SMH10 Manager Mac-compatibility
I just purchased a Sena SMH-10, but I am Mac-based and there is no SMH-10 Manager software compatible with a Mac. With the amount of Mac computers in the market nowadays, I'd suggest and request that this omission be corrected!! Please!! :) Is this already in the works??
Many thanks!
George S Mycroft (Capt.)
I'm with you, Dan H. I find this pro-active and positive feedback from Sena to be laudable and noteworthy. :)
I'm also ready to wait-and-see about the Mac-Manager and the firmware upgrade. One step at a time!
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If you have used the manager in Windows you know that you are instructed in the splash screen to disconnect all BT devices. Is this the same issue? Sounds similar.
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I do run both Parallel and VMWare Fusion, but I prefer to run native Mac solutions (malware, viruses, etc.) when I can. Thanks for remembering those of us who prefer OSX. I just attended the NCCE conference in Seattle; a vast majority of attendees (over a thousand?) were on iOS and OSX machines when taking notes, working, etc. That's why I am glad Sena, who makes the best motorcycle communication devices around, bar none, is allowing platforms beyond Windows.
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Manager for Mac is just released today along with the SMH10 v4.0 firmware release. Thank you for your patience!
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Where can I download it from?
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Get it here:
I downloaded the 10.7 version and ran it, but the splash screen warning scared me right back to the Windows version [g]. What does it mean when the app asks whether this is the first time update? Does that mean first time udpating firmware ever, because I had already used the Windows app to get to 3.3. Does it mean first time with a Mac? And why on earth is it a one-way deal, meaning once you use the Mac app you can never use the Windows one to update in the future?
Loving v4 so far -- see my comments on Facebook about some needed fine-tuning of the documentation.
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No Mac takers yet? I was a little put off by the lack of a Mac version of the user's guide. Maybe I'll try it after my next backup.
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Mac version worked just fine for me. Finally was able to update my SR10 to v1.1
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Mac version worked just fine for uploading the new firmware to our two units. Simple and painless.
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Did NOT work for me on a MacBook Pro - running 10.6.8 with all updates - can't get pass device selection - get message on bottom: "Failed to recognized device -Cannot recognized device version" Also activation process never goes through reboot process - pick device / then type in admin password / the connect device to usb and turn on - bottom mission says device is safe to work with BT - then takes me to device selection screen. Also not using a BT mouse or keybooard - tried this also with BT active and off on MacBook with same results. The help menu in the App are not the best and wording is unclear. Pretty disappoint on this software, I do not have access to Windows machine. Any Help or tips would be great! Thanks
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Oh sorry, was trying to update the software on a SMH10B110605013 0001950ec2e7 per white sticker on back of device - again help thanks for any help / tips you can provide
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Phil McC - in Device selection you need to make sure the SMH10 is turned off before plugging into computer. After plugging it in you then need to press the phone button and the jog dial and HOLD them both until it starts to FLASH VIOLET (takes a few seconds - it enters a pairing mode). If you just turn it on the software won't recognize the device and you get the problems you describe and won't be able to continue. Just to be safe, turn off all bluetooth devices in the area (phones, printers ipods, andother sena devices including turning off bluetooth on your macbook. Hopefully that helps.
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Oops, I meant to say in the Device Recognition window, not Device Selection - my bad.
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Hi Ken - - I was using the right proceedures per the software It ended up being an issue with the software.
Ok - less then 12 hours later, get a nice email from SENA tech support (Dan Kim)- with a different version (even newer) of the Software Manager software - with instruction to delete the one I downloaded last night - uploaded the new file - and ran like charm - the first time - whole process took maybe 8 minutes (including repairing to iphone) - not sure what needed changing - but big thanks to SENA help desk for super quick turn around and the actual fix. Here is copy of the email
- Dan Kim, Apr 06 14:25 (PDT):
Hello Phil,
Please delete the current Sena device manager from your Mac and install the one attached to this. Please let me know how it works out.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Thank you,
Dan Kim
Sena Technologies
Customer Support EngineerAttachment(s)
THANK YOU DAN - you made a great headset even better! Now that is customer service. Thank for your super quick and correct response. Now enjoying my SMH10B ver 4.0
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Phil - Glad everything worked out. That was going to be my next suggestion to contact support as they have been very responsive - for me at least - to issues in the past.
