New 20S



  • Marc Telkamp
    Marc Telkamp

    @Jason, yeah, I used the 20S until it shut down by itself (low battery), and charched it a whole night !  Still the red light in the morning....

    You said you were going to test it in rought weather ?  Like rain ?  Please let me know how it went.

  • Bill Henning
    Bill Henning

    How about a forum area devoted to the 20S like some other models have?  Just got mine and slogging through this single disorganized thread is difficult.

  • Jason

    @Marc, I got home before the serious weather hit but certainly a slow drenching and no issues, and enough wind to shift me around the road a bit. Make sure the little rubber cap is secured over the usb port though, on mine it attempts to pop out if you just sort of flop it back in place.

    Still seeing quite short battery life. Made sure it was only on when I was on the bike, went through 2 half hour trips on music and one on radio and it died about 5 mins in to my morning commute this morning, so roughly an hour 40 or so listening to music / radio, I wonder if I have a problem battery?

  • Nimac

    Ken, yes I am definitely doing the right procedure and getting the "2nd mobile phone pairing" voice. The devices see the Sena 20s and attempt to pair, but it does not succeed. All the devices I have tried have at least a "Hands Free Profile" and should be able to connect. Sena says you can connect 1 A2DP device and any 2 HFP devices, but it seems to be very fussy about a 2nd HFP device. It did pair an old Samsung flip phone, and an old HTC Desire  phone I have, but thats not what I want it to do, I want it to connect to my GPS unit as 2nd phone, but it won't.

  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    Nimac - Have you tried pairing it like described in Case 2 or Case 3 on page 49 in the manual?  Worth a shot.

  • Jason

    @Boatnut, I have just noticed what you mention, I don't use earbuds for riding, but tried a pair sitting next to me here. There is definitely some sort of noise going on, not noticing hissing, but certainly a bit of ticking happening.

  • Boatnut
    Thanks for checking Jason..... Good to know its not just mine. I'm hoping that it is something a firmware patch can take care of. If not, the new 20S is basically useless to me. I am loving so many of the other features vs my SMH10's. If by applying different software they can produce the " zero wind noise while intercom in use on the highway" I am experiencing, pretty sure this can be fixed . So far no response to my ticket, kinda disconcerting as they have been very quick to respond to any other I started.
  • Sena

    As per Bill's suggestion, this thread is now in the forum dedicated to the 20S.

  • WMR

    Did anybody try the factory reset?  i can hold the phone button as long as i can but never hear sena say "factory reset" :s
    i know "reseted" the unit via the device manager to do a firmware restore.

    when starting the 20s up she didnt say hello anymore... and also no goodbye when shutting off.

    after the firmware restore she spoke again :P



    To restore the 20S to factory default settings, press and hold
    the Phone Button for 12 seconds until the LED shows solid red
    and you hear double beeps. You will hear a voice prompt saying
    “Factory reset”.
    2. Within 5 seconds, press the Jog Dial to confirm reset. The headset
    will be restored to factory setting and switched off automatically.
    You will hear a voice prompt saying “Headset reset, good-bye”.

  • Johnv

    Didn't handle the rough weather here very well. Had a huge wind today that was blowing me all over the show and all I got out of the 20S is continuous "say a command". Not sure what was triggering it all the time as the helmet was not being banged around onto anything but it was getting moved around quite a bit. I am assuming the motion sensor kept setting it off and boy was it annoying as it would not understand me either. Might turn it off completely.

    Other thing was the was the wind was turning the jog dial at times changing the volume.

    Not enough rain to tell if it could handle the wet okay but all the rubber plugs at least stayed in place.

  • Ken
    "Intercom failed; try again later." I've heard it a thousand times this trip. Sometimes we get all four of us in intercom communications. Someone's Zumo will alert and that person can never be reached again. We all try to bring him back and all we get is "Intercom failed". Yesterday between Mexican hat Utah and monument valley, we stopped briefly for pictures. Helmets back on and we had 2 connected and the other two of us connected. As we rode, we all tried to get four- way back, but could only maintain two 2-way conversations. Then suddenly, one more try to add the other two and it worked. Nothing had changed! I didn't do anything different. But bingo, 4-way for the final 4 miles.
  • Ken
    John, we experienced that, too. Turn the double-tap to voice command to low sensitivity (or completely off). Your helmet is jostling ing the wind and the Sena lady thinks you want to give her a command. Ken
  • Ken
    Sena got the wind noise reduction perfectly. Even with open helmets, no wind noise at all. Total silence e cept for users voice. That's all the way up to 85 mph.
  • WMR

    the noise canceler on the 20s is perfect.  i drove 140km/h on the freeway and my girlfriend thought i was @ the office :')   that works just prefect!.


