Maximum Volume



  • Kiwi Brian
    Kiwi Brian

    Just got the 20S. First thing I noticed is the low music volume and HIGH Beep volume! agh!!  Please give us loud music. 

    FM reception is ok when not moving. 

  • Kiwi Brian
    Kiwi Brian

    Just got the 20S. First thing I noticed is the low music volume and HIGH Beep volume! agh!!  Please give us loud music. 

    FM reception is ok when not moving. 

  • dgreen

    Yeah, seriously Sena. Fix this beep ASAP with a 1.1.2 patch.  Just last week, I had the audio volume quite high to listen to a podcase and as I was getting off my bike I accidentally poked the Jog Dial instead of turning it down (I'm now trained to turn the volume down before doing anything) and just about got blown out of my helmet by the "BEEP... Intercom Failed!" message.  $300 and I wanted to tear this thing off my helmet and throw it across the garage.

    Fix it.

  • DjPaul

    Hey dgreen.

    I've "self trained" to do the exact same action. Before I do anything I turn it all the way down. FYI it's not just the Beeps that'll have you wanting to fast pitch the thing across the garage, It's also volume discrepancies. 

    Music quality, way better when I go direct to my ipod. Connect to my ipod through the SENA 20s, low end is lost, but ... quality is better then the SMH10...

    FM radio volume, I've noticed to be quiet.

    Rider passenger volume, I've noticed to be Normal.

    Rider to rider volume, also normal.

    Incoming phone call (the ringtone). OMGG!!! EAR SPLITTING RIP THAT B**CH out, and FAST PITCH ACROSS THE GARAGE!... and why do we lose the custom ringtones?

    SENA makes all incoming calls the same ringtone, I have to look at the phone, for me that's down, through the plastic on my tank bag. Does anyone know how to set up the same ringtones in my Samsung Galaxy s5 to come through the SENA 20s?

  • DjPaul

    and... How did you only pay $300?

  • dgreen

    I gotta say... the Sena 20S is pretty damn clever at trying to kill me.  I left work today, the sun was shining, the road was smooth and the tunes were cranked.  Carefully now, turn the volume dial 4 times... not 5 because that's when the bad noises happen.  Also careful to not poke the jog dial (INTERCOM FAILED!!!) and finally got the base unit dried out from a rainstorm so I'm not hearing (GROUP INTERCOM!!!) like I was this morning.

    Yes, life is good, I'm cruising down the ro... "BATTERY LOW!!!!".


    I had to laugh, and I did out loud in my helmet.  You got me Sena 20S.  You got me good.  This is the most fun I can have while riding without putting a poisonous spider in my helmet.

  • dgreen

    And to the original post in this thread... I noted today a new v1.2 of the 20S user manual is on the Sena website.  Section 20.5 - Audio Boost is new.

  • Kiwi Brian
    Kiwi Brian
    @dgreen thanks for the heads up. I was expecting a new firmware around now.. Looks like Audio boost is a setting. Hopefully this update fixes a few other issues too.
  • DJ Hank
    DJ Hank

    @dgreen....BATTERY LOW situation can be avoided. I've discovered that its possible to charge the battery whilst driving and the 20S operating at the same time. In my case its possible to connect the supplied USB cable(long enough) with the new Garmin Zumo 590LM. This imediatly charges the Sena within the hour to full levels. 
    For my girl, who doesnt have a USB connection on her satnav, we used a Soundlogic XT(?) portable USB battery for charging cellphones. She just put it in her jacket with just the USB cable sticking out.
    At the next coffeestop/lunchbreak we unplugged the devices again and used the Sena's for another 5 or 6 hrs to the next hotel in the evening and still not half full but "High" according to miss Sena:-)

    Mind you: this was just because we forgot to charge the Sena's the night before and still drove another half day with 20S still on and talking and singing(LOL)

    I guess it all depends what you do with the device during your trip, whether you have the radio or listen to you pods or phones or make telephone calls, this influences the battery consumption dramatically of course.

