    to    "C:\Program Files (x86)\CycleGear\CycleGearBluetoothDeviceManager"


    Afterwards, it updated from version 1.0 to 1.2 firmware

  • Sena Support
    Sena Support

    We are investigating the cause of the issue and will work to resolve this problem as soon as problem. Thank you for your patience.

  • Mariah Kraft
    Mariah Kraft

    I am having the same problem Kevin H had. My computer doesn't recognize the device and I do not have a MAC to use, only a PC Windows 10 64bit. 

    How can I resolve this? 

    I would like to pair my DWO-5 with my phone but nothing is working. I thought a driver/firmware update was in order since I haven't updated it since I purchased it.

  • Terry L. Hitt
    Terry L. Hitt

    NEW CYCLE GEAR BLUETOOTH DEVICE MANAGER software v1.3 is available, it worked fine for me... did not find any newer firmware available from server for my Bilt Modular Full Face Techno


  • robert valencia
    robert valencia

    I too am wondering why there is no support on the Sena Android app for the dwo-5. Please let us know that you are working on compatibility Sena.

  • Don deCourcelle
    Don deCourcelle

    I just bought the Techno 2.0 Evolution helmet with DWO-5 bluetooth.  The BT unit does pair with my GPS and via intercom with my old helmet with Sena SMH-5.

    However, experiencing the same problem Phil Paxton is showing... FTD2XX.dll missing when you run the Cycle Gear Bluetooth Manager.

    I'm using Windows 10 64b.

    I downloaded FTD2XX.dll from an internet site and put it in Windows\System.  The BlueTooth manager now gets past the FTD2XX issue, but shows another error!

    Clearly the Cycle Gear Bluetooth manager installation is misconfigured or missing components.

    We need a resolution on this please.  TY. 


  • Stephen Olson
    Stephen Olson

    I'm having the same trouble as Phil Paxton when I use the Cycle gear software. I am unable to upgrade firmware because the I keep getting the error that the program can not open the usb port if I use the Sena software. If I check my device manager my helmet is in my devices and also listed in my usb connected devices. I have installed both software programs as administrator. Any advice anyone can offer me would be great because I bought two of these helmets and can't connect with either one. 

  • todd anderson
    todd anderson

    This has been going on for more than 6 months. Has anyone called Sena support again for a fix? If not then they should stop selling this helmet as I just got one and am having the exact same issue that has been going on since Feb 2017.

      This should be an embarrassment to Sena and I know they provided a new update to my 20u system.

  • Don deCourcelle
    Don deCourcelle

    @Todd... yes, I created a ticket when I posted to this board.  Apparently the devs don't monitor this site, so you have to call them.

    While talking to Cust Support I found out there was no firmware update for the DWO-5, so that's a relief.  Also, my helmet is working perfectly in all other respects and the DWO-5 works well with my other Sena SMH-5 headset.

       - Don

  • steve.contos

    If your still waiting for the fix, read the post from Thomas Oatman above. His solution works.


  • Stephen Olson
    Stephen Olson

    Thomas Oatman and Steve.contos. Thanks for the fix It works like a dream. I appreciate the help

  • ted koski
    ted koski

    Just had the same problem and the solution above from Thomas Oatman worked for me too.  Copy the missing .dll from the Sena installation worked and updated the Bilt specific app for me.  

    I tried installing and running the sena app but helmet was not recognized.

    Thanks Thomas!

  • steve.contos


    Here is a link to my blog which describes in more detail the issue. Including link to the file which their tech support insists is a windows system file. 

    Clearly they are not able to understand the issue at hand.


  • Terry L. Hitt
    Terry L. Hitt

    installed beautifully to v1.1.1 after it uninstalled the older v1.1.

    Seems to work fine, have v1.02 firmware for Cycle Gear DWO-5 Techno2 EVO helmets and all seems to work fine.... sometimes doesnt connect to other helmet intercom, even after working fine the day before...

  • steve.contos

    I have updated my blog to indicate I have also confirmed the installer is now installing correctly.  

  • Robert Scott
    Robert Scott

    I have a Techno 2.0 with DWO-5.  I just bought a Schuberth C4 with SC1.


    Are these units compatible?

  • Matthew Fewtrell
    Matthew Fewtrell

    I am attempting the firmware update and it is stuck on 90%...I am waiting a bit longer before trying to return it, but this is very discouraging. Did I just brick my helmet?

  • James T Patton
    James T Patton

    The two links showing to the device manager are broken.

    The first won't load.

    The second pops up as BAD GATEWAY.

    How about we try that again?

  • James T Patton
    James T Patton

    Windows 10, Chrome, Norton creates an issue resulting in the BAD GATEWAY ERROR.

    To go to the address for the updater, use Internet Explorer and disable NORTON temporarily.  Even with the program permissions set correctly the Cycle Gear program will not download the file to run the update.  Using Internet Explorer and shutting Norton off the link does work, as does the updater.

  • Vincent Un
    Vincent Un

    I am happy to report that the Cycle Gear Bilt Techno 2.0 Bluetooth modular helmet is now recognized by the Cyclegear device bluetooth manager and updated with the latest firmware. With integrated Bluetooth 3.0 system and universal Intercom protocol, it claims to work across all brands up to 430 yards. I am thinking of purchasing the new Sena Savage bluetooth helmet, and wonder if it is intercom compatible with the DWO-5.  If not, can Sena provide a list of intercom compatible bluetooth helmets (Sena and OEM brands) please? Much appreciated. Thank you for your support.

  • Sena Support
    Sena Support

    The Savage can be paired and connected with the DWO-5 for intercom conversations.

  • Kevin H.
    Kevin H.

    So, we my GF and I just bought this helmet on super sale at Cycle gear and were really excited about the new toy! However, I cannot seem to get the bluetooth manager to "see" my device. The install works fine when updating the driver on the x64 machine and my PC responds with all the audio queues that it has been connected.

    Please see the picture below... am I doing something wrong? I have 2 degree's in technology and this should not be an issue. 

  • Kevin H.
    Kevin H.

    So, I just tied this on my Macbook after the Windows would not work. The Macbook finds the device, but cannot find any firmware for me to update the device with... WTH? Can someone help me please? 

  • Don deCourcelle
    Don deCourcelle

    Kevin, I did my upgrade quite a while ago.  Only thing I can think of (for Win10) is there's a difference between a USB charging cable and USB data cable. 

    Try your cable on a phone or camera, see if you can move data on/off the device (data cable).  If you can't then you're using a charging cable... and that won't work.

    I had this problem with some update somewhere... but can't remember what it was.  In any case...

    Hope this helps


  • Sena Support
    Sena Support

    Kevin, the Cycle Gear Bluetooth Device Manager cannot find a firmware to update the headset because it already has the latest firmware installed as indicated in the upper right which is the same as what is indicated as the Latest Version of firmware. When a new firmware is available then you will be notified if you would like to download and install it onto your headset.

  • Kevin H.
    Kevin H.

    That news is unfortunate. I had researched and was expecting that I could update the firmware and the device would function like the newer models (e.g., SMH10). I will be taking the helmet back to cycle gear and thank you for the quick response. 


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