SMH5 multipoint pairing to connect with 2 phones at once



  • Sena

    Thank you for your suggestion. We will apply the multipoint pairing for SMH5 in the next firmware version. We will keep you later.

  • bugsplatter

    Is the upcoming multipoint pairing also necessary to pair an iPhone 4S and a Zumo (or other motorcycle GPS) with the SMH5?

  • Sena

    Yes, you are right.

  • NakedBeemer

    If you look at page 12 of the latest user guide (version 1.2) it indicates that it has Multipoint Pairing.  The guide says ""you can simultaneously use two mobil phones wchich use the mobile phone profile."  Is this accurate and is this request on your done list?  I just ordered the SMH5 and would definitely like to know if I am able to do Multipoint Pairing. 


  • Richard Motorbikes
    Richard Motorbikes
    I've personally been using my smh-5 for a few months with two mobile phones at once, works very well
  • NakedBeemer

    Thanks for the confirmation.  I'm assuming the two phones were paired through the Multipont Pairing instructions?  My desire is to pair my cell phone and my iPad mini (Verzion service) so I can answer calls, listen to music, and hear the gps application on the mini give me directions.  I want to do it this way because I understand that normal Bluetooth gps units will not pair with either the smh-5 or smh-10 and I cannot afford to purchase a $700 gps unit for the motorcycle.       

  • Richard Motorbikes
    Richard Motorbikes
    Yes I've had the second phone connected via multi point...... I'l leave a more detailed response for you later
  • NakedBeemer

    I was able to get into the multipoint pairing after updating the firmware.  I think the key for those reading and having a similar problem that I had is that after you press the jog dial for 5 seconds you'll hear a prompt for intercom pairing.  Just ignore that and hit the phone button to get the multipoint pairing prompt.  I know its silly, but that other prompt kept throwing me off as if I got to the wrong menu item.  Anyway, I'm now able to pair my iPad mini and my phone.  This allows me to listen to music, and when my gps application on the iPad gives me instructions it overrides the music.  Similary, if I'm listening to music and get a phone call, it also cuts in to alert me to a phone call and I can decide whether I want to take the call or not.  I bought the SMH-5 primarily for this purpose, so I'm not sure how it will act if I wanted to communicate with another rider who has an SMH-5 or 10.  So, using an iPhone or iPad app for GPS is a much cheaper route to take than purchasing a Motorcycle GPS.  Yeah I know, you have to find a place for an iPad, luckily for my trips I also have the tank bag that I can put it in and have it wired so I never have to worry about battery life.  And if you have an iPhone, pretty easy to tuck it in a pocket somewhere.  Thanks Richard for your feedback, it helped me to remain committed to getting it to work knowing that you were able to do it with your two phones.   Cheers!

  • Tridandroid

    I realize this is a 3 year old thread but it answered one question I've got and did not answer another one.

    You can take a call on your cell phone and the music from the iPad pauses (stops, whatever) then resumes when you hang up the phone.  You take the call and end the call with the phone button on the back.  How do you initiate a call while you've got your music playing on your iPad.  I'm hoping just push the phone button on the back of the Sena.


    Thank you



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