Feature request: auto turn-off after no bluetooth for 5 mins
This would be a great help for me, and undoubtably others:
Make a configurable option in the device manager so I can configure the 20S to turn off after X minutes (preferably the time would be configurable as well) when no bluetooth connection is live.
That way when you walk away from the bike the phone gets disconnected and the 20S turns off. Or the GPS on the bike turns off and the 20S turns off as well. For people who don't want this, they can configure it otherwise in the device manager.
This would be helpful.
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30 minutes would cover all false turn-offs. I've left mine on overnight and the battery has been dead next time I donned my helmet.
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Yes very useful, another vote for 'yes please'. Ideally feature enable / disable and some choices of switch off time if not fully user configurable.
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I can trade you mine. Its truning itself off every 5 minutes. It goes pop then turns off.
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Must be an app feature as sometimes I ride without use of Bluetooth but have I-pod plugged into the back port and don't want the unit to auto off.
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If you do consider this option, please do what the OP says and make it an option. Because there are many times I let the bluetooth sit idle and I sure wouldn't want it disconnecting. What a pain that would be. These things last all day with bluetooth connected. So I don't see why this feature is even needed. But I always charge after each days ride.
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As an option would be fine
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Please, for SMH5-FM also.For me, I would say about 1 hour w/o BT connection could be ok.
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this is a MUST!
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