Announce caller ID and/or customized individual/group ringtones



  • DjPaul

    It's the same with the SENA 20s 

    I too have a Note, and do wish to have the ringtones from the phone, put through the SENA head set, Considering the price we pay for SENA technology I think It's a little bazaar this even happens?

    Some time ago back when SENA only had the "10" it did, in fact, put your custom phone ringtones through to the head set, ... You know... It acted just like any of todays in ear, blue tooth,  Jabra, Jawbone, Senhiezer etc head phones.

    And as the software was improved, this feature was removed. 

    I'd be an advocate for SENA product if they'd bring this feature back.



  • Scott Kirby
    Scott Kirby

    Hi Sena.  It's me again.  Refreshing this topic of including the caller ID for incoming calls.  It works for SMS messages.  It is needed for calls, too.

    Just one more request for the same thing we've been asking for.

  • Lukas

    The fact that Sena is STILL ignoring this several year old thread is testament to the rubbish customer service they seem to offer.

    Take some accountability, especially considering the price we pay for your gear!!!

  • Shawna Smith
    Shawna Smith

    Me too.  I get a lot of incoming calls, very few of which I deem important enough to pick up on the fly. It would be very helpful to know the caller name, like all my other bluetooth products, before deciding to pickup.

  • Shawna Smith
    Shawna Smith

    Oh, I have a Samsung Galaxy 6+ (android platform) and a Sena 10.

  • Scott Kirby
    Scott Kirby

    Hasn't been a firmware update in quite a while now.  Probably a dead product.

  • Lukas

    Read earlier and someone mentions the 20S as well. I've just bought the Evo 20S and installed the March 2019 update, with the same issue still occurring.

  • sabin kolarov
    sabin kolarov

    I'm researching for a new intercom to replace my Interphone F5. I really liked the Sena brand and design, but not having caller id announcement for me is a deal beaker. Weak up Sena, you are loosing sales!!!

  • Ryan Reynolds
    Ryan Reynolds

    SENA R&D team, devs, directors, and CTO,

    Why are you ignoring this request from multiple users over the last 8-10 years, this is as described a basic function of many 10+ year older bluetooth units. Accidents have been caused due to this feature not being included in your products offerings. 

    Please respond to this in a timely manner,

    We will be monitoring this community page



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