Bluetooth between Sena and action cams like Insta360


59 comentarios

  • Comentario oficial
    Alex - Sena Support
    Alex - Sena Support

    Hello Kurt,

    I wanted to let you know that our current models, the 50S and 50R, are equipped with GoPro API Integration, enabling a hands-free experience. I can certainly discuss the possibility of expanding our compatibility to include Insta360 products. Insta360 has gained popularity as an alternative to GoPro, so exploring this avenue might be worth considering. I'll be sure to bring this up for further consideration.

    Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions or suggestions!

  • Jay Az
    Jay Az

    Hi Alex Sena Supprt,
    I am closely monitoring this thread for some months now and hope to see an update and Sharing of some news in this regard, however no luck yet !

    I own a Sena 50S and also an insta360x3 which I use for motorcycles vlogging. To use the camera with Sena intercom there is the need for the extra cables and the need to attach a mic adapter and than a mic with cables bracket etc is basically against the idea of having a sleek camera like insta 360x at first place! Not to mention that all the extras army of accessories on the camera on a makes no sense and defeats the purpose ! So I have two choices ! Change my insta 360 camera to a gopro single lense camera and use Sena to record or simply change my Sena 50 to a cardo and get rid of all the extras as I am able to use bluetooth to record audio in insta 360 directly from my helmet. I have been a loyal customer for many years but unfortunately I am considering a shift to Cardo, simply because your devices are not capable of connecting to one of a most diverse and game changing camera like insta360! Many months since this post was raised by Kurt , yet no sign of hope! You may find more and more Sena customers  give up! I am considering my Christmas gift will be a new pair of Cardo edge if Sena won’t change the game and issue updates to enable Bluetooth connectivity with insta360! Writing this sounds to be so simple of a problem in current height of technology! I am not sure why it’s seems a big problem for Sena to fix!

  • Kurt

    Hello Alex! Thank you very much for your answer. The API integration to GoPro is already known to me. However, I do not mean the operation by voice command. I mean that you can transmit the sound via Bluetooth to the camera. So no more complex cable setups are necessary for motorcycle vlogs. I've been following this topic for a while and have noticed that this is a big obstacle for many people.

    As already mentioned, this is possible with Cardo. Simply pair with the camera and the sound is recorded directly. If you have the ability to address this in development that would be great. 

  • Alex - Sena Support
    Alex - Sena Support

    Hi Kurt,

    Your insight into Cardo's smooth compatibility with the Insta360 due to AirPods audio capture is spot on. I've got a technical experiment in mind that could shed light on this. Would you be willing to give it a try? Attempt pairing the Insta360 with a Sena device of your choice using the phone pairing option. Hold down the phone button until you hear the "phone pairing" signal. 

    For further detail, head to the airpod connection settings and select "other devices" during the scanning process. While the Sena device is in active phone pairing mode, see if it pops up as an available option for pairing on the Insta360.

    This method has proven effective for me when connecting to laptops for audio tests. It's plausible that it could serve as a workaround for the Insta360.

    Give it a shot and do share the results when you can!

    Best regards,

  • Kurt

    Hello Alex! Nice that there is again so quickly a feedback. I have actually tried all possible connection methods from Sena before.

    With the method you mentioned I get the following result:

    Environment, Sena 50S FW 2.3 (latest), Insta360 one RS FW v2.0.8.4 (latest).
    Hold [P] Phone button moved for 5 seconds
    Sena: "Phone pairing"
    Start search for AirPods in Insta360
    Insta360 finds Sena_xxx
    Click on Sena_xxx in Insta360
    Sena: "Your Heatset is paired"
    Sena: "Media conected"
    Insta360 still shows that it is trying to connect.

