more volume would be nice.
With normalized mp3 tracks, the volume supplied by the Sena SMH10B (I have v 3.3 of the firmware) that I use on my streetable Ducati 1098 is adequate up to about 50 mph, which is fine for in town riding. But once I get up to highway speeds on the freeway, unless I deliberately recapture the original audio at a higher gain, I can't hear the music over the wind noise. I've done this for all of my music that I still have the original media for; but that is only about a quarter of my music library. I don't have this problem with phone calls or intercom transmissions; I can hear those at *any* speed. How can I increase the volume output of the Sena when I'm listening to an MP3 streamed from my iPhone to the Sena? Would a firmware update fix that?
What up with the firmware update that will improve volume range? 0 -
Early December has come and gone... any update on the status of this firmware, Sena?
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Sena, where is the new firmware promised for early December above ? Guy 0 -
I am using a Samsung S3, the volume on both the music and the conference of the SMH-10 is very low. Its too low.
It really needs some kind of boost. Its not just on the music playing and phone calling which is basically not possible at this low volume.
The conference is a bit louder but still, way too low.
Please fix guys
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@ Craig
Did you up to dated with newer firmware? Thank you.
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Looks like beta 4.2 firmware was released on January 22nd. Sweet! Can't wait to try it out.
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I updated to 4.2rc1 tonight and it made virtually no difference in the A2DP volume. As most have said here, the problem is when using the speaker base and foam earplugs. I also have the earbud base and custom molded plugs, which works great... but it's one more wire I have to plug in. The reason I use SENA is to have no wires. Frankly, even my custom ear plugs get very uncomfortable after all day riding, thus the reason I want to go to the speaker base with foam earplugs. I see this is just a beta release, hopefully this means you can still do something about the final release! Also, as countless others have said, Phone and Intercom have plenty sufficient volume. It's only A2DP. Can you please fix this? Can you please bench test it with similar equipment (ie, speaker base and foam earplugs), comparing between phone volume and A2DP volume? The difference is plain as day.
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I haven't had an opportunity to test if the newest 4.2 release fixes the issue, but if what Paul Ward says is accurate, this is very disappointing. I'd also agree with Paul that the difference is night and day (between A2DP & Phone/Intercom). With that said, is it so difficult to mirror the phone/intercom parameters and apply them to the A2DP? It's really disappointing that a known issue takes this long to address, let alone fix. I think you're (SENA) on the verge of loosing a significant customer base if this doesn't get fixed. 0 -
I'm interested to hear your results Robert.
FYI, my testing was done using my girlfriend's Sena at 4.1 and mine at 4.2rc1, mere seconds apart using the same helmet and base (therefore eliminating the possibility of having speakers not positioned the same or the "human error" of perception by testing minutes apart).0 -
Under the heading of Feedback on Firmware Beta Upgrade: Am hearing no increased volume with new firmware. Plus, now I am hearing a beep whenever I turn my head left. It's as if transmitter is trying to reconnect to my phone which is always in my left pants pocket. Hope this helps in the tweaking process before final firmware roll-out. Thanks. -Bob 0 -
After installing the beta 4.2, I have to, unfortunately, agree with Paul and Bob - the A2DP volume is the same as before. The difference between A2DP and phone/intercom volume, as has been mentioned many times before, is night and day. It's a shame this seems to be such a difficult thing for Sena to correct. It has to be correctable, though.
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This thread is a YEAR old. Come on! I concur with Robert - as sonn as Cardo or someone else offers the set of features we want, and they will, lots of people will be jumping ship.
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Hi -- original poster here. The firmware fixes have not addressed my original issues with music volume, and have introduced new "features" that reduced it's limited functionality for me even further. After upgrading to 4.1, when paired with my Garmin Zumo 550 and iPhone, it will arbitrarily drop the Zumo a few seconds after connecting, or actually fail to pair at all. This happens often enough (and only with the Sena; never with my venerable Motorola S9) that I don't even try to get it to pair anymore. If it pairs, great; if not, I don't have turn-by-turn in my helmet. Second, when I turn my head to check traffic, I hear a beep and the music stops. It doesn't restart until several seconds after I'm facing forward again. It doesn't matter which way I turn my head. This was an issue when I first got the Sena, but it actually got worse after upgrading to the 4.1 firmware -- a gust of turbulence from a passing lorry will do it, now. And lastly, any sharp noise in range of the mic seems to flip the Sena into voice command mode. Snapping the visor down from it's cracked-open-a-hair-to-clear-breath-condensation position, a nearby backfire, road debris kicked up by the bike in front of me hitting my helmet -- the music stops and I have to manually go back to music mode, or wait for it to timeout and go back on its own. This was the last straw for me. The guys in my Ducati club are all wearing Cardo helmet systems and swear by them. I'm about to join them. Sorry Sena, but I'm no longer your customer.
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Sena i have the same problems with volume on mp3s as seen in all previous posts ..please sort it.
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Me too...
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@ Erik
About A2DP volume, are you using earbud instead of Sena speakers?
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I've been using earbuds all along to compensate for the lack of A2DP volume. My interest in more volume is so I can ditch the earbuds and use the Sena speakers. Earbuds are just one more wire to contend with, and my whole point in going with Sena is to ditch all the wires. Not to mention the fact that regular foam earplugs are way more comfortable than earbuds (even my custom molded earplugs with speakers are uncomfortable on a long day).
So to answer your question, the inadequate volume is when using the Sena speakers mounted in my helmet. I believe that's everyone's complaint.