  • DjPaul

    Hey dgreen I'm at the SENA web site now and don't see the 1.2 you mentioned... 

    where did you see it?

    Also, Note to everyone who's suspicious SENA's trying to kill them... I did send a WTF to the powers at SENA about the issue, I was issued a "ticket", from that, received an email for some one at SENA "on the task of solving this problem"... and ... Now ,I've just gone to check on the "Status" ....And I see my Tickets not only gone, but the "problem's still here"


    Am I the only one who see's... Sorry... hears, the irony in this " COMMUNICATION FAILURE" ?

    Stop laughing.... 


  • Michael Walls
    Michael Walls

    Looks like the 1.2 manual is out but the firmware has not been released yet. Firmware page still shows 1.1.1. Hopefully the 1.2 firmware (when it's released) will fix this.

  • Kiwi Brian
    Kiwi Brian

    @DjPaul  I hope SENA doesnt turn into a "Garmin". Those that have a Zumo 660 and over the years had to deal with buggy software and hardware will be aware of what I mean. (See for lots of information) Just hope SENA dont get too big for their boots.   I have a 1407xxx 20S I got last weekend. havent used it much other than Music. I have a friend with a SMH10. We've been using the SMH10s since the rev 1 version back in 2010. I really would like to listen to music when the intercom is also used. Sound like the 1.2 fix will eventually fix that. I assume they are waiting for the iPhone/Android app stores to update with their applications before they release the firmware on the site. 



  • Kiwi Brian
    Kiwi Brian

    Guys, new firmware is now available!

    Change made from version 1.1.1 to 1.2

    • Increased audio volume for intercom, music and Bluetooth Audio Recording
    • Improved multi-way intercom reliability
    • Audio Boosting option
    • Headset battery meter for iPhone
    • Advanced Noise Control™ On/Off capability
    • Voice command triggering by Ambient Mode button
    • Bug fixes and improvements
  • dgreen

    I quickly tested 1.2 on my short commute.  The increased audio for spoken work podcasts seems to work better.  I don't wear earplugs because it's just 5 minutes of highway then arterial roads but I could hear the podcast clearly and even turn it up to uncomfortably loud.  This was with Audio Boost enabled via the Sena iOS app.

    Battery display on iPhone seems to wrok (the little barr next to the BT icon).


    The Sena app by the way still thinks 1.1.1 is the latest version but does recognize that I have 1.2 installed.  I haven't tested any other features.

  • dgreen

    I did a little more testing of Audio Boost.  I do not believe that it actually increases the maximum volume significantly.  Instead, to me it appears to be a high frequency boost that makes the audio seem easier to hear (voice audio like in podcasts especially) but not so much increaing overall music volume.

  • Kiwi Brian
    Kiwi Brian


    I just updated and did a quick test. I believe you are correct in saying the audio boost is more like a frequency boost. It appears louder, but the sound more "tinny". You can change the setting on the fly with the smartphone app and hear the difference. I will test on the open highway and see if I need to "boost" the audio. Usually local roads I don't use earplugs, only for longer highway and 100km+ riding. 


  • Allan Tygert
    Allan Tygert

    I have both custom in ear monitors and foam ear plugs.  I use the latter for short rides and the former for longer rides.  The volume through the speakers with foam ear plugs is far too low for even moderate, around town speeds.  I hope Sena can resolve this.

