Does the Sena 10C have a 3.5mm jack to use my own earbuds?



  • john W
    john W

    The 10C looks like the best Motorcycle related product since the invention of the helmet.  It's fantastic EXCEPT there is no headphone jack.  The decibel level at highway speeds even on full face helmets is above "temporary threshold shift level," and is damaging over time with out ear protection.  Compound that by turning up your speakers to hear music OVER road noise and your killing your ear cilia forever.  Please add a headphone jack to the 10c so those of us who don't wish to wear hearing aids later can were insulating earbuds now.   I'm a little shocked you never gave us that option to begin with.  It can be frustrating when companies cater to their naive customers at the expense of their intelligent ones. 

  • Foxile

    If I'm reading the diagrams right, the speakers are a plug-in set-up, so hopefully Sena will release an adapter soon to allow a 3.5mm jack output.


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