Mesh doesn't work



  • Salam Hermawan
    Salam Hermawan

    Hi Marco,

    as Sena user i would recommend you to claim for the guarantee as Mesh failing to work is hardware issue i/o software / firmware issue. This has happened to some user in my motorcycle community.

    for other sena user that having same issue, but does not have guarantee or expired, you may try to service the Sena by replacing the mesh IC inside the unit but this only can be done by professional only.

    hope above can help.

  • Christoph Peter
    Christoph Peter
    Hi Marco,
    I have the same problem. My device is just over 2 years old. From one day to the next, the mesh no longer works. I also tried all possible resets, but without success. Even a new installation of the firmware and the downgrade failed. The inquiry with Sena Support ended with the following statement: "Since SENA does not offer a repair service, we can unfortunately only replace devices that are not older than two years. I am very sorry."
    They even reject a chargeable replacement or repair. That's a cheek for such an expensive product.
    Did you find a solution or a repair service?
    Unfortunately, I have to rely on Sena because all of my family and friends bought SENA (on my recommendation). This is very annoying.
    If I had bought a cheap part from A ... Express for a quarter of the price, I wouldn't care. I thought SENA is a premium manufacturer. - Apparently not - or only in the sale.
  • Alexander Viczena
    Alexander Viczena

    thanks guys for the communication, I have a similar problem. Will you let me know when the problem is solved?

    I think, the battery is bulging and pushing the pcb. The mesh doesn't work, because the pcb is distorted. If you have this problem, remove the bulging battery asap before the pcb damage is permanent.


  • Christoph Peter
    Christoph Peter

    Hello Alexander, unfortunately Sena did not offer a solution. Apparently it's a serial error of a certain series and that was probably too expensive for Sena to help the customers or they just weren't interested because they know and exploit their market position. We now know of three other cases from our environment where the mesh failed. All three Sena were purchased at a similar time. Unfortunately, we all had no choice but to discard the Senas and buy new ones. This is very annoying, but you can't remove the mesh chip without damaging the device. It is soldered directly onto the circuit board using SMD soldering technology. I find this to be rude on the part of Sena, but unfortunately we customers are powerless. Since the different manufacturers are not compatible with each other, we had to buy Sena again, since most of our friends also drive Sena.

  • Travis

    I have a similar experience with my 30k. Mesh stopped working, when I turned it on it no longer said "Open Mesh, channel 1" after the "Mesh intercom on" notification. I tried for hours updating the firmware but would fail at 20%. I opened the unit up and the battery was easily puffed twice as big as it should be, and there was a bit of green corrosion on the main pcb and the smaller one where the battery plugs into. I think the earlier post about the battery damaging the pcb board is correct; I installed a new battery and cleaned the corrosion but mesh still doesn't work. I had noticed my battery life was decreasing about a year ago, and wish I would've replaced the battery sooner before damage was done. Mine was about 4 years old at the time. Might be good preventative maintenance to open these up every few years and make sure everything looks good inside.


  • Marcanthonydorn

    I had the same Problem one one of my 30k´s.


    But i managed to fix it, i took it apart and applied slight presure on the mesh communication chip while turnig mesh on, and it worked.

    So i resoldered the area that i supplied pressure to and now its working again without any problems.

    on my device it was a bad solder joint of the chip that caused the issue.

  • Marcanthonydorn

    I had the same Problem one one of my 30k´s.


    But i managed to fix it, i took it apart and applied slight presure on the mesh communication chip while turnig mesh on, and it worked.

    So i resoldered the area that i supplied pressure to and now its working again without any problems.

    on my device it was a bad solder joint of the chip that caused the issue.

  • Skottiii

    Hey Marcanthonydorn,

    What is the mesh communication chip? I have the exact same issue. Suddenly mesh does not work but sena in general still works (music and Bluetooth functions).

    I opened up the Sena, which one of the chips is responsible for the mesh communication and with what you put pressure on it?


  • Marcanthonydorn

    Im not at home right now and I can’t post pictures from my phone.
    I’ll upload a picture tonight to show you where I applied pressure and resoldered the chip. But it’s a very delicate operation to solder it, you need a very fine tip and a very good flux to do it.
    It is the big black square chip with „ analog devices“ on it.
    I applied the pressure with my thump where the small dot is on the corner

  • Matthias Werner
    Matthias Werner

    Hey Marcanthonydorn,

    thank you for your informations. Can you upload that picture please?



  • Gordon Tay Yew Chiang
    Gordon Tay Yew Chiang

    Ran into the same problem. Battery replaced and mesh function was working until i closed up everything and suddenly the mesh doesn't work anymore.

    Everything seems to be is place and tried applying pressure on both PCB but to no avail. Looks like I'll have to wait for the blue moon before it works again.

    @Matthias I'm not sure how I can add the pictures here. The big square chip is the largest square chip at the left with the words "Analogue Devices".


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