Add Sidetone for Intercom and Phone Conversations
I have the headset clamp, and use custom molded earbuds. I would love to have sidetone (my voice folded back) when using the phone and intercom features, as at speed its hard to hear myself, which makes speaking difficult.
I'm puzzled as to how you're gaining side tone and using a whistle at the same time. Do you have an intercom connection open to enable side tone?
Side tone can be enabled or disabled by holding down the jog button until you reach the options menu (after you hear "intercom pairing"). Turn the jog button until you hear the side tone option, tap the jog button, and exit the options menu. No more side tone until you enable it again (push the phone button enable, job button to disable). You do not need a PC or to even cycle the SMH10 power to change this setting.
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Ah perfect, thanks!
Side tone pops up when I get a transmission from my radio through my SR10 while I am doing this:
i would be happy if the sidetone only activates when using the SR10's PTT button, but the options menu is a workable option too.
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Ah, gotit. You have no control over when the radio is going to open side tone. Hit the whistle at the same time the radio opens side tone and... ouch!
While PTT should (and maybe does?) control side tone, so do incoming radio calls, right? How should the side tone know "it's incoming, don't operate" from "it's outgoing, OK to operate"? Remember that the SMH10 doesn't know it's a radio at the far end of the wire, only that an event has happened where side tone makes sense - to the SMH10.
I assume an external device (electronic horn???) is out as a "whistle"? That, at least, would keep the sound source away from the mic. Toss in the setup option (that is, needs a PC to change) to reduce the mic gain and it might just get the job done. Or not. [/grin]
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Thanks for the new version for SMH5.
I will test the sidetone function.
Before this time, the device was in a box.0 -
RBEmerson, correct! Once the SR10 opens the connection for audio out, the sidetone activates. I'll just deactivate the sidetone when I am doing this :)
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In all seriousness, are you required to use a whistle or is some sort of electronic horn acceptable for traffic control? If so, the side tone issue goes away.
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Yes. Mostly because I am not on my motorcycle when using the whistle.
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So it goes... :-)
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Absolutely love the new sidetone feature with the 10R Version 5 firmware. Thank you, Sena.
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Fully agree. Thank you.
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I love the sidetone feature that was added. It makes communication so much more natural and noise doesn't seem to be a problem for me at all. This thread should be marked as "DONE" instead of "PLANNED". Take credit for your accomplishments!
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Agreed that sidetone is essential to a good comms system, whether it's the SMH-10 or a cell phone. One phase of sidetone is still missing or unsupported: face to face chats with someone outside of your helmet. For example, some states (e.g., New Jersey) require an attendant pump your gas (hell will have long since frozen over before an attendant runs the nozzle filling my tank!!). With the "always on" mode, you can hear, over your helmet mic, what's being said. Unfortunately, it seems that Sena has long since stopped reading what's posted here(*). Or at least they fail to acknowledge the postings. So the PLANNED is still there and we have no "always on" mode.
(*)How odd that a company that's all about communications does such a poor job of communicating with the people who put the food on their corporate table.
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