Maximum Volume
When using my 20s in combination with my custom made noise reduction plugs, the volume is a little bit too low at higher speeds (120 km/h). The "female voice" is also too quiet at speeds ranging from 70 km/h and above.
I realize upping the max volume could be harmful for users without hearing protection. But for those who do use plugs (or for the hearing impaired bikers like my father who uses a hearing aid, but can't while wearing a helmet) it would be a handy feature if we could disable some sort of "Enable Volume Limiter" toggle button in the firmware config screen.
Please let me know if this is coming in one of the future firmware updates or otherwise which workaround you would advise.
Thanks in advance!
I second this. I also use hearing protection when I ride, foam earplugs, not custom ones as above. I listen to audiobooks on my way to and from work. Yesterday, with my old SMH10, volume was perfect. Today, with my new 20s, using the same iphone for audio, listening to the same audiobook, the audio was way too soft. The audiobook was damn near unintelligible at normal highway speeds. Gear involved: BMW F650GS, Shoei RF1000, iPhone 5, Sena 20S. 0 -
Same here. Volume is too low to be used with earplugs at normal speeds (90 kmph). 0 -
Maybe not what you want to hear but I had the same problem, and switched to these cheap earbuds:
They are very cheap, but fit great, don't stick out so you can use them for longer hours, they block a big part of outside noise and sound is crystal clear. I can make phone calls perfectly going 90 mph. I love them.
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I just ordered these:
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I definitely do not want hear thtat I have to wear separate, wired earplugs. 250€ headset should be able to work on their own. Seems like Sena headphones are just not able to produce needed amountof "oomfh". 2 -
I would like to have Sena's position on this. For me its big (very big actually) issue - I either dont wear protective earplugs or dont hear headset. Will too low volume issue fixed somehow with firmware or am I here on my own? 0 -
I can't hear diddly with foam or custom fit earplugs. At speeds under 40 to 50 mph, I go naked eared and can hear the Sena 20S fine. Plenty of volume from the Sena. At 70 to 85 mph, noise-blocking earbuds are an absolute necessity. They were with my Sena 10R and the same with the 20S.
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I just did a short ride after getting the Sena 20s installed in my new Shoei RF1200. The sound from my Garmin Zumo 550 is very loud, but sound quality horrible! Then I connected to my HTC One and fired up my SirusXM app. Sound quality much better/acceptable; however, volume was not very loud. I ride a 2008 Honda ST 1300 and volume was ok at 75mph. That being said I could comfortably listen to the music and talk, but at times I would like to crank it up and no such luck. On a side note I made a phone call and used voice commands to call my son, this work awesome and my son didn't believe me that I was on I-94 heading to Chicago on the bike! He said it sounds better that my
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I just did a short ride after getting the Sena 20s installed in my new Shoei RF1200. The sound from my Garmin Zumo 550 is very loud, but sound quality horrible! Then I connected to my HTC One and fired up my SirusXM app. Sound quality much better/acceptable; however, volume was not very loud. I ride a 2008 Honda ST 1300 and volume was ok at 75mph. That being said I could comfortably listen to the music and talk, but at times I would like to crank it up and no such luck. On a side note I made a phone call and used voice commands to call my son, this work awesome and my son didn't believe me that I was on I-94 heading to Chicago on the bike! He said it sounds better that my
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Sorry about the double and incomplete post, my computer decided to do this all by itself! Anyway my son said the phone call sounded better at 75mph with my shield up than a phone call from my office on my Jawbone Icon bluetooth headset. That is pretty amazing. I hope this other things get resolved. My J&M JMCB 2003 is coming off my bike tomorrow, not need for it, this 20s is better even with a few of the bugs.
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Yes, I had a particularly noisy Roof Desmo helmet and I cannot use the speakers. I simply have to use earplugs to use the SENA 20S.
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Yes, I had a particularly noisy Roof Desmo helmet and I cannot use the speakers. I simply have to use earbuds to use the SENA 20S.
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I am finding for podcasts (from iPhone) that the overall volume is too low to hear speech well when riding on the highway (I don't wear earplugs and my helmet is relatively quiet (Arai Signet-Q). However, the alert tone indicating maximum volume is reached is **way** too loud. I don't mean that it's a little loud... it's very loud... it makes me wince, it is that loud. So this leads to two requests:
1) Please increase the allowable volume for bluetooth audio
2) Pplease provide the user with adjustable voice prompt/alert tone level. This could be a high/med/low/off option in the phone settings app, for example.
