20S Ambient feature



  • Bill Henning
    Bill Henning

    I have noticed with ambient on it seems to make the whole outside of the cradle into a microphone.  When you rub or tap a finger on the cradle housing it sounds like it is amplified.

  • Ken

    Yeah, Bill.  Noticed the same thing.  It's a great feature, but needs tweaking.  I hope that they can tweak the ambient audio response with firmware.  

  • Soren Hejnfelt
    Soren Hejnfelt

    Does anyone know what microphone the ambient feature uses?

    I had to return one of the SENA 20S units from my dual pack because the plastic broke. The ambient feature worked flawlessly on that unit. The replacement unit however does not seem to reproduce the ambient sound around me except for faint noises.

    Does anyone know how the ambient mode works? Perhaps I've accidentally covered the ambient mic on the new unit?

    Dammit this intercom is giving me headaches whenever trying anything else than rider to rider intercom...

  • Shaunmarshall27

    How do you turn it on, when I press the ambient mode button on the base unit, it always activates voice command prompts

  • Sena

    Tap the Ambient Mode button twice to turn it on and off.

  • Bskjack3
    We've had a problem with the ambient feature since we received our pair of 20S'. It seems that when in intercom mode we are also in ambient mode- we both pick up traffic noise, motorcycle radio noise, shifting sounds (from our bike) and more. When I ride solo, I don't seem to get any of this. Has anyone else had this problem? I've contacted SENA tech support and they have suggested fault and factory resets as well as software updates (I've tried all those but it doesn't seem to help). Now I seem to be having trouble getting SENA to respond to my follow up requests for help....
  • Ethan Franc
    Ethan Franc

    It is a great idea, but I get the same as Bill above - the most sound I get from Ambient Mode is from touching the 20S unit - there isn't much application of ambient sounds - is there a way to adjust the sensitivity? (And I'm sure Sena online support is getting overwhelmed with questions and complaints, but even a quick response that "we're looking into it" is helpful to know that there's someone out there who is even slightly concerned... Thanks?)

  • Charles Garalis
    Charles Garalis

    I can't even get the ambient to come on.  I double click the button but it still reverts to "say a command".  I am having issues hearing a friend with a 20s.  I wonder if maybe it's stuck on????  

  • Terry

    This is another place where an EQ function would come in handy.  With per function settings like the volume which take effect on the fly so we could hear the effect of our changes live.  We could then create different curves as needed for each function.  Like reducing the bass on the ambient function but boosting it for the FM radio function.

  • Bryan Lee
    Bryan Lee
    I bought my dual set of the Sena 29S and I am having same problem liked Ethan Franc. Reset a few time back to factory setting and re pair up with cell phone and still can't hear the outside sound except the sound I am touching the main unit body. Sent in my request and waiting for sena help desk to advise further course of action.
  • Ethan Franc
    Ethan Franc

    It'd be great to hear if something comes back from support, Bryan. Good luck to us all on this front! Awesome unit - just needs some further tweaking!

  • Rich Schmitz
    Rich Schmitz

    To: Ethan Franc, Bryan Lee and Bill Henning.

    I have an explanation for Bill and a solution to the problem and will get back tomorrow. I had the same this problem and had been working on it ALL DAY! I purchased the 20S Dual. I'll put in a text file tomorrow and respond...there is still hope.

  • Bryan Lee
    Bryan Lee
    Hi Ethan Franc, after a few exchanged of emails with SENA help desk stuff. They finally gave up and told us to get another replacement set from my dealer here in Singapore. While I was there at the dealer, I was specifically told NOT TO INSTALL the latest version of the SENA software to the version 1.3! The dealer said lots of 20S users came back because of this upgrading of the latest software. He said should I install the upgrade software again after the exchange then he will no longer warrant the warranty any longer. He even shown me those behind his counter about at least another 4 boxes of the 20S were going back to the manufacturer. The 20S has great features but their performance are still not stable yet. Mine had the ambient function problem and also the share music function suck! Out of 10 times, 9 times my pillion cannot hear the music and the 1 time the music quality was so bad, we had to switch off to normal intercom without any MP3 or radio on for the whole journey. Well, since my local dealer has already 'Warned' me not to install the latest software upgrade. We will see how things goes and leave some update in a few days time.
  • Charles Garalis
    Charles Garalis

    Bryan, Good grief!! I would love to hear Sena's response to that.   I can tell you that I had all kinds of issues with the intercom performance right up until I upgraded to the new firmware (1.3) version.  It resolved all the issues I was having.  That being said, I'm not all that interested in the ambient feature (although it would be nice if it worked smoothly) and I am not interested in the music function at all.  In fact if I could find a way to permanently shut off the FM radio I would do it.  Kind of seems to me like Sena tried packing 10 pounds of "stuff" in a 5 pound box.