  • Boatnut
    Agreed on the noise cancelling. Awesome... Now If only I could get a response to my ticket re the bad interference and clicks when using the ear buds........ Seems to be a ground issue as it changes in pitch and volume when you touch either the microphone or ear bud cord. Same ear buds work 100% noise free on my SMH10.....
  • wingone

    I received the 20S dual pack for my wife and I. I am in the process of "learning" the system and functions. I see the firmware is at 1.1 and "believe" I have updated my information correctly. My problem is with the device manage. I can not get it to see either my device or my wife's. I have deleted/reloaded the manager. Re-booted my computer and yet I get the message "No device found". I have switched USB ports but nothing seems to work. The units are fully charged. Initially I could get the device manager to see my device occasionally but now it does not see it at all. Any ideas if I am doing something wrong? Thanks

  • Jim Tozier
    Jim Tozier

    When is the dual 20S going to be shipped to motorcycle dealers in Florida and Amazon.  I purchased/pre-paid for ther dual before becoming aware of the lack of availability.

  • Ken

    Being "Zumo'ed"

    A new verb we coined to describe being knocked out of a multi-user conversation.  

    Four of us on the road, all in intercom.  But when the Zumo gives a rain alert, driving directions, etc ,  you may never get back into the conversation.  Zumo takes priority, removes you from your intercom friends; no amount of pushing buttons to reconnect into the intercom chain helps.  Sometimes, powering the 20S OFF and back on allows reconnecting with the Intercom works, sometimes it doesn't.  Usually, you will hear, "Intercom failed, try again later."  

    Another major issue is that the Zumo takes priority over intercom.  tThe "Chatty Kathy" Zumo lady interrupts intercom at the worst possible times.  Picture a group of riders, all with their GPS units ON.  A need to depart from the planned route comes up and we need to communicate to get us all coordinated.  This happens often, like every time we pull off to eat, take scenery pictures in turn-outs, get fuel, etc.  Zumo takes priority with needless driving instructions, "recalculating", etc.  We can't talk!  At the time we need to communicate the most, intercom is blocked.  Now that I'm home, I need to go through the instruction book again to make sure there isn't a setting to change priorities; or at least to make the Zumo driving instructions go to the background.  

    Sena needs to send four or more of their 20S product development engineers on a 10 day motorcycle ride.  Two riders won't do.   Trying to use the 20S was extremely frustrating.  Two of my friends are planning to send their units back.  I'm a little more optimistic in that I believe that Sena can fix every issue we had with firmware updates.  But they need to get into real-world situations to experience the issues.  With 2 people, the Senas worked reasonably.  Add  a 3rd and the issues begin to appear.  We really ran into problems with four intercom'ed users.  


  • WMR

    @ Ken.. even with 2 riders the zumo will throw dirt in your face... the 20s just cant get the priority straight of the zumo :(

    i had all my mp3 music on a micro sd on the zumo... but now i'm forced to put music on my iphone because de 20s cant handle the priority when connected to zumo :(

    i really hope sena will work this issue out, i already mentioned it in a ticket but still no new of a solution.  zumo and 20s is just a shitty combination now unless you dont use the intercom function :X

  • Peter Bellemans
    Peter Bellemans
    @wingone, start Sena manager, when instructed to connect, connect 20s via USB, power ON 20s, wait till powered on, power OFF 20s, wait 5/10 seconds, press "next", 20s gets recognised. (And can be updated) At least, this way it works for me. (Nearly threw the 20S "somewhere" before i figured out this procedure)
  • Sam Watt
    Sam Watt

    Just got my twin set yesterday.  Found the 20S needs to be switched "off" when doing the firmware update.  Found this out as instructed by the Sena Manager and verified with the 2nd set and smart phone App.  Can't get the FM radio yet but will try again with the antena up.

    The Sena Manager seems only for the firmware update.  The smart phone App is the one needed in operating the sets.

  • Sam Watt
    Sam Watt

    Just got my twin set yesterday.  Found the 20S needs to be switched "off" when doing the firmware update.  Found this out as instructed by the Sena Manager and verified with the 2nd set and smart phone App.  Can't get the FM radio yet but will try again with the antena up.

    The Sena Manager seems only for the firmware update.  The smart phone App is the one needed in operating the sets.

  • Ken

    My friends and I probably have given the 20S a bigger workout than anyone in the world.  3 days after receiving them in the first USA batch, we were on our way on our 10-day trip thought  New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado (from Texas).  We ran into a lot of issues that Sena will be able to address.

    I submitted a 15 point 3-1/2 page document describing our experiences with the 20S.  I'm not going to publicize it here, but if anyone wants a copy to help me confirm what we experienced, send me an email.  Four of us on a 10-day trip, all with Zumos paired to our Senas and smartphones paired to their respective Zumos.   I submitted the document as feedback so their development team can work to improve the firmware.  Some of the items were posted while we were on the trip (so I wouldn't forget); but in detail in my document.  

