Intercom "Drops" Off and is unreliable.



  • Kathy Brojakowski
    Kathy Brojakowski

    Yeah it depends on which tech you talk to. HD on HD off, 8 way on, 8 way one knows what's going on

  • Ray Stanbridge
    Ray Stanbridge
    We are currently on a Euro tour and brought four of these for the purpose of communication only. They group pair together and then drop out at random time periods, but they never stay paired for longer than 30 mins. Quiet honestly they are a piece of expensive crap. Our back rider broke down on the motorway at a toll booth and the two front riders continued for approx 1.5 miles before we realised he had not caught us back up. So when we really need these too work they do not. I would recommend to everyone NOT TO BUY THE SENA 20s. they simply do not work and are not fit for purpose.
  • DjPaul

    Fellow riders, We need your help!

    Please go to this thread  



    And show your support in this issue, by posting your comment / experience, Bad and good stories are welcome.

    Then go to the SENA help desk



    and formally request a ticket be issued about this.

    If we rally together, we may be able to do something about this BEEPS issue before it kills some one you love.


  • Joe Primavera
    Joe Primavera

    Hi Everyone,

    Recently purchased a pair of 20s.  Worked ok first day.  Now if I am connected by intercom to my wife (on the bike), I can't turn on stereo music.  If I turn on the stereo music the intercom turns off.  I have reinstalled firmware and rebooted both units.  I tried a different audio app on my phone.  No change.  I can have intercom or music, not both.  I sent a request to Sena today and will wait to here there response.  It sounds like I am having problems similar to Karen Tunkel.

  • Mousey
    Have to agree with everyone else on this post - the Sena 20s has to be one of the worst products I've ever purchased! I bought the dual pack to replace a worn out set of interphone intercoms I'd been using reliably for many years. The big appeal was the communication distance. But since the day I received them they've been nothing but trouble. The intercom drops out every few minutes leaving my wife, a nice rider wondering what's happening while I'm frantically tapping the device trying to reconnect - very dangerously! Then the volume goes to max without me even touching the device & if that doesn't damage my ear drums then the intermittent beeping will! These intercoms aren't cheap so I expected a much higher quality product than I got. Seems to me that the devices just haven't been tested by their own developers before release.- very poor! The functionality is complicated and not user friendly - especially when trying to concentrate while riding a motorcycle! Definitely not built by motorcyclists for motorcyclist! I've also raised a ticket with Sena asking how I can return these useless pieces of plastic for a refund. Then I'll go out and buy a proper bike intercom from Scala or Interphone!
  • Bert Rutten
    Bert Rutten

    Yeah, same problem here. It's terrible Sena

  • Bill Henning
    Bill Henning

    I have been wondering about this as my units seem to have degraded over the past two years.  If they are like my other motorcycle electronics (GPS, Radar detector, sound switch) it is usually is the electric power or audio plugs that fail first.  Either the unit turns off unexpectedly or the sound gets wonky due to an inconsistent connection.  So I theorize that what is probably failing on my Sena 20S is the unit to cradle connection of 20 odd little pins, or the microphone or speaker connections.  That all said I am not sure how to remedy this except to keep the connector surfaces clean so they hopefully have a good consistent connection.  If anyone has a better idea or theory please share it!  These units are great when they work properly but super annoying when they don't.

  • James Keating
    James Keating

    Sucks I didn't find this post before I bought two units. My wife rides her own bike so we went with these for the distance. Day 1 on a one hour ride just to test them before a longer ride this weekend we got disconnected 7 times. It became a hazard  always jacking with it. We have the latest and greatest firmware.
    Unfortunately I bought these in the US and brought them back home with me to the Philippines; so returning or exchanging isn't an option
    Any recommendations on a different manufacturer? Distance is no longer a priority...A consistent connection is.

  • Bill Henning
    Bill Henning

    Make sure the pins and seat in the cradles are clean and solid. With so many connections that would be the first suspect. Try switching units to different cradles also. Mine became much more reliable with a new cradle.

  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    Adding to Bill's comments, make sure you do not overtighten the mount to the helmet.  It should be snug enough to not come off but if you really tighten it down it has a tendency to bend the mount just enough that the pins don't connect as tight as they should causing intermittent problems along with unnecessary stress to the unit.

  • James Keating
    James Keating

    Bill and Ken - thank you! Just got back from a 5 day trip; adjusting the cradle and tightness did the trick!

  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    Glad it worked out James.  I suspect many problems people have regarding intermittent functioning are due to this.  It's normal to want to tighten things fully but in this case it's not necessarily desired.  It would be nice in the install instructions to mention the unit needs to be installed "snug" and not to overtighten.  Every helmet is different so problems some folks are having may not be an issue with others.


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