Failed to update firmware. Check your SD Card



  • sharon doble
    sharon doble

    I have the same problem, same sena 10C and same SD card,my sena isnt even recognised in device manager. 

  • nsnamba

    Same problem here too.  I tried to format the SD card, reboot the computer, upgrade device manager and nothing seems to work.  My Sena is recognized, but at 22-23% of the update it says "Failed to update firmware.  Check you SD Card"

  • Ross

    Same problem - 22%.

    I reformatted my 32GB Fat32 SDCard to just FAT16, limiting its size to 2GB and it has now updated successfully.  I believe there is a known fault with these products not performing a firmware update on any sdcard bigger than 8GB. Incidentally, recording mode (as opposed to video tagging mode) also now works when using this repartitioned sdcard.  Previously it was broken and I was advised to return my unit under warranty. When I reformatted it using the camera configuration back to 32GB video recording stopped again, so I will either buy a smaller card or permanently repartition this card to a smaller size.

    I've experimented with different cluster sizes before with no obvious improvement, but this issue and several others all seems to be related to sdcard size and partitioning.



  • dan broadley
    dan broadley

    I have also tried to format the SD card, reboot the computer, upgrade device manager and nothing seems to work. My Sena is recognised, but at 22-23% of the update it says "Failed to update firmware. Check you SD Card

    Bought different sizes and makes of memory card but still same problem.

    At the moment due to this it won't record data to any memory card!

    I've also had to reset the Sena many times as sometimes it refuses to turn on.


  • Jake Maynard
    Jake Maynard

    Hey Sena, what's the deal? Mine wont update, either. Same problem. Halp!


    I hope this helps guys. I tried about 30 times to update my firmare on my 10c and it failed. Then i tried it on my macbook and was successful. I dont think Sena realized that there are more android users than iphone users. Try it on your mac or a mac for the update.

  • Khpsollja

    Mines just stopped recording video or even failing to update all of a sudden after owning it since july 2015. I tried so many times to update the firmware with 5 different cards. I finally got it to update after literally 50 freaking times. It kept failing at 22-23%. It STILL wont record any video though because it still FAILS to read any of my memory cards. WTF Sena!!!

  • Bruno Bronosky
    Bruno Bronosky

    My 10c update via Mac was dieing at 14%. I did what Ross said and it worked first try. Thanks, Brother.

  • Chris Donovan
    Chris Donovan

    I also re-format the SD card for updates, but then format it back to 32GB.  To get recording to work I turn on my 10c, then after it stops blinking (initialising), I remove the SD card, wait around what feels like 2 seconds (the 10c starts blinking) and reinsert the SD card.  Then I can turn on the video, and then start taking pictures, or video.

    1 occasion where I had to turn on the video first, then do the remove, and insert SD card thing again, and it worked right away.

  • Daiver

    Alright folks. I had my 10C on firmware v 1.0.2, which was the second firmware upgrade for this unit. For the record, we are now at v 2.3 and I was finally able to upgrade my firmware.

    A huge thanks goes to Ross as his idea was brilliant. No need to go out and buy different card sizes to try this. You can fool the PC to think it is a smaller card by formatting to FAT16.

    To do this, follow these instructions:

    (I'm pasting them at the end of this message in case that link stops working in the future.)

    After you've reformatted your 10C, make sure you unplug it from the PC, shut down the Sena Updater and then connect the unit and open the updater again.

    After hundreds of tries to update for the past three years, I was finally able to do it. Sadly, it didn't fix my issues, but the unit is running 2.3.

    Ross, you're the man! Thanks!


    Instructions copy & paste:

    Step 1: Why There Is No FAT Option on Format Window.

    When you need to format your USB to FAT/FAT16 because your device (like DVD player or digital decoder etc) only support FAT file systems. But there is no option FAT on format window, so you cant change it to FAT. So why it happened?

    Because your USB size is more than MAX Volume size of FAT.

    FAT/FAT16: Max volume size 4GB, Max file size 2GB.

    FAT32: Max volume size 2TB, Max file size 4GB.

    exFAT: Max volume size 128PB, Max file size 16EB.

    It mean if your USB flash drive is 8GB or more, it will not support FAT format.

    So what you need is resize it to 4GB.


    Step 2: Use DISKPART to Resize USB


    Put your USB on.

    Press Window+R to open Run.


    DISKPART> list disk ↵

    Disk ### Status Size Free Dyn Gpt

    -------- ---------- ------- ------- --- ---

    Disk 0 Online 40 GB 0 B

    Disk 1 Online 7538 MB 0 B

    #Your USB is Disk 1 (7538 MB) ,select it:

    DISKPART> select disk 1 ↵

    Disk 1 is now the selected disk.

    DISKPART> list part

    Partition ### Type Size Offset

    ------------- ---------------- ------- -------

    Partition 1 Primary 500 MB 1024 KB

    DISKPART> clean ↵

    DiskPart succeeded in cleaning the disk.

    # resize USB to 4000MB

    DISKPART> create part primary size=4000

    DiskPart succeeded in creating the specified partition.

    DISKPART> active ↵

    DiskPart marked the current partition as active.

    Close window then Format again. You will see FAT option there.

    Step 3: Change Back to Default Size.

    Now your USB is 3.9GB. To change it back to original size do this.


    DISKPART> list disk ↵

    DISKPART> select disk 1 ↵

    DISKPART> list partition ↵

    DISKPART> clean ↵

    DISKPART> list partition ↵

    DISKPART> create partition primary ↵

    DISKPART> list partition ↵

    DISKPART> format fs=fat32 quick ↵

    DISKPART> list partition ↵

    exit ↵




  • Tandoko Imron Putra
    Tandoko Imron Putra

    i still cant update my sena 10c evo. f*ck it


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