Lanyard attachment point on the main unit
I would like to see some means of attaching a safety lanyard to the main unit. I have had the main unit pop out of the base plate several times when putting on my helmet. After this occurred a couple times I started making a habit of thoroughly checking the connection to be sure it wouldn't pop out once I got the helmet on. Well despite checking today, it popped out of its mounting and got run over by a car - I'm not a happy camper.
Am also intressted in that solution am thinking of gluing a small ring or some thing and then use a line to helmet some were
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like this maybe :-) from a guitar plectrum super glued
MC 008.JPG1 -
I lost a "trust us, it'll never let go" radar detector out of its mount. While the main unit generally snaps into place, I can see how rushing things might make for a unit that's in place, but only just enough to stay put until the first hard bump in the road. I like the guitar pick idea - I'll have to try that!
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The other day my main unit popped out of the base plate. The good news is I was standing in a parking lot. The bad news is the unit has a ding to remind of the drop. The good news is it didn't happen while riding. The bad news is there's no safety lanyard. :-(
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Yeah well, it'd be better if there was a small stainless steel lanyard with a tiny caribiner that hooks onto the base plate. But until that happens, I guess a guitar pick isn't too awful. BTW, here's a darn near bulletproof way to glue stuff together:,_adhesives/Stewart-MacDonald_Super_Glues.html Get a single bottle of the glue and a can of the accelerator and you'll be good for life as long as you remember to wipe down the tip of the glue spout when you're done. Think of this as the JB Weld of super glues... [/grin]
DISCLAIMER: I have no stake in Stewart-MacDonald save as a customer. And lusting after some of their guitar toys... And the same goes for JB Weld - but without the guitar lust.
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Thank you for your suggestions. Please contact tech support. It is not supposed to pop out you mentioned. If it happens continuously and frequently, then chances are it is a defective unit. We will also try to find idea to secure the main unit though.
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I'm pretty bummed. For, today, it finally happened to me. I own a pair of SMH-10s. I popped one on my helmet to listen to music and went for a ride here in Denver. After a song, it got quiet. I assumed it played the last song on the playlist and I figured I'd ride in silence when I get home. Well, imagine my disappointment and frustration when I parked my bike, and went to turn my unit off. I grabbed and nothing was there. It must have popped off on the ride!
I have the extra SMH 10 and not sure if I want to buy another SMH 10, look at the SMH 20, or look at another brand. It was only 2 years old but it should not be popping off so easily.
I should also add that like the other comments, it has popped off in the supermarket when I put the helmet on the I was a bit nervous about how "strong" it would hold on the road. The more think about it...I might go to another brand. I initially bought the SMH5 units. Experienced the connection cable consistently popping off on mine and my partner's helmet, so I exchanged them for the SMH10s.
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Whoa! That /is/ a bummer! After my near call in the parking lot, I'm going to give that "glue a guitar pick to the module" idea a try. The hard part will be how to make it easy to release the main unit for charging and changing helmets (Modular, local riding full helmet, and the long distance S1).
All of that said, the SMH10 has worked as well, of not better, than expected. The other day a friend and I did a 300+ mile day with the intercom active most of the ride. Everything worked just fine - no battery fade, nothing but good comms. I'd stick with the SMH10. Now, if you can get it to stick with you... [/grin]
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Yeah, it's a bummer but at least I have my backup. I might look into the guitar pick method but geesh....I hate to do that after I paid $$$ for the comm device. Your story about the 300 miles sounds cool and up until now, I haven't had much issue with the SMH10.
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Lost my 10S somewhere in the Ocala National Forest. These devices are so expensive they really need a safety lanyard. Sena, how about guaranteeing these devices against loss? I bet you develop a safety lanyard pronto.
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The Prism comes with a lanyard, but darned if I know to attach it to the camera. I asked Sena about it. I'll post what I find out. You can use stainless steel fishing line leader for a lanyard, BTW.
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I had two SMH 10 units and neither one of them every popped off the helmet mount.
However, I now have two 10S units and one had the clip almost snapped off and the other one wasn't far behind it. Luckily both were under 2 years old and my SENA reseller has submitted both of them for a warranty claim. Interesting to see is SENA will replace them as they don't offer a repair facility for any of their products. If a small part breaks you have to buy the entire unit again. Good marketing there SENA but you are doing yourself a lot of harm doing this.
Regardless the attachment clip design for the 10S is FLAWED. Take NOTE SENA and do something about it!!!!
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My new 10S unit fell off twice this Saturday. I was extremely lucky to find it both times on the trail. Going to have to Jerry rig something because Sena doesn't have a solution that I know of.
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FYI - the pick scheme didn't work. The bond, whether CA or JB Weld, let go.
The 20S doesn't have this, and the Prism requires using the dive case for a lanyard. And that means no external power for extended shooting - a deal breaker for me.
All of this is one more of example of Sena neither responding or, I suspect, even listening. I've replaced the Prism with an SJCam SJ7 (highly recommend the camera and SJCam is actively involved with the customer base. When the 20S goes, I'll go with Scala or someone else. I'm over Sena.
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Thanks RBEmerson. You saved me some time. I will try something else. It is frustrating when a company like SENA doesn't respond to a problem. Or even seem to be listening. They tend to forget that the target market for new products is the installed base of their older models. Customers like you and I lose faith in the company when they don't support the old products. We assume that they won't the new products either.. And we are hesitant to buy them.
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One support agent, #5 - Martha, listens and responds to questions, but once the issue goes above what she can do... crickets, nothing but crickets. The 30S, etc. come out but I have no idea where Sena researches what the market wants. The Prism is a non-starter: 1080p@30 fps with a poor DSP. There's no firmware update, no Mk II version. Nothing. Sobeit.
By way of comparison, my action cam's firmware is now up to V.18. V1.19 beta is available for customer testing. There are at least two company people active on the camera's official forum, and they discuss things almost daily. Crickets versus good comms and asking for user feedback... 'nuff said.
I'm not going to toss the 20S out of spite, but I won't recommend buying from Sena, and I won't replace the 20S with another Sena product.
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Never thought this would happen to me and it did today. :( First time and on the freeway no less....
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Same thing happened here. From day 1 the Sena 10S will easily pop right out of the connection point on the base and fall to the ground. I had managed to keep my 10s mounted by gently wedging a small piece of rubber between the clip open area to keep it closed and hold tension.
The plastic clip that connects the unit to the base is insufficient to hold it in place using far too tiny and shallow a surface area to grip. Making the problem worse, the plastic material loses rigidity over time. It finally happened today that the plastic clip, brittle from time and flexing just snapped off entirely leaving me unable to use the unit at all. I have enjoyed the 10S otherwise, and am working with Sena as it is still under the 2 year warranty, but this glaring design defect is disappointing.
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