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Recent activity by Liam Recent activity Votes
  • Sena breaches warranty agreement.

    Sena have advised me the I need to pay the return freight to have my unit serviced/replaced under warranty. Not only is the product defective but Sena doesn't seem to value customer satisfaction or...

  • Problem with repeatedly phone pairing

    Recently my 20S has developed a new problem.  When I turn my phone and the 20S on they pair correctly, but after about 30 seconds they loose pairing and the Sena 20 says "phone pairing" continuous...

  • 20S continuously loosing phone pairing

    Recently my 20S has developed a new problem. When I turn my phone and the 20S on they pair correctly, but after about 30 seconds they loose pairing and the Sena 20 says "phone pairing" continuously...