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I played around with the settings via the iPhone app and I think I've found a way to increase volume on the highway. My guess was that either Sidetone or Ovelay Sensitivity was affecting speaker volume and it appeared to be a lot better on my commute this AM. RIght now on the Basic Setting screen I have:
VOX Phone - off
Sidetone - off
Audio Multitasking - on
Intercom-audio Overlay Sensitivity - Level 1
Nav App Support - off
Throughout the week I will re-enable settings and see where the drop in audio volume happens.
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I'd like to add a 'me too please' to the request for:
1) Selectable boost in overall volume for earplug users - I have custom moulded earplugs with audio filter (hole!) in to allow a certain amount through and also use 21db foam plugs and could definitely do with an overall volume increase for speeds above 50-60mph where using plugs become necessary.
2) Much better bluetooth volume - the inbuilt FM radio is much louder than the audio from my iPhone 5S (via Garmin Zumo 590) or indeed the Garmin directions via the same Bluetooth connection. Garmin shows no volume adjustment and states that because headset is connected it should be done there, and iPhone Bluetooth output volume is at max.)
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At first, the four of us on a 10-day trip had issues getting the volumes right. But by the end of the trip, the only complaints were:
1. The first ring when calling a phone number is blasting-loud. Second and subsequent rings were normal volume.
2. The Zumo beeps were occasionally ear-splitting; but not always.
Most of us were using earbuds for the high speed jaunts between national parks, and then to the helmet speakers for slower rides to meals, touring the parks, etc. Changing from one to the other did not present any problems at all as it did with my 10R. With the 10R, I would have to turn the volume all the way down before connecting and inserting the earbuds; lest I suffer permanent hearing loss. I never had to do that when switching back and forth from helmet speakers to earbuds with the 20Ss.
I used an adapter cable to get earbud usage from my old 10R. It appears that the 20S has inserted some attenuation for earbuds.
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I would like an addition to the +max volume request; when I switch to my Westone CR-1 ear monitors, the lowest volume setting is almost too loud! It's workable for bluetooth music, because I have the phone volume control also, but for the FM Radio feature, it's just plain too loud at even the lowest volume level.
So, Sena, can you please make min and max volumes a configuration-selectable setting?
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I've seen and heard quite some complaints about the sena 20s, but for me perfectly it works mostly as advertised and I'm quite happy about it, except for the issues surrounding sound volume.
The volume of system sounds (liek max vol beep and pairing mode beep) NEEDS TO BE ADJUSTABLE separately in the configuration. My girlfriend had her helmet on when we turned on pairing mode and the subsequent deafening beeps made her cry out in pain while desperatly removing the helmet as quick as possible. I've had similar issues where the sound level needs to be maxed because intercom/music sounds are quite low volume, but then always get a headache from the aweful loud system noises. this really needs to eb adressed quickly!
A related issue is that I can't seem to adjust the volume from my tom tom rider gps, volume adjustment on the gps doesnt have any affect and the sounds are always at the same ear-damaging level as the system noices. Because of the extreme volume of the gps sound the quality is really poor.
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I agree fully with Stijn VerhaegenHis request for the Max volume beeping sounds, NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED ASAP. I as well was in pain from the ear drum splitting beeps experience . I was on the side of the road when this happened, made me feel dizzy, almost sick, I held my head with both hands for a few seconds and then had to sit down on the ground for a minute or two.SENA, if Stijn Verhaegen's gf cried out in pain and immediately ejected her helmet, I felt sick and had to sit down.... PLEASE! Do this Immediately before some one is involved in an accident or worse...0
I have no idea why my last post is in... Song format? I did try and go back, delete it, change it and re-post, but, either I don't know how to do that or, SENA doesn't allow it ?I'll try againI agree fully with Stijn Verhaegen,
His request for the Max volume beeping sounds, NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED ASAP.
I was in pain from the ear drum splitting beeps experience. At the side of the road when this happened, it made me feel dizzy, almost sick, I held my head with both hands for a few seconds and then had to sit down on the ground for a minute or two.
SENA, if Stijn Verhaegen's gf cried out in pain and immediately ejected her helmet, I felt sick and had to sit down.... PLEASE! Do this Immediately before some one is involved in an accident or worse..0 -
The Max Volume and intercom connection beeps are a MAJOR Issue for me also. I personally don't know why they have Max Volume beeps to begin with I think I am smart enough to figure out that if I keep rotating the dial and it doesn't get any louder I am at full volume! My phone, tablet, computer, tv, stereo, and car do not have max volume beeps why should my motorcycle helmet that I am strapped into and can not plug my ears from the noise have them.
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The Max Volume and intercom connection beeps are a MAJOR Issue for me also. I personally don't know why they have Max Volume beeps to begin with I think I am smart enough to figure out that if I keep rotating the dial and it doesn't get any louder I am at full volume! My phone, tablet, computer, tv, stereo, and car do not have max volume beeps why should my motorcycle helmet that I am strapped into and can not plug my ears from the noise have them.
