Loss of Voice Commands
After purchasing and configuring the SR10 to work with my SMH10 and Motorola Droid X, the Voice Command features no longer work. Voice Commands worked fine before the SR10 was introduced into the Bluetooth chain. I understand that this is also a problem with the Apple IPhone. When is Sena going to release a firmware update to the units to solve this major flaw.
I have same problem. Worked great with the SMH10 but when SR10 was added to the mix I lost my voice command feature with the phone. LG 290C
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It would be resolved in next firmware release along with a few other enhancements. Will keep you updated when we are ready.
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Same issue on iPhone 4S, applied the latest firmware updates to both SMH10 and SR10 as of January 2nd, 2012, and the issue persists. :-(
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I've had intermittent loss of voice recognition using only the smh10 and iPhone 4. Can't isolate any physical cause for the issue. Think it is the same underlying issue to be addressed in the next update? 0 -
Have you tried repositioning the mic? It's possible that technically everything is fine, but there's too much extraneous noise covering your commands, making them unrecognizable. What happens at slower speeds? Also, maybe the mic is either too close or too far away. What type of helmet do you wear with the SMH-10?.
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I'm using a Shoei X-11. I've tried repositioning. I've also tried stationary and indoors. The iPhone shows "voice waves" on the voice command screen that is activated when voice dialing with the smh10. When the issue occurs, there is no recognition on the screen that any voice commands are being issued i.e. no voice waves. If I switch to the mic on the phone, everything works fine. The issue eventually goes away...until it comes back again. Fault reset and turning the unit off/on does no good. 0 -
OK, I'd say that if the iPhone periodically acts as though it's not hearing anything at all, that points towards the BT side. I have problems where wind noise can swamp things out, but I'm not aware of the audio just going away.
Is there any hope of trying to work with a different phone (for testing purposes) or a different iPhone? If the problem moves with the phone, that's one thing, if it seems to stay with only one phone, that's another. I hope Sena will jump in and come up with a better answer. :-)
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Had the same problem. Turn on the sena. Hold the phone button down for 8 seconds light turns red then hit it again. Voice activation schould be on. In general settings. In siri make sure the raise to talk feature is on. I fought this problem for 8 months. Almost tossed my sena in the garbage. 0 -
I just installed the SMH10 and, after listening to the voice prompts I easily paired with my phone. I then paired with my bike and I listened to music for about 15 seconds then it went dead. I tried resetting, factory reset and paperclip in the hole reset - I have lost the voice prompts completely. I have fully charged the unit, rebooted several times and I still get nothing but a couple of beeps when I power up. No voice prompts at all. I was able to pair with my phone again but, since I have no voice prompts, I am unable to pair with my bike - my primary reason for getting the unit.
I have fired off an email to Sena tech support and am waiting for an answer. If you have a solution, please email me at scalese01@verizon.net.
Thanks in advance - Peter
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