Bad physical connection?
I am using an SMH-10 with the earbud option. I have had difficulty with the alignment of the pins and the connection of my main unit to helmet mount. Occasionally, the left, or right channel will go away and the audio will break up (crackle). All I have to do to fix this is tweak the pod in the mount. The fix is temporary, as when I get up to speed on the freeway, the crackle returns. Is there a way to increase the pressure from the pins to the mount? The main unit snaps in nicely when mounting it on the helmet.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Same problem. Routinely have to jiggle the unit to get a good connection.
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I'd like to know the answer to this too.. My headset sometimes doesn't make any connection without putting pressure on it. Other times it seems to only cut out at 60mph+. Is this a problem with the base or the module itself? I know it is simply the pins not making full contact but is this something that needs warranty replacement or is there any kind of special method...?
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They replaced my unit under warranty and the problem is fixed. 0 -
You should try to loosen the two screws in the helmet clamp. If the two screws are too tight this can cause the connection issue between the main unit and the clamp.
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I just posted the same question under " Loose connection"... no answer yet either.
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