  • Ethan Franc
    Ethan Franc

    Thanks so much guys!
    Rich: I can't wait to see what you discovered! (I hope Sena is paying you for your R&D!) ;)

    Bryan: That's crazy that there are that many of this "flagship" product being returned! Seems that Sena bit off a little much with what Charles rightly suggests as an over-packed product! 

    Charles: I agree that the FM function is a bit boring, but it world be cool if Sena could actually make this whole thing work.

    I hope to hear some update of info from Sena and/or other users of how this product can work best! Many thanks to you all!!

  • Bryan Lee
    Bryan Lee
    I just received my exchange 20S sets from the dealer here in Singapore (Regina Specailties) BUT I was warned NOT TO install the latest update to the version 1.3 or he will no longer honor the warranty anymore. Now the ambient function and share music functions are there but the radio reception can't pick up a few local radio stations any more. The previous sets radio were so much better. Not sure if it was the upgrading of the software helps in the reception. But these exchange sets are still in software version 1.2 and so far my only complaint will be the radio reception.
    May I have your view on this? What should I do? To install the latest software to version 1.3 or what? This set proof that my former sets ambient feature and music sharing feature were not working correctly and now I will need to deal with another problem with the exchanged 20S.
  • Rich Schmitz
    Rich Schmitz

    double tap the button fast enough or you will receive the "Say a Command" prompt, at which you will tell it

    "CANCEL". Then try the (fast)double tap again. To EXIT ambient mode: double tap button.

    When I received my 20s DUAL, both units had ver2.1 When I Upgraded to ver3.1
    I was experimenting with all a few modes(FM radio and Ambient feature). I tried the Ambient feature twice.

    It worked flawlessly. I then turned ambient mode off(tapping button 2x fast). Next I had somebody call me

    which also worked fine. Then I decided to turn ON Ambient mode again(tapping button 2x fast). This time, I

    yeilded the same results as Bill Henning...turning the whole cradle into an amplified microphone.
    What the heck happened?
     I read all Comments here while experimenting with my unit and agreed with Kens comment about tweaking and


    HERE's the FIX:
    Restore ver3.1 back to ver2.1
    OPEN Sena Bluetooth Device Manager
    PLUG supplied wire into Headset/Computer. At this point, you should hear ba-domp and where wire hooked was hooked to cradle, you should see a light.

    In the Device Manager(upper right corner) "No Device Recognized". HIT NEXT.
    Follow directions making sure 20S headset is powered OFF. (Ready for DEVICE RECOGNITION) HIT NEXT.
    Notice: upper right corner (now says Sena 20S v1.3) HIT "FIRMWARE RESTORE".
    then hit RESTORE BUTTON. Relax, takes about 4 minutes. When finished, notice (upper right corner) should say v1.2 then unplug headset.
    EXIT Device Manager. Turn ON headset then turn OFF headset. OPEN Sena Device Manager and PLUG IN the headset again.
    Follow instructions to update to v3.1
    When finished (upper right corner) should say Sena 20S v1.3
    Close Sena Device Manager, unplug headset from computer and check it out

    PS Ethan... Not getting paid. LOL  Hope this helps somebody to not have to experience what I had to go through!  Both headsets now work flawless! I'm impressed of how loud they are @55mph for listening to FM Radio while getting a phone call.

  • Rich Schmitz
    Rich Schmitz

    In regards to my previous comment posted January 29, 2015 refer to ALL version numbers in the post to "ver1.2  or  ver1.3".

