Anyone have a 'not working' SMH10


9 comentarios

  • Pablo Motta
    Pablo Motta

    Hi Ken,

    This part is not in our sales inventory which is why it is not for sale. I send you a PM to see if we can work this out.


  • Ken Gillett
    Ken Gillett

    I have to commend Sena on their support. They have indeed been able to supply a replacement shell and large button, so my SMH10 is now looking like new again.

    The supply of parts like this doesn't jeopardise the sales of new units. I would not have bought a complete new replacement since it still worked, but now, I am certainly going to buy the new 20S as now I know that not only do Sena make good products, but their support is excellent. So by supplying those replacement parts, Sena have secured another sale rather than lost one. It's a pity more manufacturers don't see it that way.

    Well done Sena. Thank you again.

  • Wa4zaz

    I also recently had an incident while riding and damaged the case on my Sena SMH10 unit resulting in a broken compression latch being broken-off the case. I am need of a replacement case and a replacement battery.

    Please advise?


  • Ken Gillett
    Ken Gillett

    Sena (USA) sold me a replacement shell. Can you PM Dean?

  • Im

    i need a replacement shell.... anybody? i will take a scratched or scuffed one since mine falls off enough that is will look ratty anyway..    still got you old one ken?

  • Wa4zaz

    IM, Sena was kind enough to replace my entire SMH-10 with a new one. I took a fall and damaged the case on my Sena SMH10 unit resulting in a broken compression latch being broken-off the case. Regards, Wally

  • Riz Khan
    Riz Khan

    Could I also please get a replacement shell for my SMH-10, the bottom part which keeps the unit in place has snapped off.

  • Im

    i could use a shell also. the bottom clip broke off. 


  • Riz Khan
    Riz Khan

    Hope you have better luck then I did... :(


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