Windows 10 will not allow unsigned driver to be installed.
Bought a DWO-5 Helmet and downloaded the software to install on an upto date Windows 10 system.
Windows 10 refused to install the "driver" because it is considered unsigned.
The Driver appears to be the USB "driver" since software states it cannot open USB
Online research shows this:
"I know this is old, but it is an old problem that Sena STILL refuses to fix. The problem is that 64 bit Windows 10 demands that device drivers be signed by Microsoft, and Sena refuses to send them for signing."
To Sena Engineers:
I resolved by temporarily disabling signed driver checks. (bcdedit /set testsigning on) - this requires a reboot, and after installing the drivers, it must be re-enabled for system security and safety. (bcdedit /set testsigning off)
You SERIOUSLY need to update you drivers. Almost NOBODY still runs the long obsolete Windows XP, yet a huge section of your inf file is devoted to those drivers, while current OSes are unsupported.You also need to submit your updated drivers for 64-bit Windows 10 to Microsoft for signing.
Failure on your part to address this, or even to acknowledge it is sheer laziness on your part, and I'll be posting this all over in the forums to hopefully help others avoid the many hours I had to spend resolving the problems caused by Sena shortcomings.
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@Guillermo Ortiz Aldana - Good for you for figuring out a way to make this work for you. It can be done. There are also easier ways.
However, this is a problem caused by Sena's laziness and failure to support their products. Nobody should have to struggle to find a solution to make this work.
It would be an EASY fix for Sena, but they do not care about customers once they have your money.
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You don't even need to send the driver to Microsoft for WHQL signing, that's only required for the driver to be distributed with Windows Update.
If you'd just sign the file using the same cert you used to sign the Device Manager installer this issue wouldn't exist.
The fact that this issue is unresolved after all these years for products still being sold is insanity.2 -
Come on Sena this is shameful! Do the work so your customers are not left in the dark on this. Or are we just your beta testers?
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@Guillermo Ortiz Aldana - What are the Filter settings? Name, vendor id, Product Id, etc?
Thank you
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Read my posts above, and just follow the instructions
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Brad D , thanks , works for me , no answer from Sena so far , but your way around worked ! A shame that a company like this doesn't fix this problem ! Searched for two days to find a solution ! Is it correct that latest version is v2.2.2 from 2016 ?
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Guys, I had the same trouble not being able to update drivers. I reached out to Sena and below you can find their instrutions on how to fix - as well as my response to them on why I would NOT follow their instructions, and likely will not buy SENA again because as "CensoredProfile" said in many posts above, SENAs request and their decision not to properly sign their drivers puts anyone using their software at risk.
My Response to SENA's fix which follows below:
Frankly I was disappointed in your suggested solution.
Let me paraphrase what you told me to demonstrate why.
“As Sena Is not willing to pay either the fees to have our drivers properly certified in order to meet modern computer standards, we request that to update our devices firmware, you start your computer without the basic system protections like driver signing in place. We want you the user to take these risks with your computer because we are unwilling to go through common processes expected of any modern device company who’s other peripherals you use on your machine. Sorry”.
So, no I have not upgraded your drivers, because as a user that frankly would be dumb to do, and technically very similar to someone sending me an exe, and telling me to turn off virus protection before I install it, because the virus protection might not like the exe.
I find it a very sad comment on Sena’s moral and technical stance that you even suggested it. You have likely lost me as a customer with your suggestion, and I will both look for alternatives for myself as well as recommend the same among my wide community of friends.
TL;DR – your advice was insulting. No I did not upgrade and the problem isn’t solved.
SENAs Tech Support on How to Fix the Problem:
Agent #07, Aug 6, 2020, 7:15 AM PDT:
Hi Mike,
Good day!
We apologize for the delay.
Alright! The reason why the SENA Bluetooth Device Manager will not recognize any SENA Headset is because of the security programmed on the computer, this security blocks the unrelated program like SENA Bluetooth Device Manager to perform activities like updating a firmware of a SENA Headset.
However, we have a temporary way to access it.
Kindly disable the driver signature of your Windows 10 pc.
Here are the steps.
Click the Start Menu and select Settings.
Click Update and Security.
Click on Recovery
Click Restart now under Advanced Startup.
Click Troubleshoot.
Click Advanced options.
Click Startup Settings.
Click on Restart.
On the Startup Settings screen press 7 or F7 to disable driver signature enforcement.
Your computer will restart and you will be able to install non-digitally signed drivers.
Start the Sena Bluetooth Device Manager, and try the device recognition again.
After disabling the driver's signature, kindly perform the firmware update by following the steps below.
Can you try this way, please?- Open the Device Manager, DO NOT plug in your headset yet.