    I also already tried the following methods:
    1) Phone Paring: Hold [P] Phone Button for 5 seconds.
    2) Seceond Phone: Hold Jog Dail for 5 seconds, Tap [P] once.
    3) HFP: Hold [P] for 5 seconds, Tap [P] once.
    4) A2DP: Hold [P] for 5 seconds, Tap Jog Dail once.
    5) GPS: Hold Jog Dail for 5 seconds, Tap [P] once, Tap [P] again.
    6) Universal Intercom: Hold Jog Dail for 10 seconds, Rotate Jog Dail to "Universal Intercom", Tap [P] once
    7) Intercom Pairing: Hold Jog Dail for 5 seconds.

    For some, Sena responds with "connected", however Insta360 continues to try to connect. Recognizable by the circle that is spinning. 

  • Jay Az
    Jay Az

    Hi Alex - Sena Support, 


    Thanks for taking time to come back to us and doing the research, however, as users it does not help us! You are making a public announcement and pushing the ball on Insta360 side, by saying that your device works with GoPro12, hence it is a problem of Insta360 and not yours. However, insta360 could argue and say that their cameras seamlessly connect with Cardo headset through a bluetooth connection, so it is not Insta360, but Sena's problem!

    Remember Insta360 can connect with apple AirPods  through bluetooth, it can connect to a Cardo headset with ability to capture mash conversations, but for some reason Sena does not connect to their device! what do you say to that? Also, would you and your CEO not think that it would be ethical of  you to make some efforts and engage with Insta360 to identify the problem and seek a solution for the sake of consumers on both side? After all, we are not asking for negotiation between north and South Korea!  I find it really unprofessional to drop in a business minded response to the problem and simply say the problem is not on your side! Maybe instead of research you reach out to Insta and workout what the issue is among you two and how you can allow consumers of your products benefit from a technology that was invited in 1994!

    I really hope you take a message to your CEO and you give it another try for a solution, otherwise, I hope more and more people reflect on the limitations of Sena and accordingly make better decision and go to products that have customer convenience in mind and yes they are out there, it is called Cardo!

  • Ralf

    Just want to add some experiences from my side so far.

    Pairing a Sena with the GoPro HERO12 works quite OK. Same with the Cardo. 
    But this is for me just half of the story. At the moment we somehow need to test which of the modes (phone, second phone, GSP ... etc.) is working for the pairing. But this is all more or less just cheating. Besides the fact that we are only able to transfer our own audio, we also face certain cut-offs when other communication is happening (GPS prompts, telephone calls etc.). So what's missing is a dedicated pairing mode for a camera. And the ideal scenario for me would be, that you are able to configure what audio you want to transmit (own audio, calls, intercom, gps), and maybe even be able to split your own voice and the intercom audio to the left and right channel.

    When it comes to Insta360, it is also not working all the time for me with Cardo. 
    With my old X2 I was able to connect at the beginning, but after a certain firmware update on X2 side, it stopped working.
    With my new X3 it is working at the moment, but with the same limitations I mentioned above for the HERO12.

    I just started to test the MeshPort Red recently. 
    It works very well with the HERO12, especially the automatic reconnect.
    It does not work with my X3 (I don't have the X2 anymore for testing), but it works with the new Ace Pro.
    I asked the Insta360 support why is that, but only got the response to use a compatible device, which means AirPods only at the moment. 

    So for me, there is still work to do on both sides.
    Camera suppliers to be more open to Bluetooth connections and use standards.
    Intercom manufacturers to provide the dedicated pairing mode and .... use standards.

    So Sena Support - this is your chance to take the lead on the dedicated pairing mode 😉

    Cheers Ralf
  • Jay Az
    Jay Az

    johncoyle01Move on buddy! Sena is not responsible enough to sincerely listen to customer demand or problems. The first post is by Kurt, 6 months ago and you can see still instead of them actually offering a solution they comes with Bull$$$$ responses and steps to follow which goes no where! I have moved to Cardo and super happy! no pain or hassle to connect to insta360X3. Just make sure you post some reviews on google so at least we can protect some innocent future customers from the trap of Sena. Sena Support SHAME!!!