    All in all, I'm going to be happy with the 20S when these nagging problems are solved.  I think the hardware works well (minus the hum/buzz being picked up by earbud cable); and feel certain that the operational issues will be fixed as they get more constructive feedback.   

    By the way, the hum/buzz was worst using Etymotic E6 earbuds than Klipsch.  Using my $70 Klipsch earbuds, the noise was there, but way down in amplitude.  But with the Etymotic earbuds, the noise was so back that they could not be used.  May have to try an RFI clamp-on toroidal filter on the cable near the plug.  

  • Bill Henning
    Bill Henning

    Ken, I use ER6i's and my passenger uses Etymotic MC5 in ear buds and neither of us has any buzz or hum worth mentioning.

    I am familiar with that hum from a ground loop problem I had that was solved by putting each bike powered device on its own circuit out of the switched block.  However I can't see how that cause would be possible on the 20S since its on its own battery not wired to the bike.

  • Ken

    It sounds something like a ground loop problem, but like you say, the Sena is isolated from the motorcycle.  Actually, the electronic-sounding noise only occurs during Intercom.  It does not occur when listening to music from the Zumo or at any other time.  If you clamp the earbud cable, the amplitude varies.  It can increase . . . or it can decrease; depending on where along the cable you might clamp and how much pressure you squeeze with.  Maybe it's picking up the RF from the unit and conveying it back into the earbud jack.  

    I route my earbud cable into my Olympia mesh jacket before zipping up so it doesn't continually fly up in my face while riding.  The only part of the cable that isn't in the jacket is about 6 to 9 inches on each end (the earbud and the plug end).  

  • Bill Henning
    Bill Henning

    Ken, I wonder if it could be the cable itself.  I don't know how old your set is but before I retired my ER6's I had replaced the cable 3 times!  It takes very good eyesight (or a magnifier) and a fine point soldering iron but it can be done, even by a fairly clumsy guy like me.  My original cable lasted a long while but then started cracking.  Maybe if you examine it with a magnifying glass you can check for this condition.

    If you have a pair of genuine Ipod earbud cables I have found they are the best quality to use to replace the ER6's, assuming you are willing to sacrifice them for the cause...:-).

  • wingone

    Mr. Bellemans,  thank you for your information. After several hours of restarting computers, hard resets on the 20S and some carefully chosen utterances under my breath I finally got the "process" figured out. I found the well hidden (*) note that the GPS only applies to certain Garmin and Tom Tom models.  I believe I was trying to do too many things at one time and over whelming the processor. Currently I have everything set up with my dual units paired, pairing to my iphone and am working on pairing to my ipod. It sees the ipod or rather the ipod sees the 20S but when I try to pair, no luck. I believe once the "bugs" get worked out, these will be great units.


    Again my thanks.

  • Ken

    Bill, with four of us riding with 20S units, we all had some level of the electronic hum/buzz.  I retired my own Etymotic 6 earbuds earlier this year (repaired the wiring too many times) and bought new Klipsch sound blocking (White) earbuds.  The noise wasn't bad for me.  Another friend had a different brand and he had the noise.  Number 3 friend had the E6 earbuds and finally put them away after about day 5 of our trip. The noise was loud and to bothersome to enjoy riding.  #4 said he could hear it but never complained.  

    And the noise is only there while in intercom; not there under any other usage.  


  • Bill Henning
    Bill Henning

    Ha!  Thanks Ken, just offering some theories, but it seems they don't apply.  I have only done the rider to passenger intercom so maybe that has some bearing on the issue..  Then again it could come up with us over time.  Strange as it may seem (to me at least) I have never understood how the performance of a digital device could change over time, but they do.  Oh well.

    I know you said that you sent your list to Sena but I think it would be beneficial to share it.  Not to shame Sena as that's not what anyone here wants.  I think most people just want to have their sets behave as advertised, or figure out their particular situations.  Publishing your list could help.

    Hope you thoroughly enjoyed the SW corners of the US.  While we don't have the twistiest roads I think we do have the most breathtaking scenery.  There's a national monument at almost every turn, whether officially designated or not.  I am truly privileged to live here.

  • Sam Watt
    Sam Watt

    I am trying to bottom out this feedback  "And the noise is only there while in intercom; not there under any other usage.  "

    Not to defend Sena but could the above comment be related to the way the equipment was used?

    For argument sake if one uses a boom mic sticking outside the helmet the receiver should hear a lot of wind noise because the source is noisy.  However since Sena 20S supplies a wire mic which could be adhered to the back of a full face helmet thereby eliminating at least at one direction (adhered wall side should have no noise) the wind noise should be theoretically lower as the air circulation around the mic is attenuated.

    I did find in the driver-pillion arrangement that some reduction of wind noise could be achieved by moving the position of the boom mic to improve the situation but that was with other equipment.

    My point is the wind noise is not something Sena can control from a source though some equipment, like Sena, claim to have certain amount of wind-reduction algorithm built into its circuitry.





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