SENA 30K Voice Dialer access from Voice Commands
1. Love my Sena 30K.
2. I did not see any postings that refer to the Voice Dialer being accessed from a voice command.
I use Siri on my iPhone 6S often. I use a single push of the phone button to activate that. Siri will then let me send a text message, call someone, route in GPS, etc.
My hands can't always be free. If I could use a Sena Voice command to GET to Siri ("Voice Dialing" as its referred to on multiple platforms), that would be helpful.
Maybe this could be an update item? I do not know of a way to get to it from Voice Commands now. UPDATE: Tried it and there is not.
"Hello Sena".
-> SENA: "Say a command..."
"Voice Dialing"
--> SENA: "Voice dialing..."
Siri double-beep, and Siri is awaiting a command.
That would be awesome... Let me know if it would be possible to get this added to a future revision.
Used mesh network the other day. It worked crazy well with a bunch of people ... so... totally worth it.
Don’t like it? Sell it. I’ll keep mine.
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I just press the back phone button on the 30K and say "OK Google" then I say dial "name in contact list" this bypasses the Sena voice commands and goes straight to the phones voice commands.
Just wondering if this would be the same for Siri?
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I get it. I use the button often and get to Siri that way.
However, sometimes I don’t want to lift my hand to my helmet...
so I think I should be able to activate the mode by using my voice.I think there should be a voice command for activating Google Or Siri.
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LOL I don't understand why anyone would want to go through Siri when Sena can set the system up just like the Bluetooth system in your car? It would be much easier just to say. "Hello Sena, Call home" or "Hello Sena, Dial number" than to go through your phone aps and use data just to make a call. Even car companies are no longer installing Garmin GPS systems but rather making people use their phones and data instead plus on top of that making you pay for that feature that's already on your phone when you buy the car. Come on people you shouldn't have to go through Google or Siri just to make a call. I mean Sena already recognized the contact list when there is an incoming calls. Wouldn't be hard to just add a voice dial feature in it. Heck even my 11 year old car has the voice dial option.
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True. It seems you don’t understand.
I use Siri for a lot, without even touching my phone. Would love hands-free SIRI.
- “Siri. Read text messages”. And I can reply using dictation.
- “Siri. Navigate to gulf on Ridge Avenue
- “Siri. Text my wife and tell her I’ll be 30 minutes late because I’m enjoying the ride home”.
- “Siri. What’s the weather in an hour?”
These are just some of the things I do. And I would like to do it without touching the button on my SENA.
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Oh. And ...
- “Siri. Play Rush Moving Pictures. shuffled”.
I love using the music commands.
So ... Siri is a hell of a lot better than just Sena Call feature.0 -
Great point I have also submitted the exact same suggestion as well. I love my 30K as well and wished that it also had voice dial option, both "Call home or a friend" option and "Dial number" option as well. Much better than going through Siri. Besides Siri needs a wifi or data to use voice commands
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...But it seemed you were not with my recommendation before... indicating I should use Sena Voice to dial people.
I am changing my response.
You AGREE Sena should have the Voice Dialer feature... (which it does, you can tell Sena to call one of the preset numbers).
But as mentioned, I want to use Voice Dialer to simply give me Siri (just like hitting the button) and this will give my double -beep ready to take a command.
My point is... it seems easier to add this to the existing 30K than to add a whole new programming mechanism to do more stuff.
That's it. Have a good one, y'all.
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Oh. Ok I understand what you guys are saying now. You want to spend over $300.00 on a Sena 30K unit and have it go through your I phone so you can talk to Siri. LMFAO LOL LOL Ok now I understand. Yeah I can understand you not wanting to buy a set of Bluetooth speakers with a boom mic like my friend has for $30.00 and talk to Siri that way. I got you. Big thumbs up guys
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Christopher DeRosa
Your Quote "My point is... it seems easier to add this to the existing 30K than to add a whole new programming mechanism to do more stuff."
LOL they wouldn't need to add a "whole new programming mechanism to do more stuff" Sena is already programmed to recognize contact names on your in coming calls from your phone so that when a call comes in Sena tells you who the incoming call is from. So since it recognizes your contact list it isn't hard to program Sena to make calls according to your list for example your home phone or your wife's phone, nor will it be hard to program her to listen to voice dial commands like "Sena, Dial number" then when she asks for the number you blurt it out then say dial. Just like a 12 year old car Bluetooth system. I agree with you that the mesh works great and I also love the fact that you don't always have to re pair them ever time you get together. I also love the private mode in mesh as well and that you can talk to only one specific person as well if you so choose
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