  • Michaeljonathanfink

    One more person in this situation.   I have a Sena 50, 20 and 10; none of them will connect to the X3.   I'm going to give it a month or so, but, given that Cardo is known to work well, if there's no resolution from Sena, I'm going to switch to Cardo for my main helmet.   I hate to say it, but, Sena, you guys have to be the ones to make this work.   There are plenty of Bluetooth headsets out there for motorcycles from various companies, Insta owns the market on 360 cameras; for those who want to use them with motorcycles, you guys are going to be the losers here, not Insta because they have the "unique" technology.   

    I don't know who's fault it is, in fact, I kind of suspect it's Insta's fault; they only "officially" support Apple for bluetooth audio, so perhaps they have an exclusive; but, it really doesn't matter; no matter who's at fault, Sena is the company that's going to lose customers, not Insta.   If you want that cool 360 video riding and the great reframing experience, they are the only game in town; it's up to Sena to extend the olive branch here and do whatever it takes to make their devices "pretend" to be an Airpod or whatever it is that the X3 requires to connect.

  • johncoyle01

    Robin Bonathan I have the Shoei GT Air 3 and the Sena SRL 3 headset and I cannot get it to connect to the insta 360 x3 - using the airpods bluetooth option on the x3. Tried all the options in to no avail. 


  • David Worm
    David Worm

    Robin Bonathan thats the Cardo Packtalk Edge

  • Ralf

    johncoyle01 Robert Mitchell Robin Bonathan
    As I mentioned in a comment earlier already, I can at least confirm that it is working with the Insta360 Ace Pro. 
    So I just expect that it's working with the X4 as well.
    Why there is no firmware update for the X3 (and X2) for the same support ... I'don't know.

  • Jannis

    Hello together,

    I only made this account since this topic bothers me awhile now and this needs more attention. I do have a Sena 30K and an Insta360 OneRS camera. It is pretty crazy, that we are still facing this issues with connecitivity in 2023. Both devices are able to use Bluetooth 5.0 and yet to work together properly. My idea is to moto vlog/dual vlog, recording video and audio of me and my friends in the intercom. It is possible, but only if you have a complicated wired structure in your helmet. This took me alot of time and brain cells to set this up. However, due to the limitation of only accepting mono audio channel over aux adaption by my Insta360 OneRS, I am able to only record my voice - this limition does not belong to GoPros. But why do we (sena users) actually have to struggle with cables at all, when BOTH devices are able to communicate wireless? Someone got the connection up with their Sena 50S and an Insta360 AcePro but I don't own any device and actually don't want to spend couple of hundreds for new devices, if the topic can be solved via software and my current devices are working fine.

    @Kurt already described the connection issues on the Insta360 side, they also need to work on their software. I've seen, that they are also open for talks.

    @Sena I do unterstand, this suggestion belongs to both manufactures, but this is a hot topic for your customers and could be a real gamechanger for the company in total. We need the seamless communication over bluetooth INCLUDING intercom audio with other drivers!

    Really looking forward for support on your side! If you want to test anything, my Sena 30K is ready for software testing.



  • Michael Davis
    Michael Davis



    Thank you for engaging with us.


    I am using a Sena Impulse helmet with its built-in Sena intercom headset , trying to use this setup to pair with an Insta360 RS ONE.

    In looking for a solution to a remote wireless Mic, I purchased an Instamic. It works with the Insta360 using the "Hands Free Profile" that the Apple Airpods use.

    I would MUCH rather use the mic in my very expensive  Sena Impulse helmet. 

    Can you investigate if the Impulse's headset can be allowed to connect using the  "Hands Free Profile" that the Apple Airpods use?


    Update: It is extremely disappointing that Sena has not responded in any way to my statement.  I have used Sena products for many years, I have recommended Sena products to other riders. I probably will no longer do so.

    I do not understand why this is such an insurmountable issue.

  • Damian Doherty
    Damian Doherty

    I'm the second person here who created an account today only to comment on this issue - considering the shear volume of motovloggers out there and the profile of a person buying a Sena in the first place - this seems like a no brainer to allow for a simple bluetooth connection to any action camera with Bluetooth (lets not forgot the DJI Action cameras) that allows you to capture your own voice on solo rides as as well as all the voices on group rides over MESH.

