Dangerously painful beep issue



  • dgreen

    This certainly needs to be fixed.  I won't buy a unit for my wife's helmet until I'm sure it's resolved.  If that beep happens to her, she will never use the Sena again and we'll be back to communicating with hand signals...

  • Steve Sutinen
    Steve Sutinen

    I had the same issue with my first test of the 20S. After random amounts of time, sometimes only after a couple of minutes up to more than 20 minutes, I got a very loud constant beeping noise from both speakers. No buttons would stop the noise, the only solution was to power down. The 20S was connected via bluetooth to my iPhone 5 and Garmin Zumo 350 at the time. 

    I am experimenting with various configurations now to try and replicate the fault.

  • StefanH.

    fyi.. Firmware 1.3 is here and my first impression is fairly good! --> http://www.sena.com/sena-released-20s-firmware-version-1-3/

    After i balanced the first very loud tone to a comfortable level, all following tones and bleeps (and whatever..) were played at a proper volume!! No eardrum-killing levels anymore! 

    I really hope this bug is history, cause those loud beeps were really really painful and like dgreen already said: such bugs have the power to ruin the WAF (WomanAcceptanceFactor) instantly with one single BLEEEEP!!!

  • StefanH.


    On nov 25th the new version 1.3 has been released! 

  • JD
    I received my 20S gift last week but I was so excited to get it installed and try it out I only updated the firmware to 1.3 a few days ago. I noticed no difference in this issue and it is troubling such a simple issue can go overlooked by Sena. From reading some of the threads, it seems the volume issue affects us differently, which can be put down to the differing permutations of usage. My Sena i paired with a Zumo 660 and an iPhone 5, as per Case Study 1 in the instruction manual. I also intercom with my wife (pillion) who is using a SMH5 and a riding friend who also has a 20S. I'm trying to put together some notes on the exact volume discrepancies I'm experiencing. - iPhone music is very low in relation to everything else. Turning the 20S up to compensate then has the Zumo 660 directions blasting your eardrums when they come through. Also, Sena voice prompts and beeps / pip are painfully, blastingly loud. I now do not listen to music from my phone. - FM radio pips/beeps are at differing (louder) volumes to the voice prompt, and both are louder then any signal I can tune into, even local broadcasters. I do not use the FM radio feature any more. - Intercom with SMH5 is quiet despite connecting with the pillion (no distance / signal interference from terrain etc involved). Again, turning volume up to compensate / hear anything has me blasted by pips/beeps and voice prompts.
  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    You can adjust the volume of the voice commands separately.  When the voice command is going adjust the volume up or down to a comfortable level (you have to do it quickly when the commands are playing).  When the music, intercom, or anything else is coming over the headset, adjust their levels.  It will hold the levels for the various functions separately.

  • JD
    This has been tried, but the prevalence of this problem amongst riders shows it's a problem for Sena. Apparently there was supposed to be a fix in v1.3.
  • DjPaul

    @ both StephanH and Ken Kimari... Could you please write a map walk through step by step example or sequence of how to do this "adjust the volume of the voice commands separately".

    And Ken, you commented that this volume levelling also does the beeps too? sorry, your comment was "Or anything ells is coming through the head set"

  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    DjPaul - When music is playing adjust volume to a comfortable level.  When intercom is activated adjust volume to a comfortable level. Same with all other functions including the Sena lady with her voice and beeps.  The volume level will remain set for each of the functions.  You can adjust them at anytime the function is active.  Ken

  • dgreen

    All we need as a quick solution is a master override volume setting for all prompts (MAX, HIGH, MED, LOW).  Even with the method Ken describes, it can be easy to accidentally turn the volume back up (especially if you're trying to troubleshoot no audio while riding) and there are at least two alerts that have volume no control.  I forget the second, but one is the low battery alert. 

    Try this: turn your voice prompts down so they're almost silent, don't charge your battery for a week or two and listen to your audio source at a high level.  Just wait for that low battery alert.  I'm so scared of that sound that I always charge the 20S well before 50% battery now.

  • Daryl Lonigan
    Daryl Lonigan

    SENA.  This shit happens to me and it seriously scares the fuck out of me.  I've included your failures in my MotoVlogs and for this reason, I will never recommend you to others.  This BEEP out of fucking nowhere is incredibly dangerous and makes me; a seasoned litrebike rider, jump.  You will kill someone with this bug.   You will literally end lives.   FIX IT. 

  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    Daryl - if you can't adjust the function volume as I described above then submit a ticket for replacement.  Not everyone is experiencing your problem so it just may be a bad unit.  BTW, foul language may get attention but rarely does it result in a solution.

  • Daryl Lonigan
    Daryl Lonigan

    Not everyone is experiencing this issue; no. But more than enough are ducking for cover when this happens to create more than enough warrant for action on the issue.  Google it. It's a KNOWN issue.    You didn't like my textual swearing? Mate, you're going to bloody love my live reaction to this BEEP.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEh2GFoqC2Y   <<  Tune in at 53 seconds, Mate. 

