When will Sena update to work with IOS 13?
I just updated to IOS 13 and immediately have an issue. Is sena updating firmware of the app to work and when will this happen?
The mobile app is irrelevant, as is bluetooth ble, I've never used the app in my life, it's never been needed. The issue is voice commands with Siri, which should work irrespective of the presence of the app. Pressing the dial button activates Siri. Siri still activated but now doesn't properly evaluate voice commands. The app won't change that as the commands aren't parsed by the app prior to going to Siri. And Bluetooth 4.0 BLE also doesn't affect this functionality because it was ratified in 2010. It has nothing to do with Bluetooth or the app.
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I just spoke with Sena Support about the same issue. According to them, "As per our upper management, we are currently experiencing issues with apple ios 13 and is currently developing a firmware to correct this issue." I guess we'll have to wait and see.....
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I just purchased the H-D 30K and updated my iPhone to IOS 13 at the same time. I thought the problem was with the H-D unit. The app didn't have any functions. It doesn't show the installed firmware or any configuration settings like you see in the Sena videos. The only thing I was able to do is download the user guide.
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I am new to Sena and very disappointed in their tech. All IOS developers get betas of new OS versions to update their apps. You don't wait until an OS is released to start working on a fix.
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I am also very disappointed at SENA, at the price tag of the 30K this should be a flowless device. Not even close. Please fix the IOS 13 issue.
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I continue to get email correspondence from Sena Tech Support stating that there is a problem with connectivity between Sena products and iOS 13. I’m very aware of the issues Sena as I spoke to one of your Support staff and fist notified them of the issue before they caught it. Our biggest question and concern seems to be, Are you going to issue a new firmware update for the devices soon or will we need to seek further assistance with a refund on the product?
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@jrbguy I did the same thing. Originally, I called when using a beta version and that concern never came up. The support staff continually assured me the reset or some other issue was the problem. I just want to know the issues are being handled and have some ETA on a solution...
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I tested my 10S & 30K the last 2 days with the 13.1.1 update & they both work now with Siri. I have an iPhoneX. However the phone app still won't work till a firmware update is released.
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The utility app and the support for iOS 13 and Bluetooth 4 are unrelated. iOS 13 doesn’t require Bluetooth 4, and there is another desktop utility sena makes for updating the firmware on the smh-10. Sena just needs to release the updated firmware. That’s it. Tying the mobile app to the smh-10 device is a smokescreen.
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Still an issue
I reset time factory settings, the device then plays music for 30 seconds before stopping.
on the Sena app, I can change the value of “Smart Volume Control” the sound comes back on for about 30 seconds and drops again, I change the value on “Smart Volume Control” again, I get music for 30 seconds and it drops again.
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It's not the phone, it's not the app, it's not Siri, a phone reset doesn't help, a headset reset doesn't work. This is strictly an incompatibility between the SMH 10 and iOS 13, likely a security issue that requires a firmware update from Sean.
Please, people, stop suggesting sophomoric Best Buy Geek Squad "fixes" for things. Your suggestions are just as bad as telling someone with an error on their PC that they should "reboot the PC, that will fix it". Not a fix, it's a mask.
Sena simply needs to test this issue, identify the incompatibility, and fix it. Almost guaranteed it's not an Apple problem. If it was, they could report it to Apple upon identifying it with their own troubleshooting, and Apple would fix it if it didn't compromise the rest of the communication stack for Blue Tooth. Either way, at least people would know what the hell is going on.
If Sena doesn't want to do the most basic troubleshooting and customer management and, instead, continue to rely on forum "experts" who don't actually know how to troubleshoot software or communication protocols, then Sena should just step up and say "we know it's broken, we're not going to fix it, throw it away and buy from our competitors".
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Given that Sena has essentially abandoned its customers and, yet, continues to sell these broken and unsupported products, I’m moving to Cardo Scala. I’m also going to buy a FreedConn. I have three helmets, so I’ll expand the one that works the best.
This may actually be a circumstance where an off brand is preferable (like FreedConn) simply because those manufacturers tend to not take a kitchen sink approach to feature sets which complicate on-going development.
Sena has roughly 15 products available for power sports, and roughly 5 of those aren’t working properly. That tells me everything I need to know about the company who is flooding the market with half baked products and very little support for customers who have been with them for years.
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Maybe try this - new article : https://www.ikream.com/how-to-fix-bluetooth-that-is-not-working-on-your-iphone-after-ios-13-update-34020
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For what it is worth, I too was having issues with my Sena 20S recognizing Siri on my iPhone 8 when I pressed the "phone" button on the Sena unit.
Although it worked in the past, I started noticing that pressing the button would trigger Siri for a second, but then quickly disconnect before listening for voice prompts. In other words, it tried connecting, but then just disconnected.