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Yes, as Paul W says, the problem is with A2DP playback with the Sena speakers. But, really, it's clearly not the speakers since they work OK with other profiles. It is in the Sena software. @Erik's commetn indicates to me that after all these comments and all this time Sena still doesn't even understand the problem. Feel free to come to my town and put my helmet on. Make a call, then play some music and hear the difference. Cant you objective measure these things?
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@ Paul and Chris,
Would you please let us know conditions as following?
- What kind of source device are you using?
- Did you set maximum volume on your source device?
- Are you using Equalizer from your source device?
- What kind of source are you used to listen? (MP3, Pandora, XM Radio, Pod cast, etc)
- Are you using earplug when you riding?
Thank you.
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I think we've described the conditions to death, but in the interest of being cooperative, here goes again:
- I'm currently using an HTC Rezound (smartphone). Previously I was using an HTC Incredible (also a smartphone) with the same results.
- Yes, maximum volume on the device. For both mp3 and phone.
- No equalizer
- I'm using mp3 for A2DP and just the phone for phone (I guess that's obvious).
- I use custom molded earbuds while riding and the earbud base. I do this because the speaker base is inadequate for A2DP, which is what this whole thread is about. The earbuds are adequate, but the A2DP is still CONSIDERABLY quieter than phone. I don't want to use earbuds, I want to use foam earplugs with the Sena speaker base.
When I did my testing as described in my Feb 22 post above, I was using the Sena speaker base. Also, as I described, I had one unit at 4.2rc1 and another unit at 4.1. I listened to the same song (even the same portion of the song) coming from the same source (my HTC Rezound) on both of the units, less than a minute apart and heard virtually no difference in the level of volume. I had volume at max on both my HTC Rezound along with both Sena units. This is as apples to apples as it gets. Max volume on A2DP is WAAAAYYYY quieter than max volume on the phone. I don't know how to explain it any clearer.
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Man i aint to bright and even i can understand whats being asked for ... more volume espacialy on MP3s !!There is nuthin wrong with the speakers , its software related . Geeees !!
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Responses as follows:
- What kind of source device are you using? iPhone 5 (same result with my iPhone 4). As per my 5/17/12 and 9/24/12 posts.
- Did you set maximum volume on your source device? Yes. As per my 5/17/12 post. Well, actually, I don't need full volume for phone functions, but full volume is inadequate for mp3/podcast (A2DP) functions.
- Are you using Equalizer from your source device? No.
- What kind of source are you used to listen? (MP3, Pandora, XM Radio, Pod cast, etc) MP3 and podcast. As per my 5/17/12, 9/24/12 and 03/04/13 posts.
- Are you using earplug when you riding? Yes. As per my 5/17/12 post. And as per recommendations linked on webbikeworld: (incidentally, I purchased the Sena almost entirely on the strength of webbikeworld's recommendation).
Thank you for looking into this. I have an upcoming 10 day ride. I would like to suggest that the other participants get Senas, just for my own personal convenience, but as it stands I can't recommend that they do so.
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Here is the comment I just submitted to webbikeworld
I purchased the SMH10 almost entirely on the strength of the review here. It has the combination of features that I wanted, and except for one thing I would be totally satisfied. The one thing is a BIG thing however, and renders the unit almost useless in large part. The issue is that while volume is superadequate when using the phone (iPhone) or intercom, it is inadequate when using the A2DP (music or podcast) and earplugs (which I always wear, thanks to WBW). Sena has been aware of this problem for over a year and despite several software updates and promises, has not yet fixed the issue. Here is the link:
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Chris, I agree with your approach. As with any consumer product, you vote with your dollars and reviews. I find it unfortunate though, because I absolutely love my Sena other than this volume issue. If this were fixed, it would be the perfect solution for my needs. I will not part with it, but I really, REALLY want this fixed. Please Sena, help us love you!! :)
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My response:
Using iPhone 4 on max volume, no equalizer. Listen mostly on MP3 and podcasts. No earplugs.
It works fine with everything EXCEPT A2DP. Clearly a software problem in SMH10...
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We have considerably improved volume issues for the basic clamp users.
However, it is not applied to the earbud users.
We fully understand your concerns and are definitely trying our best to identify the problem and resolve it.
Currently, we are under verification process of hardware of earbud clamp kit as well.
We will get back to you soon with positive result.
Thank you for your patience.
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That seems backwards to me. In my experience, and everyone else's that has posted here, earbuds are fine. It's the basic clamp, the one you get with the kit with the speakers you mount in your helmet, that is NOT fine. 0 -
Agreed. Thank you for trying to address the issue, but please have the engineers read the complaints. The lack of volume is related to the helmet speakers. I would like to use earBUDS, since I think that would be a work around, but I can't find any that offer the same noise reduction as the earPLUGS that I (and the others on this forum) use. Also, I doubt very much that it is related to the clamp, since (once again) volume is good on intercom and phone, but it is too low only on A2DP, at least with iPhone. All that said, does the statement that you have considerably improved volume for basic clamp users (which I am) mean that this is addressed in the latest update.?
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Has anyone addressed the lack of bass audio issues when listening to music? Talking on the phone is fine. Listening to music via an iPhone is worthless. There is zero bass. Listening to music without bass is pretty bad. I bought the SMH5 for listening to music. I'm outside the return window though, so I'm stuck with something I can't use.
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I'll add to the fire.
It's not just iPhone/iOS. Same problem here with SMH10 with 4.2 firmware, with Zumo 665. About 80% of the volume it should be, about 70% of the volume I used to get from my StarComm. Hoping for a fix but not holding my breath. Will likely go back to StarComm as audio volume and quality are superior. Both driven from the same device (Zumo 665).
I also use hemlet/speakers and foam ear plugs. It's just not there.
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