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I use two 50s on my bike. In my team, the bikers use mesh capable devices. So.
Usually the bikers and passengers use two-way bt intercom to reduce battery usage. (Private mode) Mesh off. Vox on.
When we would like to talk in a whole group, we switch to mesh using mesh reach out to invite everyone. Rider and passenger as well, Very nice feature by the way. But,
If the bt com is activated by voice previously, then stays on in the mesh to cause interference (20 sec silent will close the section). I need to close bt com by tapping, in this case I won't be able to use vox anymore when we switch back to bt, just after we restarting the device. A toggle would be needed in the app
"Disable bt intercom when mesh is on"
If I decide to keep bt com on and I link my passenger to mesh through my helmet, then bt com will close after 20 seconds of silence. While I am using mesh the bt vox is not working. So I need to turn back bt com by tapping. In that case I won't be able to use vox after closing the mesh section. A toggle would be needed in the app
"BT intercom always on while mesh is on"
Just one of these two can be active at the same time of course.
If we decide to use mesh only, to communicate in the whole group, I can separate my passenger and me by using group mesh between passenger and me. It is nice.
Official comment
Thank you for your feedback! We will look into this and explore the possibilities.
I have some answers for your suggestions. starting from your first one.
Q: "If I decide to keep bt com on and I link my passenger to mesh through my helmet, then bt com will close after 20 seconds of silence. While I am using mesh the bt vox is not working. So I need to turn back bt com by tapping. In that case I won't be able to use vox after closing the mesh section. A toggle would be needed in the app
"BT intercom always on while mesh is on"
Just one of these two can be active at the same time of course.".
A: I couldn’t replicate this issue since I have no problem when turning on Mesh intercom during Bluetooth intercom that was activated by voice.
By the way, Mesh intercom and Bluetooth intercom cannot be turned on at the same time since when Mesh intercom is turned on during Bluetooth intercom, Mesh intercom is disabled with the voice prompt “Mesh intercom disabled, Bluetooth intercom connected” to prevent a closed loop which can cause severe noise.
Q: "But I am not able to get mesh reach out requests while we are in group mesh. I don't know how to solve it, but it would be wonderful."
A: Regardless of Mesh intercom mode, you can’t receive Mesh Reach-Out request while Mesh intercom is turned on. - this is because Mesh-Reach Out is for the initial pairing.
Q: "Vox in mesh mode is not an option. I can understand why. But an "Auto mic off in mesh mode" could work and would be highly welcomed.
Turning off the mic by tapping solves the other bikers noise problem while nobody is talking, not mine. So with this automation, everybody would be happy. And reduces battery usage."A: Noise gate is implemented on Mesh intercom and it works very similarly to “Auto-mic off”. Please note that audio which level is below noise gate threshold is not sent to mesh network.
Q: "I listen to music while I am riding. I have a bmw so I use it's tft, the audio comes through it. Also be able to connect the passenger helmet to tft, so the passenger is able to listen the same music. Working well. But if the passenger starts to listen to his/her music from her/his own phone, then can't switch back to tft anymore. Could you make the device able to select which connected device would be used as a music source?"
I know music sharing is an option. But it keeps bt intercom on with wind noise and etc. despite of not talking. And enhances the battery usage. "A: Please elaborate on the situation. It will be very appreciated if you can provide the schematics of wireless connections between TFT, headsets of passenger and rider, and phone. - essentially how are the devices paired together? and in which order were they paired. usually it should be sena device to TFT/WHIM first.0 -
Hello,1stIt is about avoiding tapping and lose vox."Mesh intercom Conference with BT Intercom participant"We use BT to communicate between rider and passenger. When we switch to mesh to communicate in a whole group it is enough to turn on mesh on only the rider's helmet. No loop. The passenger is linked to mesh through the rider's com with BT. But, the vox will close the bt section after 20 sec of silence, and the passenger is interrupted.You can reproduce this. Activate the bt by voice, turn on mesh on one device and see, the bt will be closed after 20 sec of silence.You can reconnect bt only by tapping during mesh. Working, but vox will be disabled in the future, when you go back to bt only.As I discovered, the opener device will close the section. I tried it. I tried the issue with an 50s and a nexx xcom2 as well. If the 50s opens bt by voice, then it will close after 20 sec. But if the xcom opens the bt by tapping of course, the 50s wont close it after 20 sec.If there would be an option, like "bt stays on when mesh on", will solve the problem if the bt section was started by the riders com. I don't know how to solve it when the passenger com starts the bt section by voice. Because if the passenger com opens the bt by voice, it will close it after 20 sec of silence, no matter if the mesh is on on the other device.Furthermore, if rider and passenger turns mesh on to communicate in hole group, during bt conversation, there will be a loop. In that case, you have to wait until the vox closes the bt section, and just after turn on the mesh to keep vox ability. Avoiding loop. Wait, or tap. But tapping, lose vox in the future. Solution is, "BT disabled when mesh on"We can decide which one we would use. Stays on or disabled during mesh.2ndMesh reach out is used as a ringtone to call each other. When we are on tour and chat with only our passengers it is useful to be able to give a signal. It is solved if the participants using bt with passengers. But not solved if everyone uses mesh with passengers in group mesh to separate. I hope you can understand it. So a way would be useful to be able to give a calling signal to everyone if someone wants to talk to everyone. During bt or during group mesh as well.3rdThere is unwanted noise during the mesh when nobody is talking. I don't know how many program lines are necessary to turn off the mic automatically and activate by voice such as vox. And 5 sec threshold is enough. Maybe with an adjustable level sensitivity too. So why manually mic off is possible when the noise gate is the same?A fellow with an open pipe always plays "music" to everyone. Auto mic off and adjustable sensitivity would solve it.4thOkThe rider's phone is paired to the tft phone port.I paired the phone to the helmet com as a secound phone first and paired the tft rider"s headset port with the helmet as a first phone. Working well. Everything comes through the tft to the helmet.If I start music on the phone directly, then I can hear the music in my helmet sach as starting music on tft. But the tft works as a remote controller as well. It can happen that I control the phone with the tft, and music comes from the phone directly to the helmet. I can check it, to see on the phone which device is chosen. I can choose the helmet or the tft as well on the phone, but the music is hearable if only I choose the tft in the music app of the phone. So it seems I am not able to listen to music directly from the phone when tft is connected without tapping any button on the com. But honestly never tried tapping for it. It is not a problem for me, because I always want to listen to music through the tft.PassengerPair the phone to intercom first as a second phone then pair the tft passenger port to the helmet's first phone port.If the rider starts music, the passenger hears it through tft. But if the passenger starts music on her own phone, the com will switch to phone, and not be able to switch it back to tft.I have tried to pair the tft to the passenger helmet as a media selective pairing, but the result is the same. I guess the media has the lowest priority and the phone is the highest.I can't figure out how to switch between 1st and 2nd phone as a music source on the intercom. If tft is a phone.0
Still waiting...
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Thanks for sharing this detailed explanation of the challenges you're facing with using Bluetooth intercom and mesh together on your Sena devices. It sounds like there's a gap when switching between the two modes that disrupts VOX functionality. A toggle in the app for 'Disable BT intercom when mesh is on' or 'BT intercom always on while mesh is on' would definitely be helpful! I'd recommend submitting this as feedback to Sena. @ a small world cup
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