- Click NEXT on the WELCOME page.
- Make sure your headset is Turned OFF, then plugin it into your computer.
- Click NEXT on the DEVICE RECOGNITION page.
- Continue the steps once the headset is being recognized.
If it will not works, please check below and repeat the steps above.
Troubleshooting steps for device recognition.- Make sure to use the USB cable that came with your Sena headset. This cable has a 90-degree bend at the end.
- If you don't have the original anymore then use a different one, just make sure it is working.
- Charge the headset main unit for at least one hour.
- Use the latest Sena Device Manager.
- Do not use USB hubs. Instead, use the computer’s built-in USB port.
- If you have several main units to update, make sure to only plug in one main unit at a time.
- Make sure that your computer's OS is up to date.
- Make sure that you have Administrator privilege.
- Try to uninstall and re-install the Sena Device Manager.
- Perhaps also say try a different USB port from 3.0 to 2.0 or vice versa.
- Try a different computer if available.
Let us know if this works or not.Thank you!
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Same email as above (MikeR) was sent to me this week. The reply to my email suggesting I would not carry out this process was as below:
Personally I'm disgusted in Sena, it's now 2020 for goodness sake.
Agent #13, Sep 8, 2020, 2:53 PM PDT:
This is my first time hearing "BitLocker". Can you try using a different computer?Agent #13
SENA Technologies, Inc.
www.buysena.com1 -
Hyper Pete - that sounds like something that you have experience with.
Sena, I would be seriously disappointed in if you delete my post to the community of your tech teams suggested fix to this problem.
Obviously I realize it that post is embarrassing to you, because the fix you suggest as it was quite unprofessional. This is an opportunity to hear your customers talking, we think you need to do better.1 -
Are you using the USB cable that came with it? Try a different micro USB cable. Also, install the drivers if you haven't. Here's hoping this resolves that for you. I'll watch for your reply.
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Pete, I did previously mention that I've tried two different cables, both verified to have working data with my Xbox One controller.
Additionally, there is no way to install the drivers. None of the three PCs I tried have recognized the Sena, so when I try to install the drivers it just stays stuck on the screen where it says "turn off your device and plug it in" etc. I haven't found any way to install the drivers without the PC recognizing the device. Nothing shows up in device manager on Windows. I specifically plugged the Sena into USB 2.0 ports as well (on everything except the Hackintosh because it's only got USB 3 or newer). I have tried 3 physical PCs with 3 Windows installs and one MacOS install. This is bull$**t to be honest. I am beyond frustrated.1 -
Sorry I missed that. Did you follow the steps posted by Ernst on December 27, 2017 22:17, above? That was the only way I was able to install the drivers on my PCs. Reposted by MikeR on September 07, 2020, above. I have the info in another thread here, too. I will find it and post the link.
EDIT: It's THIS thread.
From an administrative command prompt:
I resolved by temporarily disabling signed driver checks. (bcdedit /set testsigning on) - this requires a reboot, and after installing the drivers, it must be re-enabled for system security and safety. (bcdedit /set testsigning off)
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Perhaps the device is defective? Is it new? Perhaps it is time to request a warranty replacement.
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Here's an idea: You sound technically proficient. Does your PC have a CD/DVD-RW drive? If so, do you have access to any of the old Hiren's Boot CDs? They will boot you into a "Mini-XP" environment which should recognize the drivers. Falcon F4 Boot CD does the same, and I know you can still get that. You can make a bootable flash drive using Rufus and the Falcon F4 image.
Is there a way to private message on this site? I can help you further if you wish. PM me.
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@Clayton Seymour, See Print Screen below:
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I'm having the same problem. There's an old article on how to make Windows XP install an unsigned driver, but Ii can't find info for that for Windows 10.
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Sena has not fixed this yet, but I found the fix today. They had me focusing on the Sena device when clearly the windows error message is saying it is a digitally unsigned driver. The Driver they have customers installing has not been sent to Microsoft for a digital signature. I am surprised Sena has not already fixed this, because it would appear their software will not install on any computer.
First, 64-bit versions of Windows 10 and 8 include a “driver signature enforcement” feature. They’ll only load drivers that have been signed by Microsoft. To install less-than-official drivers or old unsigned drivers, you’ll need to disable driver signature enforcement.
Keep in mind: Microsoft isn’t just trying to make your life harder here. Driver signing enforcement ensures that only drivers that have been sent to Microsoft for signing will load into the Windows kernel. This prevents malware from burrowing its way into the Windows kernel.Disable driver signing and you’ll be able to install drivers that weren’t officially signed. Be sure you know what you’re doing! You should only install drivers you trust.