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Well, I've been throught this thing forwards & backwards, and I keep getting an error message "Firmware corrupted" when I try to update to version 4.0
I'm using Snow Leopard, 10.6.8. I've restored to version 3.3 just to see if it'll take. "Firmware corrupted" message AGAIN. I put the main unit back on my helmet, and tried to power it up (full battery as of today) and it won't even power up now. AT this point, I've wasted a fair amount of time, and I have 2 main units that don't work at all now. This is a disappointment. If I'm doing something wrong, I'm all ears.
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Update - After trying one more time on each unit & getting the same resulting error message (Firmware corrupt), I went ahead & connected one uni to my helmet, and it powered up & works fine. Did the same to the other unit with my wife's helmet, and it worked fine also. Nothing changed from yesterday to today. Weird.
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A little help here please. So I am trying to get my firmware up to date on my new iMac but I am running into the bluetooth problem. Once plugged in and powered up (following the instructions provided) my bluetooth keyboard and mouse are effectively out of service. I do not have any other computer on which to do this upgrade and I'd rather not spend the $60 for a wired keyboard (or the $2k for a mac book for that matter) simply to update my firmware when necessary. Any suggestions? Is there something I may be doing wrong?
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I just tried to update mine and it failed during the update and now the unit won't power on... I tried the reset button and the factory reset option but the thing just refuses to turn on.
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@Ray Please contact our tech support team. You can let them know by submitting a ticket on the web site Thank you.
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I've been trying to update my two SMH10Bs with the Mac software. It failed at the 3% point on the update process giving the error message " "[Failed to update firmware ... Cannot claim device]
SENA Bluetooth Device Manager will restart to continue the firmware update. After startup, press Jog Dial and Phone Button simultaneously."Support contacted my very quickly with a link to version 1.1 of the Mac software which I installed. No improvement.
Am awaiting further advice from the Support people.
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Further to my post above, I am the culprit for the Device Manager not functioning properly. I understood that the Mac's bluetooth had to disabled only during the device activation process.
I switched off the bluetooth on the Mac and the update process worked perfectly.
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Tech support was very prompt replying to me. The problem still exists though. I just sent them a new ticket. Hopefully it works because I have otherwise enjoyed the set.
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I have the same "Cannot claim device" failure, running Software Manager 1.3 on a brand new SMH10B, and as described, when the app restarts, the cycle repeats. I've downloaded a new version of the app and the firmware update, but the problem persists. I've swapped everything, including USB ports and cables, and my iMac dow not even HAVE Bluetooth capability. Also, the app will not quit; each time I try to quit it, it restarts. I have to force quit it to get it to go away. This is under OS X 10.6.8. I submitted a trouble ticket some hours ago, but as far as I can tell, it hasn't gotten to anyone's attention yet. Sure wish there were a faq workaround for this, while we wait for an actual fix.
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Tomdeboni, Sorry for the delay. I will tell our tech support team of your problem. You will be informed asap. Thank you.
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Ok, my help requests are now four days old, at, and are still claimed to be "Awaiting assignment to a help desk operator." Has everyone gone on vacation there? I am UNhappy.
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I was able to update all my devices on my Mac using lion. Now that my macs are on Mountain Lion, nothing updates. Get the "cannot recognize device" type error. It won't even updat using the windows in Fusion. Every time I either get the above error or the machines freeze up completely. Even using the MacBook Pro with BT disabled. Is there a version of the Manager coming compatible with Mountain Lion??? 0 -
I also tried to update mine and it failed during the update and now the unit won't power on...
I tried the reset button and the factory reset option but the thing just refuses to turn on.
the only time something happens is the red led comes up when plugging into usb port :(Just glad I have a dual pack so will use extra one for time being.
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@Russan. Please give us a ticket( to get a tech support if you have the kind of problem. Thank you.
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