Peter Bellemans

Peter Bellemans

  • Total activity 25
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  • Votes 3
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Votes on activity by Peter Bellemans Recent activity Votes
  • FM radio interuptions and RDS-AF

    20S FM radio FM radio reception is weak, will any coming update improve reception quality? FM frequency is dictated after any interruption from any device. (to prevent this i disabled all other me...

  • Firmware 1.1.1

    Firmware 1.1.1 is available but what is changed/updated/improved with this update?Description states "Minor bug fixes" FM Radio is still NOT working :-(

  • Pairing setup

    5.4.2 GPS Pairing as Mobile Phone (Iphone paired to GPS, GPS to 20S)// can pair the mobile phone to the GPS to use your mobile phone. When you do this, the 20S thinks the GPS is a mobile phon...

  • Muting volume

    Recently purchased SMH10, using it on the BMW K1600GT, wonderfull and incomparible with the BMW BT system (SMH10 much better...) :-)Connected the SMH10 to an Iphone 4S and the BMW audio system, not...