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Well, I have used the max volume beeps to let me know that no more volume is available. Once I hit the max (beeps), I don't try any more.
When the beeps WERE a pain was when the wind was rotating the jog dial. Riding along at 84 mph, I guess the wind streams around the windshield just right to hit the jog dial and turn it up. Every 15 to 20 seconds, I was having to reach up and turn the volume back down. Too loud and beeps. We ran out a whole tank of gas from station to station with my reaching up to turn the Sena volume down every 15 seconds or so.
The jog dial detents are too weak to hold it in the wind.
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New experience today with my new "Case Study #1" (pairing scenario described on page 48 of the manual).
At Sena's suggestion, I paired the iPhone as the #1 phone and the Zumo 665 as the secondary phone in the Sena. I don't really like this arrangement, but the reason that Sena Help Desk suggested this scenario was to put the Zumo GPS at a lower priority. Using the iPHone's Siri, I actually initiated a call. It worked. I said, "Call Judy" and it called my wife. Without seeing the iPhone screen, I had no idea who it was going to call. . . maybe some other Judy in my iPhone directory. But it did OK. We talked and she said that she could not tell that I was rolling on the motorcycle. GREAT.
After terminating the phone call, I went to the Zumo 665 and turned on XM radio. At full volume on the Sena, the XM radio was too quiet to hear. I could tell it was ON, but that's about it.
Reached my destination, turned the Zumo OFF. When I got back on the motor and turn on XM radio, it was blaring loud! So loud that I had to turn it down a bit. This is the way it SHOULD be!
So why was it so low after a phone call, but so good later? I haven't a clue. Maybe Sena reads these things and can ask the question amongst themselves to figure it out and fix.
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This volume issue with ear protection is not new. I have been complaining to Sena for 2years with no resolution. They have promised the last 3 firmware updates would help. They did not. I finally got the Tork speakers someone attached in an earlier post. They increased volume a little but increased fidelity a lot. Even some base now. I still should not have to spend $80 to get the product to work acceptably. I have SMH 10 and am disappointed to hear that the 20's also are inadequate. 0 -
The Sena SMH10 had enough volume for me to ride with foamy earplugs. The 20s does not. I just want to feel like I didn't downgrade from my SMH10 when getting the 20s.
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Something is causing the volume of the system beeps to vary by a lot. I started my 15 minute ride today and held down the jog dial to start a podcast playback on my iPhone. That beep was normal. When I got to work and held the jog dial to pause the podcast the system, the beeps were now painfully loud. I didn't touch any controls other than adjust the volume as I was riding.
Why did the volume of the system beeps change so much in that time? I'm starting to wonder if it's related to Sidetone as I seem to have more problems with the beep volume when that is enabled. Essentially, it's become a bit of Russian roulette... I never know how loud the beeps are going to be until they happen.
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Yeah Dgreen.
The reason the beeps are louder is 'cause you increased the volume, the process that you have to learn:
- Turn the volume down 1st
- Make your selection (pause, play, skip ahead etc)
- Turn volume back to where you like it.
Regrettably Sena 20s beeps can get painfully louder when you turn up the volume.
And yes, the beeps get quieter when the volumes turned down.
For now there's no way around this, though I'm sure Sena's been informed of this issue, I encourage you to write Sena a "ticket".
Until your ticket's answered and issue is resolved, be very cautious how you spin that dial.
If you think the "pause" beep is loud,
****************DONT TRY THIS WHILE RIDING OR WITH HELMET ON***************
Helmet off, with Unit turned on, turn the dial, shouldn't be more then 4 full turns clock wise to get the MAX VOLUME BEEPS. Have some one stand in the next room, door closed, and see if they can hear the beeps?
Then ask them to step down the hall, or out side and eventually a distance where they can't hear the beeps.
HAHAAAAAAA I'm sure your test buddy will be a distance of across the street and then some
Dude.. They're sooo loud (HEAD shaking with disapproval)
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Of course... my brain isn't working this morning. The beeps follow the audio volume and I have it turned up a lot higher for podcasts than for music MP3 for example. Duh. Holy crap though... I turned the audio to max, put my helmet on my desk an arm's length away and paused the audio. Yeah I think I could probably hear that from down the hall.
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My wife are very disappointed in the sound/volume quality. Streaming music via Bluetooth from the phone it is almost impossible to hear any music if you are going highway speeds when wearing ear protection. Same phone with the SMH-10 I never had issues with volume. Hoping for a firmware update that fixes this before my 30day window is up to return.
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