To disable driver signature enforcement and install drivers that are not digitally signed, use the following steps:
1. Click the Start Start menu and select Settings.
2. Click Update and Security.
3. Click on Recovery.
4. Click Restart now under Advanced Startup.
5. Click Troubleshoot.
6. Click Advanced options.
7. Click Startup Settings.
8. Click on Restart.
9. On the Startup Settings screen press 7 or F7 to disable driver signature enforcement.
Your computer will restart and you will be able to install non-digitally signed drivers. If you restart your computer again the driver signature enforcement will be re-enabled.Once this is done, you can then install the Sena Software and Drivers and the SMH10 will then be recognized allowing for the firmware update.
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Thank you, Larry. Your solution was exactly what I needed!
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Having unsigned drivers on Windows 10 tends to increase the risk of driver-related problems significantly. With the help of digital driver signatures, verification of the integrity of driver packages and the manufacturer’s identity can be confirmed.
Following are three helpful tools you can use to verify the driver signature on Windows 10 –
- Direct X Diagnostic Tool
- File Signature Verification
- Driver Verifier Manager
Directx Diagnostic Tool, also known as, DxDiag, is as an inbuilt tool on Windows 10. This tool is frequently used by the users to identify numerous problems of the computer. You can launch the tool by following the steps below and make yourself acquainted with the unsigned drivers –
Open Run with the help of Windows shortcut keys Win + R
Here, you need to type dxdiag in the dialog box, followed by hitting Enter
You will have the system details displayed on the system’s screen
At this stage, you need to enable Check for WHQL digital signatures for the installed drivers.
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Hi there,
I suffer the same problem here with Windows 10 (64bit).
What I did is install de Oracle VM VirtualBoxand the VirtualBox Extension Pack on my Windows 10 (64bit) device with Windows 10 (32bit). Then I install the Sena Device Manager on the virtual machine. On the USB configuration of the VirtualBox I add the USB Filter for the Sena Technologies, Inc. driver. So every time I connect the Sena, the Virtual machine will claim the connection.So now when I start the Sena Device Manager software on the Virtual machine and connect the Sena to my device it works. I did a Firmware upgrade without problems.
A lot of work but it’s up to you!
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Hello Pete,
Yes, I am familiar with the BCDEDIT method but I have bitlocker enabled and I wanted to avoid having to enter bitlocker recovery or disable bitlocker altogether just to enable unsigned drivers.
That being said, I did disable bilocker and followed the instructions. The virtualbox info may be helpful for other users.
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Found an easier work around.
Install an earlier version of Device Manager which contains signed driver.
After launching Device Manager 3.0.1 you will be prompted to update, agree to the update. When the driver installer UI comes up cancel out to retain the existing driver.0 -
Thanks Brad D worked great and simple !!!!
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Hello, I ran into the problems and after a couple of hours, figured out it wasn't my computers' fault (nor mine). I uninstalled 4.0.4 and then downloaded and installed 3.0.1 The problem was nearly as bad, but at least it would recognize my device. The problem though was that after telling it to upgrade, it would simply close without any error at all. So, I then installed 4.0.4 hoping the drivers would have remained from 3.0.1. and to my surprise, it did.
Yeah! All working now. Updated to 5.1.2
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Beware, you may be banned from posting like I was! After several months of "technical support" where they kept claiming that the problem is with the forum software, I see that my posting rights were finally restored.
HyperPete (AKA "CensoredProfile" for a few months.)
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MikeR - I believe they rarely look at these forums. I was calling them out dating back to 2017. When I started emailing them, my posting rights were revoked. They claimed they have no control on the forums. 😂🤣
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Well, I have been at it for like a week now. Has anyone had an issue where the PC won't even recognize the Sena? When I plug it in, I do not get the device recognition noise. I've tried two different USB cables, both I verified have working data with my Xbox controller. I also tried a Hackintosh with Catalina 10.14.4; same thing. It doesn't recognize the device whatsoever. I cannot use the older version of the Bluetooth manager as it doesn't support the 30K.
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I will try the CMD commands. I have tried numerous times turning off the signed driver requirement. It has done nothing; it always just hangs during installation when I'm told to plug in the Sena. I wonder if my luck will be any different as the driver installer appears to go no further if a Sena is not detected by Windows?
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I have had no further luck with Windows 10.
I was able to boot into Windows XP on my laptop using the Falcon F4 USB. However, it appears that the latest version of the bluetooth manager is too new for Windows XP (it hangs during installation). Additionally, I get no indication that the machine is recognizing the Sena when I plug it in. I'm really beginning to suspect I now have a problem with the Sena itself. I am currently trying to run the driver installer exe from the 32 bit bluetooth manager directory, but it's just stuck on 'searching for device drivers.'0
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