  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    Good luck with your issue Daryl

  • Daryl Lonigan
    Daryl Lonigan
    My issue? You didn't google it; did you. This issue is prevalent everywhere and I haven't once seen sena admit there is a problem. This is not a volume setting. Thanks so, so much for your help though; we could not have done it without you.
  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    Google entries are a year old.  The top ones refer to this thread which has few comments compared to other issues that have gone a couple pages or more.  The youtube entry is clearly an operator error as he keeps adjusting the volume up to it's high volume limit to make it beep loudly.  If this was a big problem it would stretch pages.  Several firmware upgrades since then so I think for the vast majority of folks it was either fixed or is not an issue.  Contact Sena for a replacement if you are still having problems.  Again, good luck!

  • Daryl Lonigan
    Daryl Lonigan
    Well I have posted this on senas own forum and repeated it on social media. They ignore me. If they think my device is defective, whilst it works perfectly (as displayed on my channel) apart from this ear-splitting random beep; them they're welcome to replace the product. But a) they refuse to admit there is a problem, and b) I create Vlogs daily. They can send me a replacement if they wish, but as they won't even acknowledge the issue at hand, they're going to have to deal with the constructive criticism they receive.
  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    You are generally not going to get a response from social media.  Call their customer service or place a service request ticket online.  I have had good response on several issues with their products and they were prompt at providing replacement.  Social media and these forums are for the users.  They are not going to take care of individual customer service issues through them.

  • Daryl Lonigan
    Daryl Lonigan
    This may come as a shock to you, mate, but I too am a user. A daily user. If sena admitted the issue, they're more than welcome to send me another 20s. I'm not up for down time, especially for an issue that is clearly soft / firmware based.
  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    Ok, Ok, I give up!  Good luck in your quest!

  • Daryl Lonigan
    Daryl Lonigan
    Cheers Jen
  • DjPaul

    Honestly I'm pretty disappointed in the 20s.

    Beeps - so dangerous Don't even think of getting me or Daryl started on this.

    No custom ring tones - Phone calls come in and what comes through the SENA is a generic SENA made ringtone. Really don't understand how Text tones do come through but ring tones do not?

    It's Not water proof

    Anybody els having background noise from the unit it self? Sounds like electric surging, or clicking?

    I could live with the non water proof/ non ringtones / electronic noise if the Beeps were removed.

    So many people have commented on how dangerous it is and yet up date after up date SENA does nothing about it.

    If, some day, SENA does actually manage to rid the blasted beeps, (before some one is injured or killed) I'd like to read an explanation of why and how come it took soooooooo long for this to be done. 

    I expect the explanation to be about as difficult as heart surgery/transplant

    or putting a man on the moon,

    or self driving cars,

    or robots that walk talk etc all on their own,

    or submarines that stay under water for months with out surfacing

    or printing food, skin, bones from a 3D printer

    or the dismantling of the Berlin wall 

    or global computer company/s to be started from a garage in the USA

    or .... oh, ... right that's all been done.


    I won't say F***in SENA, I'll just ask, had anyone had / got feed back on INTERPHONE?

  • StefanH.

    I have these random killerbeeps as well.  not every day, not on every ride..

    man.. this device should be fun to carry around activated. To listen to music, to talk.. (which it does pretty well btw!!! But being sort of scared of it because of those killerbeeps out of nowhere, makes me leave it at home. So for me, i am really having a hard time to recommend this sena device to others as well =(

    Guess what happened, when i attached the second device to my wifes helmet!!... Geeee... i think i dont need to explain, how fast this thing was off again! A total FAIL on the WAF side.. =( 


    And... just for the sake of completeness.. my dealership already exchanged the unit.  


    ride hard.. ride safe!


    ps.. WAF -> Woman Approval Factor

  • JD
    Try going back in firmware versions. I've gone back to 1.1.1 and no longer have this issue. I can't say it'll work for everyone, but give it a go.
  • Daryl Lonigan
    Daryl Lonigan
    Ah, I upgraded to 1.2 out of the box. I will try 1.1.1 and be in touch. Thanks for the help.
  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    Current software is 1.4.1 but if 1.1.1 works then go for it.  You lose some good feature upgrades and bug issue fixes (this may be one of them?), but if it solves the problem for you then great.  I'm wondering Daryl (and others) if you have been using 1.2 all this time perhaps the upgrade to 1.4.1 would solve the issue for you?  Also sometimes the upgrades haven't taken for some users so it is always a good idea to do a factory reset after upgrade (or downgrade).  You can also double check using the app which shows the current version when paired.

  • Daryl Lonigan
    Daryl Lonigan
    As mentioned, I'm always on top of the updates.
  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    Also make sure you are using the most current software manager.  People have run into problems upgrading firmware without doing this first.

  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    Just made the comment because your last post said you had upgraded to 1.2 and the 20s is now at 1.4.1.  My bad.

  • Daryl Lonigan
    Daryl Lonigan
    No problem. Cheers for the tip. I'm using the latest installer also.

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