  • Pablo Motta
    Pablo Motta

    Allan, Do you have the latest firmware on your 20S, which is version 1.2? Also, placement of the speakers inside the helmet will help - make sure the speakers are centered to your ears

  • DJ Hank
    DJ Hank

    Holy moly, i think Sena is pretty loud and don't really understand what all the fuss is about. If you ride with this system it's all about choices. I don't think that is an issue of increasing volume or not or that SENA should adjust their firmware on this subject. Some things are just about the law of physics people. If you want to enjoy stereo high end music with "oomph and ketsjing "stay at home in your living room and listen to your stereo set. Remember: when you are riding with Alpines or Earmo's custom plugs their job is to filter out the dangerous frequency's up to a certain level, so if you want to hear the crispy sound of the SENA you either remove the buds and listen to the speakers or buy some noisecanceling in-ear headphones and forget about your custom protection buds.
    Brainwavz M1 is a perfect example that for less money there are hdphns out there who will not dissappoint you. This M1 comes with a wide range of tips incl. foam ones. Personally i don't drive with the custom earprotection any more because they're always annoying and give me painfull ears. So its foam or nothing. Highway?> Foam buds in. Easy riding?> SENA speakers(not to loud)

  • Michael Walls
    Michael Walls

    DJ Hank, rather than tell me that I should conform to your choices when you ride, let some of us try to make it work for how WE ride. I PREFER to use foam earplugs rather than ear buds. I don't want extra wires going into my helmet. My Nolan has plenty of "omph" so I can hear everything over the foam ear plugs. The Nolan does not only for certain things. Given that, they can easily boost the volume.

  • Michael Walls
    Michael Walls

    I mean the Sena only does for certain things. I can hear everything with my Nolan...

  • Craig Gocke
    Craig Gocke

    Just upgraded to 1.2 - volume increase is really not noticable and is still insufficient.  Are there alternative speakers i could use which would boost sound levels?   Pretty crappy for $300 deivce to be looking for a speaker upgrade...

  • Allan Tygert
    Allan Tygert

    @Dean, I have the latest firmware and have moved speakers around in the helmet ear holes.  Without ear plugs, the volume is fine, but the wind noise is deafening.  I've also tried in ear monitors, but the random electrical noise is unpleasant.

  • Bantoue
    I use Firmware 1.2 and i registered some strange things. The Audio boost just kills the bass and is more an Equalizer for mid and high tones. If i hear music and start an intercom the music changes it's balancing to the right. Sometimes the Music is mid loud and then after talking over intercom or after a navigating message it gets louder. If i doubletap Sena for a Voice command, it changes the loudness.
  • Roberto Marin
    Roberto Marin

    Hey @Bantoue, you saved me. Just bought a new Sena 20s and it comes with 1.2, the Audio boost sucks, it really does not boost, just decrease bass tones and increase mid-high tones, crazy! :/

  • Bill Henning
    Bill Henning

    I have several sets of Etymotic earphones and find that each one is a little different with the 20s.  I think it is because each one of the earphones has different impedance and is not any inherent fault of the 20s.  The ER6's I have require a higher volume setting to hear well.  Then when I use my ER6i's I have to turn it down.  I also have MC5's which are similar to the ER6i's but perhaps a little louder. 

    So I think expecting the 20s units to behave the same with every type of earphone setups is perhaps a little unreasonable.  Maybe if Sena published specs for recommended impedance for earphones that might help.  maybe they do, I didn't look because I am OK with how mine are working.

  • Casey Lynn
    Casey Lynn

    I agree.....These devices are pretty damned expensive. They should work without having to purchase auxiliary speakers!

    My Scala Rider G9 sets had great volume on whatever was Bluetoothed in. Would still have them if they would have fixed their Bluetooth connectivity issues.

    To date Sena still needs to step up to the plate and get serious about fixing these various volume issues and quit putting us off until the next "Sofware Upgrade"


  • Will Adams
    Will Adams

    I also use Etymotic earbuds with the Sena S20 and the sound is superb with more volume that you'd ever want.  Sena even put an ambient sound button on the unit so that you can hear what's going on 'outside' when you need to.

  • DJ Hank
    DJ Hank

    Just out of curisosity i have bought the Tork Xpro speakers and modified the plugs. WOW what a difference!. High end audio in my helmet, no need to crank the volume up.


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