20S "OK Google" works only when stationary
20S ...
I cant get "OK Google" to work unless I stop riding and stationary. Then it works fine. I'm using :-
Sena 20S 1.6 firmware.
Android 8.1.
Google Maps 9.83.0 (#983002244)
Android Auto 3.5.583024
Google 8.14.15-21.arm64
(I note with Google assistant, the "Voice-Match->Access with Voice Match" option is greyed out / disabled, but I can still use "OK Google" provided I'm not moving!)
My Basic Settings oon the 20S are:
Audio Multitasking = ON
Intercom Audio Overlay Sensitivy = 6
Navigation App Support = ON
Audio Boost = OFF
Smart Volume Control = OFF
Motion Sensor Sensitivy = LOW
VOX Phone = ON
HD Intecom = ON
Eight Way Intercom OFF
Voice Prompot = ON
FM Station Guide = ONSidetone = OFF
Advanced Noise Control = ON
When statonary, I can use voice to get Google to open up apps, dial, navigate and so on, talk to people etc..
The mic must be working.
And I have checked the fin on the mic is pointing away so the slot in the mic is next to my mouth.
Its a full face helmet.
Just saying “OK Google” or “Hey Siri” won’t work on any Sena headsets, the only ones that can do that are the Cardo Packtalk Bold and Packtalk Slim. The only reason it’s working when stationary is because your phone is picking up your actual voice, not through the 20s.
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