The ability to conference in the passenger for listening to music or phone conferencing


35 comentarios

  • Sena

    As with any other standard consumer Bluetooth devices, multiple Bluetooth headsets cannot be connected to a single Bluetooth audio source. Each Bluetooth headsets must be connected to its own Bluetooth audio source. Two Bluetooth headsets cannot share a phone, GPS, or music player via Bluetooth wireless connection.

     If you want to share a Music player using Bluetooth, you must use y-split and two audio dongles  Or you can just use y-split and use wired connection to smh10.

  • Laurance Corby
    Laurance Corby

    What I mean is this, and I could do this with my Scala Cardo teamset.  When on a call with my cell (paired with my zumo 660 gps) , I would like to be able to conference in my passenger.

  • Sena

    I understand it is the phone conference feature. we will study the possibility of reflecting your request in the future firmware release.

  • Alexandre Abergel
    Alexandre Abergel

    That would be great!

  • Lu Vencl
    Lu Vencl
    May also want to try the SR10. I think that might solve your problem.
  • Patrick Woodgate
    Patrick Woodgate

    There is an app called android intercom.  If you ride with people who have something inferior... not a sena..  maybe you can patch their headset in to your own through your phone?.   If it is possible to connect the android to three headsets I don't know why there is not an app that splits audio to one hands free profile and a second using A2DP?

  • Richard Cuthbert
    Richard Cuthbert

    What about using the MP3 jack as the music input source? My idea is that two riders connect via bluetooth intercom with music in the background coming from one of the riders MP3 input jack. Is that possible?

  • kurt weigand
    kurt weigand

    I would love to have background music shared through the intercom connection.

  • Mike
    I'd love to be able to just have my own music in the background while connected to intercom. Even if the music/GPS is connected via wired
  • Alex

    Whether conference telephone conversations with a single phone is meant to be possible or not I loaned my second SMH10 to a friend for a trip last week and when my wife called me the intercome session did noty end and he was able to take part in our phone conversation. 

  • Blake

    I believe the 3-way phone conferencing was added in firmware version 4.0 (according to the change log).

  • Ewen Harrison
    Ewen Harrison

    I understand that two bluetooth devices can not be connected to the same source. But is there no way to pass the bluetooth feed (e.g. music) through one headset to a second? That would be fantastic.

  • Sena

    @Ewen: You can use the SM10, Dual stream Bluetooth Stereo Transmitter which can stream music to two Bluetooth headsets. Please see our web site, Thank you.

  • Marvin M Grove
    Marvin M Grove

    It seems that my Droid X phone would have to be hardwired to the Dual Stream Bluetooth Stereo Transmitter.

    If that is the case how are phone calls handled?

  • sarah howell
    sarah howell

    Have got  2 "smh10 headsets, paired and working fine for conversation bertween rider and pillion. We also want to listen to the same music so bought the SM10 dual stream stereo transmitter. Headset 1 picks up the music great, But headset 2 hears no music what so ever. Very frustratasting. We ahve tried and tried, followed the manual, But still can not get music to heasdet 2. Now wondering if there is a problem with headset 2 or sm10 possibly?

    Would really appreciate some help as the product isnt doing what we bought it for.

    We are in wales, UK.



  • Silverxrider

    Well, I just asked this question prior to finding this thread. My question is this.... why didn't Sena just build a sm10 into the headset, that way we would have it all, intercom, phone, and music shared with my passenger, rather than having to buy yet another device....... Oh!, just answered my own question, more $$$

  • Stephan Seitz
    Stephan Seitz

    For sharing music see the new Beta Firmware 4.3rc1 :)

  • kurt weigand
    kurt weigand

    Where can I find 4.3rc1?

  • 0
  • kurt weigand
    kurt weigand

     I search the site but didn't find it myself.


    Thanks for the link. I installed it and have only tested it in the living room but it seems to work great.

  • Michael Oligney
    Michael Oligney

    As with the Phone two way radio would be nice. Having the passenger conferenced in on two way radio is standard for wired solutions on GoldWings and other Cruisers from both OEM and aftermarket. If you hope to replace these so;utions CB converencing to second headset is a necessity.

  • Mario St-Amand
    Mario St-Amand

    Hi ! Just to let you know, I did the same thing but I got some sound problems while playing music with the new 4.3rc1 Beta Version ... The sound was constantly cutting which was really bad.

    In my case, I was using two SMH10 and one of them is providing Music from my Cellphone. However, we can thanks Victor who found a solution to fix this problem in another post :

    "They had me go to the Sena Device Manager's Device Setting and enable EDR and disable Higher Quality A2DP"

    They work just great since there and no extra hardware is required ...

    Enjoy ! :-)

  • Wayne Geer
    Wayne Geer

    Possibly a dumb question here - Will the beta software work with the SMH-10R? 

    I would REALLY love the functionality of sharing my music with a passenger and not have to purchase another piece of hardware.


  • Wayne Geer
    Wayne Geer

    Well I guess no answer/comment means "no" on the beta software working for the SMH-10R.

    BUT when will the availability to share music with a passenger come to the SMH-10R???


  • Dan Heming
    Dan Heming

    Wayne, it looks like Version 4.3 with music sharing is out there for the SMH10R and has been since Nov 10, 2013.  

  • Dan Heming
    Dan Heming

    Sorry, forgot the link -

  • Wayne Geer
    Wayne Geer


    Thanks! Downloaded and installing now...


  • Kitty

    Sharing music and intercom is standard on wired solutions, being able to talk over the music and set various levels with each is also pretty standard. Once I added a friend to the Sena family and found that we could either TALK or Listen to music but not both at the same time.. it was all talk, and no music. So really what's the point of music sharing if the GPS, intercom, and aux all override that -- the music is better just left off. 

  • PK

    My two SMH10 Version 4.3rc was not working the music for 2 person listen, there is anyone can help me how to use or how to set it up? Thanks. 

  • PK

    Most users want to listen the music together during conversation so wish Sena company release the new version can working easier for user


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