    As someone above pointed out - a dedicated mode that allows you to filter GPS prompts, any music sharing or your phone ringing - or even worse that awkward phone call to the wife where you say you'll be home soon while knowing full well you are over 100 miles away and heading quickly in the opposite direction!

    I have a Sena 30K and currently use a GoPro Hero Session 5 (yes I know its time to invest in a new camera - I was tempted to go for the Hero 12 based on the comments above!)

  • Jay Az
    Jay Az

    Sena Customer Support I think it is very much time for Sena to take the concerns raised a bit seriously and work on a solution. It is obvious that Sena lacks capabilities to connect with certain cameras. The compatibility needs to be seriously  needs to be considered and assessed. I want to be able to use my Insta 360 X3 with my Sena 50S, regardless  for the marketing and political games there maybe between this two brand or any other brand.

    @ users with issues of compatibility, it is unlikely that Sena would take any of these concerns seriously. Had they have done so, there could have been some improvement and development of new release to address the concerns raised by people. I think as users, we can make sure to protect other consumers and make sure they are informed about lack of compatibilities before they buy Sena products. So I  suggest concerns are raised outside Sena forms under google reviews and related products, so that new consumers don't get trapped into what we are trapped into! Create specific accounts to convey the our concern, yet no tangible action rather than some politically diverting response from customer service. So we cant convince Sena, lets protect other consumers. Please raise your concerns and review about issues  under google review for wider reach.


    An unhappy Sena 50S user (unfortunately)! 

  • johncoyle01

    Looping back on this thread after first coming across it a few months on the off chance Sena had taken this as a real customer impacting requirement, and disappointed to see they have not.

    I’ve moved from GoPro to insta360 x3 over the last year and now thinking if I need to move to Cardo for this level of integration. I’ve a Sena 50s and an SRL3 and really require a simple to use solution that allows me to connect my insta360 x3 to my SENA mesh to record the group audio as part of the vlogging.

    If these are all using standard Bluetooth protocols I’m struggling to understand why Cardo can make it work and SENA cannot.

  • Eiskaffee69

    I'll warn everyone I know and see for buying Sena instat for Cardo..... Sena is just bull**** with it's support and do not listening to us.... I'll know many bikers in EU and most of them want to switch to Cardo

  • Vasileios Andronis
    Vasileios Andronis

    I have just bought INSTA360 ONE RS TWIN EDITION. If you search videos on YouTube the camera can connect with CARDO and also with all the Chinese cheap Bluetooth intercoms on the market. I am very disappointed that i bought a very expensive intercom (dual SENA 5S) and it has a limitation in such an important feature. Disappointed when i tried to connect by bluetooth my SENA 5S intercom and it doesn't work. I see that many of your costumers here have the same problem and that the support of SENA doesn't help. So SENA COSTUMER SUPPORT TEAM are you willing to solve this simple problem by updating your software?

  • David Worm
    David Worm

    Yeah, I'm in the same boat here with a Sena 50R and Insta360 RS.

    I would so love to have both of them paired via bluetooth and record my teams coms and get rid of the lousy lav mics in the helmet... and all the windnoise by using the nice sena noise cancelation!

    To me, it looks like there is a final step missing in the bluetooht pairing handshake, so that the Insta360 can't finalise pairing.
    The Sena seems to accept the pairing but the Insta keeps on waiting and showing a loading animation.
    So it could be that the sena sends no or a wrong confimation or that the insta expects another confimation.

    Thats just a lot of guesswork on my side, but nothing that can't be solved by your software engineers.