    Thx, RICH

  • Bryan Lee
    Bryan Lee
    Hi Rich Schmitz, thanks for your valuable inputs. I have tried your method and it works only one time for the ambient mode when I activated another function example the radio where the ambient function failed again. What I discovered though if you have bought the dual set, try not to save both sets using the same file name. Example ver 1.3 (1st set) and ver 1.3 (2nd set). Try using a different file names example, 1st set you can use the original/default name ver 1.3 and the 2nd set name it as ver 1.3a or similar just to separate the 2 Sena 20s. Then, there was this bug. I have being using APPLE iMAC to install all my Sena 20S upgrade software and most if not every time it does not work perfectly or close to idea way. I switched to another O.S system by using a Window base O.S to install the SENA device manager and re install everything again and my sets are ok now. I think what you have point out is to really take note to properly closed the Sena device manager problem before you unplug the Sena 20S out from the USB. Hope will help some of the guys here.
  • robert v
    robert v

    Just wanted to find out if anyone has seen, or literally heard any improvements for Ambient mode using ver 1.3? From earlier posts, I can confirm that the most ambiance I hear is when I touch the 20S or helmet, but all surrounding sounds are still muffled. At what distance should we hear someone or something to the 20S-- 2 feet, 3 feet, 10 feet, etc?

    It would be nice if Sena can comment at least the working range of ambient mode so that we're not speculating on what it should or should not do. After using this for a few weeks now, some issues like this are starting to come around and curious if another firmware fix is coming to address this.

  • Rebelthor

    I still have the issue with the Ambient mode on a brand new 1502xxxx set of units, upgraded to 1.3. I basically get sound if I slightly touch the helmet or the case of the device, but almost nothing from the outside world. Tested it yesterday with a gas station employee, couldn't hear a word he was saying, so this feature is completely useless for me at the moment.

    Does anyone know how to make it work properly with the 1.3 firmware?

  • Daniel
    Same here with 1501xxxx version and firmware 1.4: just sounds when I touch the Unit...

    Anyone found the real sollution?
  • Neil Khatib
    Neil Khatib

    I finally tried out Ambient Mode, and I'm getting the same failed result. I can hear myself touch the cradle but I can't hear when people talk or even shout at me, at least not through the speakers like it should be doing. Man, so many bugs. 

  • Ken

    They should be able to enhance the audio,  accentuating speech frequencies and filtering down  the low frequencies.    I tried to use my ambient feature at ranger stations in entrances to national parks last week.  It was useless, ended up having to remove  my helmet and earbuds.  Such a good idea.  Too bad it doesn't work. 

  • Bill Henning
    Bill Henning

    The funny thing is that this feature worked great on the first pair of 20s's I had.  I could hear everything outside perfectly.  Then I returned those for a new set due to an unrelated problem and the second set just didn't work the same.  Not sure how that happened, it was a problem somehow created that didn't exist in the earlier set I had.  Sena should be able to figure this out I hope.

  • VFRcanada

    Just tried out my 3rd replacement unt and the ambient mode still doesn't work. I'm using version 1.41.

  • Neil Khatib
    Neil Khatib

    That's good to know, Richard. Thanks for the heads up, I was going to process an RMA request, but if it won't do anything that is pretty pointless.

    Hopefully Sena will get it together on these issues!

  • Ken

    My opinion is that Ambient works, it's just unacceptable and worthless with the way it works.  I hope they can fix it with a firmware update using digital audio processing; but have my doubts.    

  • Bskjack3
    I feel like I need to "reboot" from my original issue here. My original and still current complaint with our 20s' is that it seems that no matter what I do or what I've tried, our two 20s headsets, when in intercom mode, are also, no matter what I do, in ambient mode. Any ambient noise, whether it's my own shifting, or passing vehicles, or construction noise as I pass by, are transmitted directly into both our earphones. Sena says that the ambient feature cannot be on at the same time the the intercom feature is on - that is absolutely untrue! Sena replaced one headset under warranty to no avail. I recently downloaded the new firmware to each (2) headset, trying to fix the problem AGAIN! After several attempts I was finally able to pair up the two headsets so that the intercom function works. I still cannot get either headset to connect via Bluetooth to either iPhone - this is an entirely new problem. Can anyone pleases tell me if these are the same problems you are having? I've contacted Sena many times and all they can suggest are the same procedures that are shown in the owners manual, as if I hadn't already tried them already, multiple times!
  • Ken
    I can safely submit that our group of 5 users does not experience any of the issues you are describing.

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