

  • Total activity 37
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  • Votes 2
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Votes on activity by Wilhelm Recent activity Votes
  • Siri on iOS9 doesn't work any more with 20s

    Hi, I have always used Siri on my iPhone with my 20s and it was was pretty great. Unfortunately since iOS 9 Siri stopped working with the 20s. Siri does not stop listening any more and a spoken re...

  • Why limit iOS app to iOS 7?

    As I see it there are now functions in the App that wouldn't be available (at least) on devices using iOS6. It could not be too much trouble to open the app for older iOS devices. Please open the A...

  • Charging indikator always blue?

    Hi,   I recently bought a S20s double pack for our nex vacation.When I connect the sets to an USB charger, the LED is always blue, even when I have used the devices for 1 hour. Now I am concerned ...