    So please just get a Sena dev and an Insta360 dev on a table and let them play for 20 mins. They will figure it out :)

    Thanks and cheers,


  • Zbynek Sedlak
    Zbynek Sedlak

    Hi all, joining the club, just bought schubrth e2 with sc2 from Sena and at the end of the setup i tried the very last simple detail, connecting the sc2 to insta360 one rs as external mic just to find out it won't connect!?!? Second shock when i found this thread to be 6 months old w/o a solution. I can't switch to cardo because of the e2 being made for sc2 or vice versa so my only hope is to get this working. Sena guys pls try harder. There is lot of strugling unnecesary with such a primitive issue. Thank you.

  • Ralf

    Just to make sure - I still see the need for Sena to act on this, but it's not only on Sena side.
    Just to use the scenario from the previous comment. I also have a Schuberth E2 with an SC2, and I'm able to connect to the Insta360 Ace Pro, but not to my X3. I Asked Insta360 why is this, and also just got useless feedback. But at least I get a feedback from their side.

  • Michaeljonathanfink

    Either company could fix it.   But the onus is really on Sena here, Insta owns the market for 360 action cameras, there are very few/no alternatives.   I don't know anyone with a 360 camera who doesn't have an Insta.   I know a whole lot of people who have motorcycle headsets that aren't Sena.   If you want a 360 camera with helmet audio, you get an Insta and a competitor's headset (which do connect to the Insta correctly).   


    But I do agree, Insta could fix this, but, IMHO, they won't because they are in the market dominating position.

  • Valentin

    Hey! any development on this ?

    i have Sena s50 and   insta360 go2 thinking to get x3 shall i move to cardo ?

  • Zbynek Sedlak
    Zbynek Sedlak

    Just requested help from Insta. Asked them to release an update for Insta 360 one RS, R and X3 which would replicate the bluetooth settings of the Ace Pro as an easy fix. I really hope one of the 2(SENA or Insta) will find the balls to fix this. If you haven't done this yet, please do the same so we are more vocal. 

    Thanks, Z. 

  • Michaeljonathanfink

    How did you send the request to Insta?  I've never needed their support; but would be happy to put in a feature request to amplify yours!

  • Zbynek Sedlak
    Zbynek Sedlak

    Just go here:

    scroll down and click on "send email now". 

    Thank you, Z. 

  • Zbynek Sedlak
    Zbynek Sedlak

    btw i got an answer already 


    TCC-Technical Support 1 (Insta360)

    Mar 3, 2024, 19:28 GMT+8

    Hi there,
    Thanks for contacting Insta360 Technical Support. 
    I apologize for the inconvenience you've been experiencing with the compatibility of your Sena Bluetooth headset with the ONE RS, ONE R, and X3 cameras. We understand the significance of this feature for you and the broader community of motorcycle vloggers. Currently, only the Ace and Ace Pro camera support Sena headsets, but we recognize the needs for similar functionality across all our camera models.
    However, achieving the same level of functionality across other camera models is complex due to their unique specifications and designs. It necessitates careful exploration and dedicated resources to ensure we meet the high standards of performance and user experience you expect from Insta 360 products. Our team is committed to exploring all possibilities for enhancing compatibility, and your feedback has been duly noted for further analysis and consideration.
    We suggest keeping an eye on our official channels for any upcoming firmware updates that may address this issue. As always, we value your patience and understanding, and we are working diligently to improve our product offerings.
    Best regards,
    Insta360 Technical Support
  • Vasileios Andronis
    Vasileios Andronis

    I've also send email to insta company. I've also opened a post in their community forum. You can also write there to convinced them that we are many people with the same issue. The more the better!!! The link is below

  • Jay Az
    Jay Az

    Hi Vasileios Andirons,


    5th December, I have written a long post to Insta about the same issue you can read the post in the below link and so far no action from their end either! Needless to say that what matters for these companies is to see you first product and then hook to to buy more and more of their products, hence all the tricks and lack of integration. If you buy a camera of Sena, there will be no issues, but a camera from Insta won't give any added benefit to Sena. In short, we are all victims of their marketing and business strategy! The least I could do was not to make them succeed to sell me a another product of them self (a Sena camera or a Insta 360 extra mic! ) Cardo works with Insta 360 and I do hope more and more ppl give up on Sena who is at loss here!



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