I am a little frustrated and disappointed as this set up and function is by no means smooth.
I have overcome several issues, including the unit shutting off and NOT restarting. I tried factory reset - nothing. I then used the pin reset hole and it finally came back to life.
Now, after one of the most spectacular rides of my life, after an hour of episodic recording (I am using the standard video record mode, not the loop or time lapse) the camera wont record but says "CAMERA OFF, BATTERY LOW"! And guess what? The battery is 4 flashes high!
I rode the whole day without recording (I am riding across the Australian country after careful planning of this trip) BUT WHEN I TESTED IT LATER IT WORKED AGAIN FOR HALF AN HOUR OR SO BEFORE AGAIN SAYING "CAMERA OFF - BATERY LOW". The battery is not low.
Are you able to help? I am so frustrated/disappointed.
I am on a trip and looking for support but CANT GET THE EMAIL TO SENA BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE THE BLOODY PRODUCT NUMBER WITH ME - apparently its on the box. How foolish of me not to bring the box on this trip...
David, I am also curious about this... I used my 10C yesterday for the first time on a 2hr ride & after 1hr. the same thing happened... "camera off - battery low" from fully charged.
Music & satnav kept working though..
I'm glad I saw this as I just assumed I would have to have it plugged into a power pack all the time.. I wonder if anyone will come up with any ideas..?
I did think it was supposed to have at least 2-3hrs record time
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The product number is 10C-01 if you still need it.
Sometimes when the battery heats up it will stop recording to protect the battery. How is the temperature in your area?
If it's too cold this can have an affect on battery's performance.
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Thanks to both of you. I don't think temperature is a factor - moderate climate. I am now using it sparingly in standard mode (non loop mode) to capture key moments. I will look into it in more detail when I finish this trip and have some time. Cheers DB.
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My 10c camera just stopped working. Everything else works but the camera is not recognized and the warranty just expired so tech support was unwilling to help.
Have you tried connecting an external batty pack while you ride? I think that might work for the time being and just keep the battery pack in you pocket.
Actually I think I would only get about an hours (1 1/2 tops) worth of video before it would get the "Low Battery Camera Off" when the device was new
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Beans - the ambient temperature was about 14 degrees C so not hot at all...
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I don't really have a solution but if Sena is reading these comments or other users are thinking of purchasing a Sena know I have had device failures on two separate 10Cs (normal and pro). Now both were handled by warranty as thankfully they failed inside of the 1 year window but the fact that I am 2 for 2 on failed devices is disconcerting considering the high price tag on these devices. With such a high price tag ($300+) I am expecting build quality equal to the price.
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