Although I upgraded the 20S to the latest firmware (v2.0.1), I still couldn't get it to work until I did the following:
1. Unpaired the 20S with my iPhone (Settings > Bluetooth > Sena 20S > Forget This Device).
2. Deleted the Sena App from my iPhone.
3. Powered off my iPhone.
4. Factory reset the 20S (hold the Phone button on the 20S in for 10+ seconds, then press the Jog wheel).
5. Turned on my iPhone.
6. Paired the 20S to my iPhone again (hold the Phone button on the 20S for 5 seconds, then go into Bluetooth on the iPhone and selected the Sena 20S again).
After doing that, I was able to get Siri to start responding again.
I then reinstalled the Sena Utility (optional).
Note: This was with a Sena 20S (v2.0.1), and an iPhone 8 (iOS 13.3). I also do not use (not enabled) "Listen for Hey Siri" on my phone for what it is worth.
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Greg Jarvis It appears Sena can't be trusted to support its products. 20S and 30K users like myself have all been waiting for Sena to address problems with iOS13, and it looks like it's never going to happen. Their products might work flawlessly with Android phones IDK, but there should be a warning for iPhone users that iPhones aren't compatible with Sena products.
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I have a 10b that was working flawlessly until ios13. Spoke to an idiot in chat support who couldn’t answer a straight question about when or if the smh-10b would be upgraded. Kept evading.
In looking at the firmware update page, only the 10c from that family is updated (and of course newer or other families), so I guess I’m screwed. It’s basic functionality, but apparently Sena doesn’t want to invest in that product, even though they are still selling it....
Never used the iPhone app, never needed it. Just need it to connect to my phone (it does), and allow me to use Siri voice commands. Basic calling and answer functions work fine from the jog dial, but no more voice commands it would seem.
I really don’t want to upgrade to another 300 dollar product that will be abandoned (aka Motorola and Lenovo), so I guess I’ll just abandon the product line first. How unfortunate.
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I have the exact same problem as Roberthp describes. iphone 6s, ios 13.1.2, sena 20s on v2.0.1.
When I try to talk to siri via sena 20s nothing is parsed.
Please can you elaborate on what you mean by "retrain Siri"?
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Would suggest you do this while paired to the headset and use the headset mic to train.
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a quick google search on how to retrain siri will show you how
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Hello Ken Kimari
Thank you for your prompt response.
I followed your instructions and I can now talk to siri through my sena 20s.
Thank you.
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I tried retraining and it seemed to accept it all. But even still, when I try to get Siri to respond to a voice command it says, "I'm on it" then after a pause it says "Working on that." And again after a pause it finally says, "I'm sorry, I'm having trouble with the connection" and closes.I have the SMH10EV
It will still let me take a call, saying "Hello" but won't let me into navigation or anything else needing a Siri command. What do I do? SENA, over to you.
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Stuartpike1 - I've had that issue occasionally. It's always been a Siri problem not sena. Bad/poor network connection with the phone generally. There are numerous solutions if you search the internet.
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Try resetting your iPhone under General / Settings / Reset. Then unpair / repair the headset again.
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I have HD 30K, still my application manager stays @ v2.1
Any plans to help all HD SENAs to work properly with iOS13?
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njsunderland. Thanks, I tried resetting the iPhone and then unpairing and repairing the device. It worked for most of two days. Now back to poor connection. Perhaps I just need to do this every other day or so. I wish it would work properly as it has for well over a year until this last month :/
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Kyu JUNG We are currently working with Harley-Davidson on providing a firmware update for all of their Boom! Audio Bluetooth products. A firmware update for the Boom! Audio 30K add in iOS 13 support should be coming soon.
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will there be a firmware update for the SMH10? I agree with the above comments that it "shouldn't be this hard" or is SENA just trying to get us to scrap our older, perfectly functioning units and buy new? Very disappointing for a product that has worked well for many years.
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whats the app got to do w/ bluetooth & the SMH 10?
as mentioned earlier:
The mobile app is irrelevant, as is bluetooth ble, I've never used the app in my life, it's never been needed. The issue is voice commands with Siri, which should work irrespective of the presence of the app. Pressing the dial button activates Siri. Siri still activated but now doesn't properly evaluate voice commands. The app won't change that as the commands aren't parsed by the app prior to going to Siri. And Bluetooth 4.0 BLE also doesn't affect this functionality because it was ratified in 2010. It has nothing to do with Bluetooth or the app.
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@Greg Jarvis You are correct about using Siri on the SMH10 having nothing to do any of Sena's smartphone apps. As this thread is about providing a firmware update to improve the compatibility with iOS 13, that is what we thought your post was about. The same goes for Roberthp's initial post. The SMH10 uses the Headset Profile (HSP) to send a signal to the iPhone by tapping the Phone Button once to activate Siri no matter which version of iOS an iPhone is using. If Siri was recognizing voice commands through the SMH10 before updating to iOS 13 then something was changed on the iPhone and not on the SMH10. If that is the case then it is recommended to 1) re-train Siri 2) perform a hard reset on the iPhone 3) update the firmware on the SMH10 to the latest version or 4) perform a Factory Reset on the SMH10 and re-pair it back to the iPhone.
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